lel guess whos dad abandoned him
not the white guy
>Implying Obongo's wife doesn't cheat on him
It's literally only a joke because it's typical behavior for niggers.
I'm tempted to check T_D and see if they're freaking out over it
Why is this funny? Can someone explain the joke?
This. Nigs are too dumb to realise that they're basically making fun of themselves.
The joke is that yesterday's fanfair was for nothing, the bill is being scrapped and redone and will have go to back to the House yet again where it might not pass.
exception doesn't make the rule.
Fuuuck you Assad is bae
no the senate passes a bill then the joint resolution compromise will get through both. pretty normal
No, they literally said they're starting the bill from scratch. Meaning it has to go back to the House, which will probably have significant changes and require another Senate vote.
Whatever yesterday was, it wasn't a win.
Yes goy, talk about all those black people that you know
I'm not doubting you, but I'd really like to see where you got that from for further info.
When I heard it I searched Google and found multiple sites quoting various senators. Take your pick.
They're stalling. Once the HC bill is installed & in place the economy is going down. Wouldn't surprise me if they find a way to back burner it and get something together like the pre-sale care bill. Either way it's not good. Oh, and THANKS to the two headed one part system of Republicrats.
I'd rather have it get shot down 100 times and be better for it, rather than pass the first time around and be worse than Obama care.
All this proves is what we already know; that the government is inefficient and ineffective no matter who is running it.
For like the first time in recorded history.
Yeah, I searched as well, but I didn't find anything outside of editorials and articles speculating that the Senate would _probably_ throw out the bill or kill it in committee.
I didn't find any direct quotes from GOP senators except one from Lindsey Graham suggesting the Senate wait until the CBO does its job.
Guess whose wife looks like a gorilla?
>he actually believes 1/3 of black fathers read to their kids everyday
>*Figure does not meet standards of reliability or precision.
You are an illiterate retard.
Its because there is no pressure on politicians to do right. There is zero feedback mechanism from the population once theyre in and have control of the nations coinpurse. Only a fool would expect such a leader to do right for people he's completely disconnect from. Theres no sense of community between the political class and the general population. Having singular leaders and hubs of power may have worked when we were small tribes, but as a means of organizing ourselves at these scales, the entire thing is fatally flawed.
Guess whose husband looks like a hermaphrodite with baby hair?
Isn't this Paul Ryan's bill? Why exactly would anyone want this to get passed in the first place? Rand's healthcare bill will be the one that's worth looking at.