Why is owning guns a fucking right in the states but not healthcare
Why is owning guns a fucking right in the states but not healthcare
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Because we're not forcing people to pay for other people's guns you dumb fucking leaf.
Came here to post this
Because its a basic human right to defend yourself
Its not a basic human right to have other people pay for you to be unhealthy
healthcare is actually a right you fuckwit. insurance is also. you just dont have a right to make other people pay for it
Kindly point that out in the US constitution for us since you claim it's a right.
It's not a right to have people care for my health
It's a right for me to be able to defend myself against those people
We can control ourselves we can't control others
Because, retarded leaf, you have the RIGHT to purchase a gun, just as you have the RIGHT to receive healthcare.
Both are rights for things you have access to. Being given a free gun is welfare, just as is free healthcare, and welfare is not a right.
Try using your fucking brain some time.
Why is health insurance a right in Canada? What is the philosophical basis for that, besides bleeding heart vaginas?
Explain how a service is a right.
Link where I can get my free Obama Gun.
You need the former to protect against the latter
you fucking leaf
because if everyone got healthcare on the same level the country could not handle the costs, and no one has the balls to admit it because it will cause a PR disaster with the unwashed masses who want free shit and lower taxes
Because one is enshrined in the constitution and the other isn't
You have the right to be treated at any hospital, even if you cant afford to pay. They just bill you later, ruin your credit, etc.
Look everyone not just a leaf a Reddit leaf
Owning guns isn't a right.
The people have a right to the govt leaving thier guns alone.
No one is forbidding you from acquiring healthcare, you still have a right to it. Taxpayers just won't be paying it.
best post, thread is now dead move along. saged
why is healthcare a right but not owning slaves?
Why is it illegal to think/say anything bad about Mudslimes in Canadia even if they are taking away your life?
Now sage and move on
its not illegal to have healthcare. the government doesnt provide me with firearms you fucking nigger
but you're being forced to pay taxes anyways, might as well include poor peoples doctors visits in there too.
Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Why have you not taken the Bavarian Pill yet?
>pic related
This is why you are a leaf
>Why is owning guns a fucking right in the states but not being able to cuckold Canadians isn't?
>1 post by this ID
Because you have to pay for guns yourself.
might as well include mandatory dildos for gays in there too
you greedy piece of shit you're willing to pay taxes just so the roads you drive on stay well kept but paying for a poor dudes doctor visit so he can prevent his life from being sickly and shitty in the future?
"no, fuck that, he can go die"
gee, what a great guy you are
The first is property. The second is service.
just wanted to post this
OP is a faggot
Fuck off and read a few books you high school sophomore. Shit bait, sage
It's the right to bear arms, that doesn't mean you are given firearms, you just have the right to own them.
Sorry, didn't work.
Civil rights cover access to things, not the things themselves. Guns aren't a civil right, access to them is. Healthcare isn't a civil right, access to it is. Water isn't a civil right, education, housing etc. access to these things are. Maybe you should crack open a book sometime you dumb piece of shit. Question answered. Now fuck off to Tim Horton's you piece of shit.
Access to these things is the right not the things themselves you 15 year old nigger.
You seem to misunderstand what a right is. If I wish to purchase a firearm, I am free to do so. If I wish to purchase healthcare or health insurance I am free to do so. The right to engage in these activities does not mean the government is mandated to provide these to me, and it does not give the government permission to impound wealth, services, product and the labor of a few to redistribute to those without. It honestly boggles my mind why people are willing to denounce theft unless of course that theft is done by the governing body for their own benefit.
ITT: a leaf fails to grasp the difference between a right and an entitlement
i want to do something. but only thing around here are restaurants.
People pay for their guns voluntarily. If they did so with their healthcare, I don't imagine we'd have an issue.
healthcare is not a right even in communist europe
it relies on your or your guardian's mandatory heath insurance expropriation; if you or your guardian are out of work and off unemployment benefits, you have no access to healthcare
It's easier to take a life then to save one. cheaper too. Also the american economy has been floating on wars to supplement itself since WW1. (see south american military interventions, Cuba, Vietnam, Afghanistan & extended middle east, most recently NK) In more modern times the fear of war is enough to boost american war industry. See cold war with soviets & now with Russia. And as always, see pic.
Because you have a basic human right to protect yourself.
Your health is significantly determined by personal choice.
Health care is a service and you can not morally force someone to perform health care on you.
You have a right to own guns, you do not have a right to have guns provided to you. Similarly, you have a right to get healthcare, you do not have a right to have it provided for you. To make healthcare, or any other good into a right is to imply an obligation of others to provide it to you. Where does this obligation come from? Are you going to chain up the only village doctor if he refuses to treat people?
Nobody prohibits you from buying guns and from buying healthcare. Yet there are no free guns and no free healthcare either.
But nobody is denying muricans the right to go to hospital?
The US constitution gives you no rights, it recognizes them. Human rights are universal and inalienable.
Access to health care and guns are both rights in the US.
You have to pay for both.
>Human rights are universal and inalienable.
Yet somehow they are not exist outside of white first world nations which uphold them.
Nobody is being denied healthcare, we are being denied our gun rights though.
They do, they're just not protected.
We all die we want to live with freedom
They exist from our guns, you seem to always fight to install a seat of power and not a declaration of rights.
healthcare is not a right, because if it was, that would mean that doctors would be forced into labor, thusly losing some of their rights.
owning a gun, however, is an expansion on your right to defend yourself
1) Guns are guaranteed protection because of the second ammendment
2) Health care is included as a right because of guns. The best cure to all your health problems is to just kill yourself.
people in the states don't have a right to healthcare? is that how you "english'd" your question?
because owning guns is something the government tries to force you to not pay for if you want to and healthcare is something the government tries to force you to pay for if you don't want to
cuz ur a faggot leafer
because natural selection. There's no such thing as free healthcare, it gets paid by everyone. And by making it free for all, you actually remove any penalty stupid people have for being stupid, which creates more stupid people. Which increases the costs for healthcare, which breaks the healthcare system, which leads to overcrowded hospitals, waiting for years for specialist appointments, overworked medical staff and a total fucking breakdown in healthcare for the entire population.
As in, the current state of the British NHS because a bunch of labourfags decided it was a good idea to import a fucking bunch of non contributing niggers and towelheads with a penchant for inbreeding.
The result is that 30% of the UK kids under 10 with genetic defects come from teh Pakistani community- which is 3% of the population.
That's why you can't have single payer. So you don't end up like the poor Amerifags in Iowa where one retard's 1 million a month care broke the fucking insurance system for the whole state.
are some countries really just god damn fucking hospitals for poor asses just to be kept alive? probably god damned fucking cafeterias and adult day care activities as well.
I got der gun
Because healthcare didn't exist when we wrote the constitution. Guess what. If people really want to make it a right. They can vote in leaders that will pass an amendment to that effect.
This. Positive vs negative rights. Owning a gun is a negative right because it requires people to not interfere with somebody. Healthcare is a positive right because it requires people to be interfered with for someone else
owning healthcare is a right. you can own anything except other people.
I hate my life
learn about positive rights vs negative rights
the us was basically founded on negative rights, and socialist commie fucks want to change that
I wanna punch the faggot in that pic so hard in the face. That silly face he's making is just so fucking dumb.
>Why is owning guns a fucking right in the states
It's not, it's a privilege which can be revoked for a wide array of reasons just like a driver's license.
Kill yourself parasite
If your definition of "right" means "free shit that your neighbors pay for" I can assure you getting a gun doesn't work like that.
healthcare is for weak people
support your own damned weakness if you're in the states. it's part of not staying damn weak.
We're very, very serious about end-of-life care.
I'll shoot you in the face for saying that.
Serfs prefer to manage their stress by trying to cuck others, rather than man up and pay their fucking bills.
KYS leaf.
>tfw my taxes pay for tranny hormone there but not certain types of cancer treatment
fucked up desu
Yes it's best if IS was 90% illiterate again, there is nothing wrong with national healthcare we all use it.. we all should chip in, national rights are good this isn't a subsidy
This entire thread
>shut the fuck up stupid leaf
you have the right to buy and own healthcare just like you have the right to buy and own a gun
autistic leaf
you have a right to have things, you don't have a right to force other people to do things for you
Where the hell are my free guns?
Because shooting yourself is more affordable than treatment.
Υοu don't get guns for free, and you won't get healthcare for free you retarded leaf. Try to think once in a while.
It's a negative right. No one has to participate in it for it to be upheld. Not so with healthcare. You'll notice the government doesn't supply us with guns, and being too poor to buy one is not a legitimate grievance.
I don't believe healthcare is a right but if you want to make an argument for it you should ask why there is a draft for the military but no free healthcare
healthcare is a right you have the right to see out medical care
making someone else pay for your healthcare is not a right
>self-righteous leafs who think they're ideas are all the best
Go lose another Stanley Cup
Dude, you don't have a right to be given a gun, and certainly not a nice expansive one. Likewise, you are allowed to buy any health insurance plan you like but are not necessarily guaranteed one. Take a bit of personal responsibility you entitled child. Anyway, most people in chronic poverty have public health insurance anyway. It's just a sliver of people who are not impoverished but still struggling that can neither afford it without breaking the bank nor qualify for public health insurance
I'm actually open to universal subsidized insurance if, and only if, coverage is capped, limited to preventative care and absolutely essential stuff. This would be viable because it would actually save some money by preventing people from getting sent to the emergency room. The net cost would still be worse, but now everyone is covered. Reducing the amount spent on healthcare per capita is the only way to extend coverage. Unless you're a democrat and don't understand that when you borrow money you have to pay it back
They're the same. You pay for both.
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