Americans of Sup Forums
You get the chance to gain citizenship of any European country and lose your American citizenship
The catch is that you don't get to pick what country it is
You have just as much of a chance to end up in Norway as you do somewhere like Romania
Would you go for it?
Americans of Sup Forums
Europe is dead.
be free
or be a muslim/slave
be free
or be a muslim slave
be free
or be a muslim slave
tough call, hmmm i think i will keep my freedom.
I wouldn't want to move there either I'm just asking other people here
UK is dead
EEUU is dead too
Lonk live Kek
Hail Eris
Vote Le Pen, Frog.
Texan here, No.
I'll go for it, where did I end up OP?
France, Germany, or Britain.
Hell no I love the USA. We took everything Europe was and is and did it better.
No, only if I could choose to go to a very white country where I wouldn't be poor. And then only maybe, I like the US and Texas.
why? i can live here fine without revoking my citizenship
Fuck no, even if I could pick the country. Fuck Europistan.
fuck no
and I'm from commie new england
>from New England
what no dear God why, Europe's a shithole. if you're a burger living in a coastal liberal circlejerk of a city, you can save up a bit of money, get a car, drive somewhere comfy in the midwest, and restart your life. or you can go to Europe and watch a beautiful culture deteriorate before your very eyes, and see the population of brown people increase exponentially over the years.
how is this even a choice?
>t. South Dakota
america is still the best nation on earth for now.
why would they do that? Drop their US citizenship to go to Albania?
Best case scenerio is Italy, Norway is a communist to the core freezing cold country.
And Italy is currently getting blacked.
To add to this I think a medditerean European country is a better life than the US, after having lived in CA and IL. People in the US work all day, get little vacation, are closed off, cold. They all have their little hobbies and that's that. The girls are all chubby, liberal, tatted, messy. People are way dumber about politics and history too. In southern Europe people live a much more relaxed life, they spend time with friends, travel, the girls are MUCH hotter in Europe and they're all white (unless Merkel and her Jews get their way)
But to give up citizenship of your homeland, a high earning country like the US, and end up with an Albanian passport is retarded. Not to mention you don't speak the language of whatever country your going to.