The Redpill about SJWs

Dropping a massive redpill on what the endgame of SJWs.

Which is this: LGBTQAP+.
Aka, pedophilia.

The SJW movement was actually started by pedos to legalize pedophilia.

All this time you were worried about the short term problems of SJWs, you didn't see the long term goal.

SJWs were actually the good guys all along.

Other urls found in this thread:


Financers are jews.
Man leaders are mostly paid illegal immigrants, so they can afford staying and have a decent life.
Woman leaders are mostly normal people that got emotionally corrupted by years of MSM bullcrap.
Their followers is 95% LGBTP and women because they are the easiest people to manipulate.
Only (((finanacers))) have an end goal. This is why they can't argue with normal people: it's because they don't know what they are doing.

Makes sense

Those are some beautiful European (Russian) features she has, desu

pedosexuality is already legal in japan. just look at the junior idol industry, de facto legal child pornography, underage pinsaros, etc...


>baka gaijin english teacher detected
Its not pornography, they are just cute and beautiful artistic photos.

Japs don't care. They're perverts and aren't producing children because they are busy fapping to anime and CP. The cost of that is their future though

this, since women got te right to vote that shit fucked up.
I said it and i'll say it again: If you wanna save the west take awy women's rights.

who the fuck buys porn anymore?
just go to pornhub or something

He was 50 year old

There was no pornhub in his days

>The SJW movement was actually started by pedos to legalize pedophilia
There is literally nothing wrong with consensual pedophilia

Kids can not give consent, shithead.

why is pol so obsessed with pedophilia?

But they can. Consent is like a trade deal: you give and you get.

Well then they're gonna have to turn on the feminists at some point, since the feminists are the ones who passed Age of Consent laws in the first place.

How can Sup Forums be so "redpilled" about everything except love for young girls?

Seems legit

t. Pedo

Forget where you are?

Not an argument

Stay cucked my friend, there's literally nothing wrong with loving beautiful young girls.

what is it with Sup Forums and cheese pizza? jesus, guys

See Don't you guys have gf/wives? You really should direct your sexual energies in a more positive direction, inside of marriage.

>Googled 'DARKODE'
How fucked am I?


A remnant of the past


It was the marriage.

how do we stop pedophiles

You are one though?

Is this the basis for the destroy the porn game?

I kek'd

I want to believe this but here's the problem I have with this theory: it conflicts with the other Sup Forums staple of "when you get into power in the western world, your fellow elites tell you it's okay to fuck kids, because that's what they all do, and then they film you doing it and now you're one of Them forever". if this was the case, then why would ((they)) be pushing for pedophilia to be legalized? I thought the whole point of being pedo was, it's taboo as shit (for good reasons), and you can only get away with it if you have sufficient power in society...?

apologies in advance is this is just a psyop to equate LGBTQA+ with pedos, because in that case, carry on user, you're doing the Lord's work

Remove sexy little girls.

>pedosexuality is already legal in japan. just look at the junior idol industry, de facto legal child pornography, underage pinsaros, etc...

>I base my reality on entertainment!
Yeah sure, hold hands with an underage girl in public, I'm sure it's just like your anime. Get real.

Define "pedophilia"
Because there's nothing wrong with fucking girls who aren't prepubescent, 14 year olds included.

i'm talking about real life child pornography, not 2d child pornography, or what white people call "lolicon" (lolicon is just the japanese word for pedosexual)

if you don't know what i'm talking about, then you must be new to japan.

Junior idol isn't pornography though, stop being a retard.

Who said I was talking about junior idol? Can you understand English retard?

every argument against normalizing gays was it would lead to pedophillia

>14 year olds
That's too young

>sexy little girls
Stop sexualizing children, Brazil

I was talking about real life, the government already comes down on porn distributors on drawn underage cartoons, I don't see any law validating pedophilia to be legal. I was mocking you with that you honestly believe you can hold hands with an underage person and have an open relationship with them which is not happening or rather zero [citation] to insinuate it. If you're talking about child pornography being made that's a problem of black markets, gangs, corporate abuse behind close doors which again is not legal.

the funny thing is, pedosexuality is increasingly accepted in japan, while homosexuality is still niche and gay marriage still illegal. the two definitely don't necessarily go hand in hand.

yeah, but your attempt to mock me failed because you clearly don't know anything about japanese laws? black markets for child pornography? don't make me laugh. maybe in your poor nigger country...

Pedophilia is how the elites keep the other elites in line. Film them doing fucked up shit, a crime widely considered worse then murder,and they won't ever step out of line.

This is retarded.

One of the key fundamentals of SJWism is consent, which paedophilia goes against. There are also other things like the male gaze, exploiting bodies etc which SJWs go on about. The biggest critics of men being attracted to young women are feminists, who are the de facto rulers of the SJW movement.

No, support for paedophilia is consistently found on the opposite of the spectrum, libertarians.

Ironic since the US gay rights movement had to purge pedophiles from their ranks to have public validation and yes it's is recorded that it happened. It's funny how much power pedophiles have gain again.

How damaged do you have to be to want to do perverted things to an adorable little girl like that?
Pedos disturb me deeply

>That's too young
No it's not. Pretty much all girls have hit puberty at that point.

But CP is only legal for possession right? You can't prduce or distribute it, also about underage pinsaros, how underage are you talking about here?

Everyone turns on feminist, blacks, Muslims, Latinos and faggots. Feminist are the female versions of cucks.

>pedophilia is legal in japan
>provides false equivalences to Junior idol industry in the same grouping as pedophilia
>"There's legal child pornography guys!"
>legal insinuates back by government institution
>zero citation on laws or social behavior enabling such
yeah I'm really sold on you hot opinion.

Whatever your opinion on the matter, the law in our country is 16-18, depending on the state. You think it should be lower?

>the endgame of SJWs.
The endgame of SJW is the complete destruction of the nuclear family unit as the basic building of society.
Legally, the pretty much won.
Culturally, they are nearly there.

Why? Because that's required for the most effective indoctrination, demoralization and apathy required to fully integrate developed cultures with undeveloped ones (to put it kindly).

Distribution was made illegal a few years ago because the UN wouldn't stop complaining about the issue, but Japanese prosecutors have yet to charge a single person under the new law (and this is in a country with a 99%+ successful prosecution rate)

As for underage pinsaros, the girls are usually age 14-17.

I'm sorry that the facts bother you so much nigger.

Its not perverted to want to gently tickle her tummy and lick her cunny :3

so basically what you're doing is asking for cp
hope you have fun in jail

>Distribution was made illegal
What about possession (download)?

Stop abusing children, Hue

who is this cuncun?


I understand that Japan has a very lax view towards the sexuallization of young girls, but that is only pedophilia according to the normie definition.

(you're not wrong but shhhhh let the psyop play out, it's worth it if SJWism/LGBT gets destroyed)

Paedophiles belong in death camps.

Do you really think I'm damaged for being sexually attracted to her? Or do you think I have something wrong with me?

Sincere question.

A Russian (of course) instagram model named Anna Pavaga

She is obviously very cute, but if think she is 'sexually' attractive, yes that's wrong.

You are damaged and should be put down for societal good. Children need to be protected not abused by people like you.

>dems are da real raycists
fuck off

>cutecuck in denial
Have you seen her bikini photos?

Yes there is absolutely something wrong with you if you want to rape a kid.
Kids don't deserve that man, it's wicked

Have you seen the inside of a prison cell?

picture the future:

pedophilia is illegal - your daughter grows up with unbelievable degenerate media. Does coke while getting gangbanged by muslim queer mtf anarchists every night

pedophilia is legal - you groom your daughter into a decent lady then make a deal with your friend, the respectable doctor from across the street.

Ewww gwoss

wtf Hue?

Don't drop the soap

Lower the marriage age and make it worthwhile to get married (it's not now)

Picture the future - You being hanged for your degeneracy.

>Do you really think I'm damaged for being sexually attracted to her? Or do you think I have something wrong with me?
She is just too little user.
I can understand teenage girls but this is barely more than a baby.

Holy fuck, I think you're up to something. What if we make LGBTQAP+ trend on twitter as a 'legit thing' through fake SJW accounts. This would destroy the LGBT movement like Milo's career was destroyed.

I wonder sometimes, maybe you are right. I would never do anything though.
I don't want to rape her. Even if it was legal and we were dating I wouldn't penetrate her. Just sensual stuff.

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Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


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The first steps of that stair should be woman rights

If he see it, he wont comeback bro. Trust me.

I can legally fuck 14 year olds in my state. It should be 14 nation wide.

They can't consent in the legal sense, technically "consent" means agreeing, which any person who understands your language can do.

14? 16 is the lowest in the USA

>I don't want to rape her. Even if it was legal and we were dating I wouldn't penetrate her. Just sensual stuff.
But don't you understand that you'd just be using her?
She hasn't gone through puberty, she hasn't begin to understand what sex and when/why we do it.
She'd be basically a thing you are using for your own sensual pleasure.
How do you think she'll feel once she grows up?

>muh consent
When will you faggots admit that "consent" social construct literally make no sense and not backed by any scientific data.
It's a bullhist which you made up to excuse the discrimination of children sexual freedom

Romeo and Juliet law

>admitting to being under 18

historically it has always been feminists pushing for stricter Aoc laws to protect girls "independence", it leads to degeneracy because most girls will never wait until 18 before starting to have sex and they will end up with either dumb male teens or thugs that don't care about laws.

she is cute

Who cares. Get with the times and find yourself a nice 12 year old.

We are born with the capability to feel sexual pleasure and if no physical violence and coercion is used there's no harm in some sexual contact.

How's it feel being a retarded faggot?

Ah, I forgot about that

This. 14 is one thing but a girl her age would basically 'consent' to anything and can be easily taken advantage of. She doesn't understand sex and shouldn't at such a young age. Let her maintain her innocence & purity.

You're pushing your luck

Your right, 13!

>scientific data.
You can't apply scientific data to preference.


I admit to being a retard, but Jesus Christ that's a big difference in age compared to how old the youngest is. I though it was within two years of each other.

The 'P' is for pansexual

My grandfather threw all of his vintage Playboys away, because my grandmother found them.