Why do Amerisharts act high and mighty here, if they're 55% White themselves?
Why do Amerisharts act high and mighty here, if they're 55% White themselves?
they are jelly
Seriously. The US has so much niggers and bigger violence, race mixing, degeneracy, it makes Europe look like paradise in comparison.
Yeah, you should continue on your current trajectory and you will soon be a mirror image. 54%
because every white american is worth atleast 3 times more than white europeans.
that's a tasty little slut, who is it?
I'd be a grandfather by the time we reach your state of desolation.
Why do Krautshits act high and mighty here, if they're 55% White themselves?
because we uncucked ourselves
all smelly yuro countries, besides dad, are still cucked
your country is fucking hell on earth dude, shitpost all you want but there's nothing that can redeem your hollow husk of a nation
I live in a 93% white city, Germcuck, so I have the right to feel good about myself.
I bet you can't say you live in a city where you've never, ever seen even one hijab or headscarf on a sandnigger. I can say this, so stay mad and jealous.
Just leave Germany to the Muslim migrant's grandchildren. That way you won't have to be afraid of being called a racist. America was never 100% white. There were Indigenous people Europeans displaced (what Muslims are doing to you) and African slaves. The U.S. also annexed parts of Mexico greatly increasing the Latino population.
Did he gas niggers? No? Well then, too fucking bad, you didn't uncuck yourself you just slowed the process by 4 years
Ever been here? Bet not.
>below replacement rates
>importing millions of dindus
why do you want to be like them?
You're American though
Even Portland OR is 80+ % white dude lol.
>counting Mexicans as humans
The US would be 88% white if they didn't breed like rats.
Because 400 years ago it was 0% white you worthless germ
We have 4 - 8 years to reduce the Latino population. Let's get to work boys!
At least his country has history and culture. You have nothing you are a meme country founded by treasonous mongrels.
last I checked you're still at 56% white, since trumps election I can almost guarantee it's dropped at least 1%
So was Quebec, whats your point lel.
I am whit
>8 years
Says the Canadian. You can't make this stuff up folks.
My self esteem doesn't come from my collection of ancestors or color. Even a lot of the 55% is part something else because we've interacted with other peoples so much BTW.
post nipples
>reduce the Latino population
you have no idea how birthrates work
100% Neolithic farmer, growing dem Brushels in order to expand population
That's wassup!
They can reproduce all they want once they are deported back to wherever the hell they came from.
I am American and I am not white. Yet, I'm still better then you Europoors
One day you'll see a violent uprising, in 20 years, when we're like Venezuela.
Reminder: pic related is what Americans actually believe.
I went to Munich for 3 days a year ago and got to see someone's phone get pick-pocketed by three brown skinned teens.
I really want to go back because the augustiner or whatever dark beer they had there was fantastic, but I don't think I will.
I am 100% white. I do not represent colored viewpoints. Should we fail at genocide like you?
It's especially jarring if you've seen a selection of images of who they consider white.
neither are you Ahmed.
Its ok Hanz, its your women i love.
Americans are literally Europeans
>what is image search