Saudi Arabia, U.S. in talks on billions in arms sales
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Selling weapons is our business. It's our stock and trade. Of course we sell guns to the Saudis.
And of course we'll buy them.
Nothing new. The US, Israel and Saudi Arabia are the holy trinity of evil in geopolitics.
All their dumb-ass weapons will save neither of them. That is the prophecy of Kek which came to me in a (wet) dream.
Shadilay 14/88
saudi arabia seem to be this one retarded friend that has rich parents and people only like him because they get free shit from him.
If the oil runs out the whole word will the the arabs to fuck off
And of course you will give half of them to IS
Well, yeah, so much for defeating ISIS in 30 days.
"I'm gonna drain the swamp and give the power back to the people!" Pheeeew.
And of course you'll take half of them as refugees.
The US and Israel are the good guys, we're the bleeding edge of Western Civilization.
Once we burned all of your oil climate will probably be hot enough to make your shit country unhabitable. No money, no water, your folk will go extinct.
Exactly right.
In my understanding, Iran exports more terror than Saudi Arabia. Not defending Saudi Arabia tho
>Once we b-burned a-a-all of your oil
Shit never gets old kek
>Iran exports more terror than Saudi Arabia
E5 AWACS is a good choice user
You really need to diversify the economy.
>Iran exports more terror than Saudi Arabia
t. Sunni
We all sell a shit load of weapons to the Saudis and all the lefties give our government shit for it
Yea your right, thats probably not gonna happen. Electric cars & renewable energy sources will solve the problem long beforehand. One way or another your country will become Eritrea-tier,
You have to realize that the Pentagon and its orbit (intelligence agencies, MIC, extraction industries like oil companies, etc.) are essentially a government unto themselves that are able to exercise power when the Republicans are in control.
Even Trump can't do anything about them it seems. Nothing short of outright purging all of those agencies and rebuilding them from the ground up will fix it. This is showing shades of when Rome was starting to enter its crisis phase: a military that saw themselves as beholden only to themselves and who saw themselves as kingmakers able to dictate policy as they pleased. If an emperor stepped out of line, they could just proclaim someone else (usually their general) emperor and kill the sitting ruler. The same thing happened with the Praetorian Guard before that.
The Pentagon is much the same way. The average rank and file soldier is fine, probably most officers too but once you start getting into the long serving career general and admiral ranks then a culling needs to take place. Those people need to be sacked completely and the Pentagon remade into something more directly answerable to the President instead of being its own separate world.
The only good thing leftists do is oppose Israel for the wrong reasons of course.
The flipside of this is that when the Dems are in control, being the party of urbane cosmopolitan globalists, the financial industry/Wall St. and its hanger on groups (the media, academia, activist groups in general) hold greater sway in comparison to the military. It's all a "give a little now, get a little later" game between essentially two shadow governments using their parties as proxies to distract the public with sham elections and sham political feuds.
King Obongo giving millions in ransom cash to iran, is worse than selling weapons to Saudi Arabia.
Can someone RP on why Islamist haven't targeted ZOG controlled Saudi Arabia despite it being a well known fact that they're secretly allied with Israel and America and are sharing Intel with Mossad?
>fly planes into our buildings
>fund barbaric terrorists
>buy our politicians with oil
>spread the most backwards version of Islam
i hate ur country so god damn much
but not as much as I hate the traitors in my own
Pop Quiz:
Who kills more people?
Hizballah or ISIS
Who did 911?
Hizballah or AQ
This should tell all you all you need to know about sunni terrorism
Have you tried googling 'terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia'? You're welcome .
Has there ever been a shite Iran backed terrorist group or militia that has attacked the west or wage wars across Africa and Asia, spreading their ideology and funding thousands of madrasas around Europe, which have hotbeds of extremism? Go back to your cave Mohammed
E3 you mean?
>your country will become Eritrea-tier
Why thanks for your concern kind stranger. Please, tell me more. What is like to live in Eritrea-like country btw? Pic very related.
>spread the most backwards version of Islam
That's a liberal meme. There is only 1 version of Islam and you can see what fundamentalists like ISIS and Al-Qaeda look like.
>Islamist having targeted saudi arabia
the real question is why Islamist haven't targeted Iran, but they targeted saudi arabia?
>What is like to live in Eritrea-like country btw?
If you have above average iq(80) you take the boat to Italy.
Most of the terrorist attacks targeted Saudi Arabia's oppressed shia minority. Has
>Has there ever been a shite Iran backed terrorist group or militia that has attacked the west .
Have you heard of Hezbollah?
And hope we don't use you for target practice? Kek
What about them? You sound like some butthurt sunni.
t. oil jews
My only hope is that your country gets destroyed by Iran in my lifetime so I can enjoy watching it burn on my television while drinking decadent alcohol.
some shit smells worse than others
The same group that denounced suicide bombing? i don't trust them but our gulf (((allies))) are funding cancer mosques all over the world
Iran developing nuclear weapons is a bigger problem than Sunni jihadis running around with AK47s.
Why the fuck should i care if someone has nukes? i would only worry if i were a dick to them.
pretty good desu
They have attacked the West, and they are Shiite.
You sound like a butthurt Shiite.
>fly planes into our buildings
He didn't fly any planes and there are no links to the government with the terrorist.
>fund barbaric terrorists
Literally no proof that the government funded any terrorists,
>buy our politicians with oil
many countries/companies do that. it's your system your problem.
>spread the most backwards version of Islam
Saudi Arabia funds programs that help Muslim minorities( building mosques, homes...ect) and they DON'T pick the Imams or the rhetoric. the community there do.
Iran is a terrorist exporting state, and a theocracy .
Has Hezbollah ever attacked the west in the last 15 years? These days, Hezbollah defends Shias from Israel and Sunni wahhabhi militias. They also defend Christian minorities and many Christians are joining Hezbollah to defend themselves from Sunni militants.
They're not perfect but they're better than most Sunni militias. Most terrorist groups around the world are Sunni wahhabhists with Saudi financial backing. Stop denying the obvious
saudis enforce sharia law and women have no rights really in saudi arabia. how the united states is a ally of the saudis is a mystery
>World Happiness Index
>Sweden that high
Kek. Enjoy your "happiness" among your Eritrean, sorry, German new friends!
>He didn't fly any planes and there are no links to the government with the terrorist.
thats a lie
and you still do it today
$700 billion investments and the petrodollar agreement buys alot of protection for your criminal royal family.
Your a liar. The Saudis always lie to get America to fight the Shia.
Get ready to have your assets frozen.
I sincerely hope your nation is bombed into a oblivion.
>muh womyn rights
Beta cuck. Lurk more.
Israel is a diamond surrounded by an ocean of Shiite and Sunni cancer & dirt.
Even if all germans but 1 get replaced the country is still more white/less subhuman then yours, so what is your point?
either your government did it or they let the people who did it get away with it
either way guilty
According to my research, Muhammads home town is Petra, not Mecca.
Just sayin'
>cognitive dissonance
Jeez, Hans, why are you being defensive? I'm wishing you enjoyment in your high happiness index country with your new Germans.
If you weren't the subhuman, the decent thing to do is to reciprocate. But who knows, you might already be one of those new Germans for all we know. Kek.
thats a lie
those pages proof nothing
why would the prince let one of his driver or whatever his job was fund terrorist? do you think they are that stupid.
that like me saying
>Oh user your one driver funded terrorists, so you funded them because you gave him his salary
So you've finally revealed yourself Shlomo
We executed most terrorist we capture.
there are videos
you seriously think the US government is working with people that they know funded terrorist and continue to fund terror? and if it's about the money why not work with Iran if they are so peaceful?
You sound like an american
Completly delusional about the situation in germany
At least i can say fuck my government, i hope they all die
Can you do the same? ;)
Your country is ran by crypto jews tho.
>You sound like an american
Thank you, we do get free scholarships to anywhere we like in the world in our low happiness index country.
>At least i can say fuck my government, i hope they all die
Can you say fuck all niggers on the street though?
>Can you do the same? ;)
Absolutely, as soon as they start letting in some of the garbage you guys are taking into my country I'll be the first to say it :^)
>crypto jews
>implying your country isn't run by them
you created them!
Yaaqov, to be precise.
give it a try
its easy, now you
but okay i get it, you like your head where it is right now and not in a bucket.
That's a good point.
Can you say Fuck niggers in the street? No? shut up because I can
>ignores post he's replying to
>opts for autistic screeching instead
Well done Kraut.
Why is your IQ's so low? Is it the inbreeding?
>muh low iq
Here's a better question, interbred high IQ leaf. How can such a high IQ population vote for this?
It's 4D chess goyim
Of course i can say "fuck niggers" in the street the same way i can say fuck jews fuck chinks & fuck nazis
You cant even critizie your government on an anonymous imageboard because you have to fear severe consequences. Fucking pathetic
King Obongo installed terrorist regimes in Libya and Egypt (later overthrown) . Thank goodness the same didn't happen in Saudi Arabia.
There are many reasons/hypothesizes for that, If you are interested and not just trolling read these
Flynn, J. R. (any of his books about IQ)
The General Factor of Intelligence: How General Is It?
Meritocracy and Economic Inequality
More autistic screeching. I can say fuck the government, but when it's actually doing its job by keeping the filth outside, pic related, and we're laughing at your countries while they're disintegrating, I'm not a backstabbing Jew.
>Of course i can say "fuck niggers" in the street the same way i can say fuck jews fuck chinks & fuck nazis
Nice twist of words there Hans, that means you can't. Enjoy your freedom of speech in your high happiness index, peaceful multicultural country!
I can do it of here(I seen many Saudi here attacking the government), but would I? I live comfortably
and The rising curve. is really good
He wants to comfort himself that he lives in a high happiness index (top kek) country and he has it better than us. Just enjoy the show that is his country in the next few years as the society there completely collapses due to their cuckoldry.
*Yemeni bombings intensify
((( high happiness index)))
But high suicide rate
>UAE and Qatar
>tfw every single actual Swede in Qatar and Dubai doesn't want to go back
>tfw they must go back by law
You see how gullible these people are? And then there's the GDP/capita and IQ bullshit. Not only are we more retarded than the cucks who destroyed their own countries for no reason, but we're actually poorer according to these statistics. Maybe we should go to Europe for gibs? Top fucking kek.
Someone give me a quick rundown on what's going on down there and why?
We hardly get news about this particular conflict here.
Heres another statistic you can deny
"A country scores higher HDI when the life expectancy at birth is longer, the education period is longer, and the income per capita is higher"
Where did I deny anything? You are completely right. We make 20.76% less money than Germans. That's why we should join the Somalis in their boats to get gibs instead of bombing their refugee boats. Makes perfect sense.
>you sesly think the US would work with terrorists ?
YES. You fund ISIS and build mosques in our countries , fuck off and die . I m glad that in 50/100 yrs or so , it will be at least 60 degrees and you will melt
Currently being ruled by Houthi Shiites, the Yemen govt, and Al Qaeda.
The US military bombed AQ 45 times there, in March this year.
Why? Tribalism. The Houthi are a Yemeni tribe.
Yes please, I have 55k in the big 3 defense company stocks
You are also 9 times more likely to get murdered, dont forget that mohammed.
We took in ~1,5mio refugees. Thats not even 2% of our population. In most parts you dont even notice a change at all. ~100.000 got sent back already and once syria is habitable again many more will follow.
Maybe if we take 10mio more refugees our country will become saudi arabia tier.
To actually belive that its worse to live in germany then it is to live in some shitskin country is completly delusional.
Can any of you spare me a million or two?
Don't you see what Hans here says? We're poorer than Germans. Don't be delusional, go beg money from him like we should do apparently.
Don't be fooled, Germany is merely keeping appearances when it comes to military might. They are just as capable of taking over Europe without any combat. Nothing has changed.