Harry is my favorite royal, for sure.
>Though he looks nothing like Charles and a does look one hell of a lot like his Mother's "riding instructor".
And does it matter?
Harry is my favorite royal, for sure.
>Though he looks nothing like Charles and a does look one hell of a lot like his Mother's "riding instructor".
And does it matter?
Other urls found in this thread:
As he is not getting the throne, no, not really.
I kind of wish they would make it a lottery or something and he WOULD ascend to the throne.
He would be BEST KING since Hank 8.
As long as it's not that Egyptian idc.
The royal family were right to kill dianne off
No Charles got cucked and now Harry is going to marry a nigress.
So the bongs will have illegitimate nigger royals. Still, Harry's children won't see the throne of he has any.
This. She was a crazy kebab fucker.
*if he has any
(((royal))) family
>The name was changed from Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to the English Windsor in 1917 because of anti-German sentiment in the British Empire during World War I.
>Adolf Hitler is said to have called her "the most dangerous woman in Europe" because he viewed her popularity as a threat to German interests.
>The Rothschild family is a European family of German Jewish origin
>Five lines of the Austrian branch of the family were elevated into the Austrian nobility, being given hereditary baronies of the Habsburg Empire by Emperor Francis II in 1816. The British branch of the family was elevated into the British nobility by Queen Victoria.
>Chairman Sir Evelyn Rothschild is currently the personal financial advisor of Queen Elizabeth II
You just know William's kids will be forced to wed and breed niggers to ensure the first royal of color
There is no English royal family, desu. The last King real English King was Harold Godwinson. Anyone who supports the internationalist puppets of global finance who defile our holy nation is a traitor.
>Harry is going to marry a nigress.
No No No!!!!!
Harry, you have your pick of hot women.
Why you marry da negress.
His nickname at Eton was "Hewitt".
Who cares when Harry is fucking a negress.
>dec 2014
He learned young to get a thick skin, then.
I like the fucker more and more.
Your point being? Queen is not related to your historic kings, that's all that's important.
Don't forget (((Kate Middleton))).
Rare flag detected.
I just knew there was a nigger in the woodpile around the slippery James II era.
And James I was no prize in the manliness department, for that matter.
Too many effeminate kings and too many men hanging around the horny Queens.
Niggers in the woodpile everywhere.
>At least Harry is related to Churchill through his Mother.
maybe that's why they're letting him date and potentially date that negress. He has no royal blood, only Diana's, so therefore they don't really give much of a shit about him, as long as he doesn't do anything illegal I guess. They have William, Kate and their children, so it doesn't seem like much of a concern.
>forced to wed and breed niggers to ensure the first royal of color
That is so messed up.
The King of England will one day be a Poo.
Implying the royal family would allow that. He and her wouldn't become a Dianne 2.0
>Nigger royals
DNA test him
Do the same with Trudeau to see if he is really Fidel Castros son
Easy peasy
Baldrick made a documentary saying the queen is not rightfully a queen of England
>DNA test him
Implying the Royals would ever tell the truth about the results if they were unfavorable to the Party Line.
The Goyim know.
Finally they can say WE WUZ KANGZ and it be true.
Are you fucking stupid? He totally looks like Charles' son. He has his eyes. Though thankfully he has a good amount of his mother in him.
Can't be fucked reading the posts to see if posted or not
Diana's brother Earl Spencer is also a dirty ginger, her blood was tainted, she didn't even meet James Hewitt until after she had him
Dude look at the fucking nose you burger. He's obviously his son.
>He totally looks like Charles' son
I honestly don't see it, femanon.
But if you do, then cool.
1. His eyes
2. His lips
3. His smile/teeth
Look at a young picture of Prince Charles. The similarities are much easier to see.
I wouldn't say he has his father's nose. Harry has an obvious curve to his nose when Charles does not.
Harry's nose looks more like Diana's. Its a bit hard to tell because he is a male, there for his nose won't look identical to his mothers.
>Harry has an obvious curve to his nose when Charles does not
May be the point user is making.
Nope, William will be king, then George. By the time he dies niggers will be extinct so there's no need to worry
>niggers will be extinct
You mean white people will be gone, right? Because niggers are trying to genocide white people. And once they get real power, they will likely carry out their plans.
And niggers will blame slavery, bigger than shit.
Isn't it funny how shes completely disappeared from the public consciousness? and i mean funny ha ha
The public moved on.
>Also the Royal Family is almost Jew Tier when it comes to propaganda
He has a point tho
Niggers are the noxious chemical hindering us from becoming a melting pot.
I am most of those things in one skin.
We didn't niggers to unite the white race.
He is trying to find an excuse for his people and grasping as straws.
Honestly the more Harry grows old the more I see his Dad in him. Guess it just takes time.