When will USA balkanize?
When will USA balkanize?
As soon as you get reannexed.
Never. The USA will annex Canada soon
Look at those landlocked faggots hahaha.
It should combine with Canada, we would be a powerhouse and be united with our neighbors who are pretty much the same as us (except for the French people).
Disgusting desu
When it does, Arizona is going to war with Mexico
We'll make Azatlan, alright, but not in the way Mexicans want
More like Arizonatlan
>a magic staff
>a golden orb
>a stupid fucking wizard hat
remind me why anyone should take the UK seriously?
>wizard hat
it's a crown
as soon as u fuck off and join Russia again
>tfw I'd actually like to live in the Rocky Mountain confederation.
Rocky Mountain states are the only ones I like.
And if we isolated Colorado from California/New York we could kick the leftists out again.
Btw, Denver is way bigger/more influential than Cheyenne. It would be the obvious capital.
t. Colorado
>that Texas
Okies and Texans will never get along, mostly because Sooners are insecure of how bereft of history their state is
They are traditions that date back 1000 years.
Fucking never, ahahahahahaha!
>Rocky Mountains Confederation
>Maritime Federation
Pretty decent map desu
Why do these maps always assume most if not all of the confederacy would just rejoin together? You realize a lot of these states culturally are different now especially with norther influences? For all we know in this scenario VA, the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida would be one and the others would be another.
Better not get angry, kremlin shills, you'll shoot down an airliner again, ;P
lol the Republic of Alberta.
That'll be a third world country in no time
Canada will balkanize in this manner
It triggers me when threads like this come up because AZ always gets stuck with shithole commiefornia or we get retaken by Mexico.
Toronto should really be on it's own. I don't know why we have to support the hillbillies to the north east
>The Great Republic of Texas will adopt smelly Okieniggers.
ew, no
It probably won't. It will just become a shitskin country with the few remaining whites either living in gated communities or in poverty getting killed by niggers.
Realistically I could see Arizona teaming up with Texas to flatten an attempted Mexican Invasion
they are not idiots like Slavs
enjoy your oligarchistan in perpetual conflcit with neighbours, Ivan
As opposed to the present oligarchistan in perpetual conflict with itself.
Team up with your neighbor to the east. We need help with the illegal beaners (the native ones are fine,) and it would make you a nuclear power. We'd finally get to take care of the Berkeley problem.
This. Leave Northern NM alone and help the rest of NM kick the illegals to the curb.
But I don't want to live with Ameriniggers
Too bad, 'Murica needs more land and resources. You're wasting that potential with your sub-California population.
I wish this would happen...the federal government is cancer
No bong, republics are shit too though, non hereditary dictatorship is best.
What's with the autistic compass rose?
I think we can all tell what we are looking at.
>Implying Eastern California and Nevada would willingly be absorbed into the coastal region's sphere of influence
>Implying the Coast would want anything to do with us
Alaska is Cascadia clay
Frenchcuck detected. You'll be 3rd world without us.
Newfoundland is the last province to join Canada. So, they're on their own. And no way they're getting Lab city from Quebec. Plus northern NB is Acadian French, so most of the land around the St. Lawrence. And, yeah, pretty much everything else there is bullshit. Nice.