Just saw a homeless guy playing Xbox at Target. What does this mean about our society?

Just saw a homeless guy playing Xbox at Target. What does this mean about our society?

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That people who like videogames are capable of losing their homes, and that homeless people are sometimes bored.

it means everybodys got an xbox but me.

You fucking liar, you know damn well what happened to Target here.

It means no matter what the subject, you can always make a thread about it

That only faggots play video games

Sometimes it's the only joy the poor have


Go back to plebbit, faggot.

it means leafs are retarded

means someone hasn't been informed that the PS4 is the superior gaming console

he should instead apply for a job at Target


What game?

It means he needs to stop wasting his life and get a job

did you just assume his gender and his nomadism?


Homeless Run Derby


This video makes me sad and angry at the same time.

I like autistic niggers, and they can stay after the correction.

It's shit like this that makes me want to hang every one of (((them))) in the street for creating artificial poverty in the developed West.

Xbone confirmed as the official console of homeless people. Microsoft-kins BTFO!!!!!

This guy.
Watched a whole documentary on it.


Man, Shia has really hit rock bottom.

Shit, Japan has a similar problem where homeless young people camp out at internet cafes as they try and scrape up work.

>What does this mean about our society?

That conservatives are doomed because most of their talking points rely on the belief that we're all living under lifeboat rules.

>muh gimmie bux
>muh lazy niggers
>get a job, hippie

It means we need to revert back to the ways of old

and I mean REALLY old

Yeah, because libtard and socialtard countries don't have homeless and poor people.

It's so sad seeing those young Western homeless people.
Around here nobody can take your home, even if you owe millions, if it's the only place to live that belongs to you, it can't be taken away.

Was he playing Overwatch by any chance because my last healer was bummy af.

It means you have to be a mentally ill nigger to want to play XBOX.

I literally just started my wageslave job at Target today. Wish me luck goys


I was like this a little over a decade ago when I was homeless. Kinda brings those lean, cruel days back...

>What does this mean about our society?
That it's so prosperous that even homeless people have access to video games.

It means he should go get a job. there are many resources for homeless people

Pick one

>Yeah, because libtard and socialtard countries don't have homeless and poor people.

See what I mean?
"Poor" pople today (at least in 1st world countries) have indoor plumbing, heat in the winter, food everyday, and (usually) a TV, internet connection, better healthcare than the richest people in the world had 100 years ago, etc.

It means that consolefags are poor and settle for scraps.

And rightfully so. I wanted my damn limited edition candy corn oreos but NOOO, we still need to be stuck with 2 or 3 flavors REEEEE

kek, I remember this epic failure


Don't you have a whole caste of people who literally live in your sewage system?

Housing and healthcare are the two things the commies got right.

Housing is actually relatively cheap. There is literally not a single reason every person in the West shouldn't be guaranteed housing - even if it is just the promise of a modest apartment if times get tough.

>One post ny this ID
>Guy sitting down and playing some vidya with a hoodie on

Slide thread?

i forgot op said this picture was taken by him in canada
stop posting please


Besides, my point is conservatives keep complaining "we can't afford for everyone to have good health care". "we can't afford for everyone to eat every day", "we can't afford for everyone to have a decent education".

They're wrong on all counts, and it gets more obvious with every passing year.

>"Poor" pople today (at least in 1st world countries) have indoor plumbing, heat in the winter, food everyday, and (usually) a TV, internet connection,

There is over a million homeless and poor people in the US without any of that.

It means people who casually use shit without paying for it will never be respected enough to have a job or a home.

>Just saw a homeless guy playing Xbox at Target
>Just saw
Just, as in, nearly immediately. Learn some reading comprehension.

pretty comfy compared to most

Means that your liberal government and establishment don't give a fuck about your own poor people but fghting with Trump over rapefugees.

>Just saw a homeless guy playing Xbox at Target.
You mean you saw a picture of a guy playing Xbox on reddit? Op is a faggot


Oreos sounds like a good ice cream treat for a lovely evening... probably go to DQ and get myself an oreo blizzard.

let him play. better than him shootin up in a playgroind

We used to have a homeless guy come into my Target and do this shit but he wasn't really a mentally ill homeless dude or anything though. Just a old black guy who would hang out and play on the Ps4 we had.

We used to give him these juice drinks from the Starbucks in front of the store. Then this white lady got hired as manager and called the cops on him and he never showed up again.

I'm a pretty big nigger hater but that shit pissed me off, guy was harmless and he always came in before closing so it's not like he was bothering guests or anything.

It means whatever you want it to mean, op. Today is your birthday.

kek that autist is like "your wii u doesn't impress me normie"

You can tell they expected him to cry or show emotion, dudes like cool.

shame is for the weak.

just ask the jews and freemasons.

See, now that's why we get a bad rap and the liberals hate us because that's just racist to think he's mentally ill because he's playing an Xbox when its obvious he's only playing it because nobody else wanted to and it was the only one available where nobody is waiting for their turn with no rush.

Why did Target not get off the ground in Canada?

But how do you know it was on reddit, faggot?

I wonder if he tried out the Nintendo Switch too.

Not 100% sure but some Canadian told me it had to do with prices. Target in Canada was expensive as fuck or some shit so most people stuck with Walmart and local shit.

This is just what a leaf here told me when I asked.

who knows, but most homeless people are either hopeless drunks/insane people who got duped into selling their flat for nothing or people whose homes had burned to the ground and all that

You better work logistics or you're a cuck.

>There is over a million homeless and poor people in the US without any of that.
[citation needed]

>In January 2016, 549,928 people were homeless on a given night in the United States.
>Of that number, 194,716 were people in families
>355,212 were individuals.
>77,486 (or one in five) were considered "chronically homeless”

Even one is too many, but a million homeless?
...and even most of them eat every day.

because its a fucking stupid idea.

Don't stay there for over a decade like I have. Find a dream and work towards it, or you'll end up like me.

How do you get a callback without a phone or a home address listing?

Target completely botched the opening, they didn't have enough distribution centers so when the stores opened a lot of them had nearly empty shelves. On top of that they didn't construct new stores, they bought their buildings from another retailer that had gone bankrupt, part of why they went bankrupt was that there stores were in really bad locations that were out of the way to shop at. On top of having empty shelves in a store that is a bitch to go to, the prices were high and it was actually cheaper to just drive across the border to an American target and shop there and not have to pay sales tax.

Whats he playing

It's possible, There used to be a homeless dude who worked on flow at my store. He slept in the woods behind the store and rinsed off in the bathroom before his shift, sadly he actually smelled less then some of his peers.

First the employer has to be charitable and trusting enough to consider you, and not many people will be since just about everyone has has shit stolen from them by homeless people.

What documentary?

He probably just came in for the Tranny-friendly bathrooms. I'll never shop there again!

why are all those germans wearing exit bags

Wunderbar! What a perfect opportunity to spread the Good News about our glorious Führer und Reichskanzer Adolf Hitler! How did he respond? Do you feel he was at all receptive?

Target isn't in Canada anymore retard

It basically says that the homeless in America on average have no intention to sort themselves out.

the cluster fuk that california is going to be in a few years when minimum goes up to 15 is going to be the best.

Can't post to Sup Forums on an xbox.

>tfw been on Sup Forums over ten years
>tfw "homeless" for the last four years
>tfw traveled from coast to coast multiple times practically for free with no responsibilities
>tfw my dog has seen more of the country than millions of people
>tfw passing through random towns and everyone treats me like the most interesting man alive
>tfw basically everyone in society is a normie, comparatively
>tfw digital-nomad merging counterculture and culture into one ubermensche philosophy

Try it sometime senpai, watch out for the rape gangs tho


yea that picture is one of the top posts on reddit right now, dont ask me how i know

They should have jailed the homeless man for stealing the stores electricity and heat.

i see only a console

It's a perfect portrait of the evils of mass consumerism or some other paychobabble college entry level socioeconomic horseshit answer. The fuck if They know user. People like to play Xbox.

it means you saw a homeless guy playing xbox at Target you shit tier reasoning brainlet trying to find meaning with mundane bullshit in your boring life

>rape gangs

>How do you get a callback without a phone

I've rarely seen someone homeless without a cellphone.

how is he playing a console with no games?

To cover them and keep them from dusting.

Leaflandia is the worst country of all time.

>rape gangs


nat capitalists unite to fight anti trump shills

Nice, you took this from r/gaming

>What does this mean about our society?
That Target is a gud place to play vidya for free.
That homeless people prefer to be indoors, warm and dry.
That middle class millennials with phones should stahp taking pictures of strangers and be less self absorbed.
That you aren't allowed to have whales breaching in the Strategy Games section.

So basically you go /out/ trying to be a vagabond and you run into the rapegangs who are always looking for more members, but the problem is often they're really nice to lure in potential rapes. So you go out with your newfound compatriots and start doing rapegang stuff like drinking downtown and sleeping in crackshacks but the rape gangs begin to question whether you've actually done any raping so you get face tattoos and start shooting heroin to prove to them that you know about raping. After you've ran with them for a while the rape gang will decide whether you're rape material or not. If they don't rape you, you're now part of the rapegang, congratulations.


This. Its the life story of Sup Forums atm