How does it feel Sup Forums?
Knowing black men are fucking white women right fucking now and there aint a damn thing you can do about it?
Go on. I'm genuinely curious to examine your mental gymnastics.
How does it feel Sup Forums?
Knowing black men are fucking white women right fucking now and there aint a damn thing you can do about it?
Go on. I'm genuinely curious to examine your mental gymnastics.
we're kinda busy with other stuff right now...
If you had bothered to understand us you would know that we care about preserving the existence of white people and that interracial fucking is counter to that so that is why we don't like it. If whites were having 6 white kids each I wouldn't care if some white women dated black men.
They are taking hard nigga dick haha
>take a black dick for 5 minutes
>here's your 20 grand for the inconvenience
they can fuck all aidsslut they want
it is all about keeping things apart which do not fit together for normal thinking people.
Yup, but she still got fucked and now belongs to us hahaha
they're doing a terrible job of selling it too, those have to be the least convincing facial expressions of pleasure i've ever seen
fuck them on film for checks. They don't fuck them for free.
Fuck off anti-fa-ggot. Those are paid whores, aka degenerates. Aka they deserve to be hung with the niggers as well. And you faggots are going to be shot soon
I honestly could not care less. Sex is overrated
I work in the porn industry and its the same like 40 black dudes that contract out to each website. It's not some grand conspiracy or accepted thing.
20 grand hahahahah, top kek
God I wish that were me
>How does it feel Sup Forums?
Good I like to jack off to that shit. I hope more will come
>porn is reality
spotted the virgin
You must be autistic. I and most other people see nothing but pure bliss. In fact there's very little acting involved. They truly enjoying having sex with strong men.
I know achmed me too
Those are paid heroin addicts, you dumb cuck. Show me any top tier white women dating a nigger (pro tip: you can't)
geez this is just desperate
antifa shill
it's all good didn't we fuck you enough with the election have fun with stds, 10 kids, and no obamacare. The least we could do is share ur women are trash
Why do you care, OP?
Heidi Klum
get it, they're covered in DOOKIE!!!!
You shouldn't post yo mamas pic like dat brah
sage shill threads
>the face you make when a large shit won't come out
Sydney Cole, Charity Crawford, Makenna Blue, and countless others prefer it. Even Nicole Aniston is doing it. You're just a racist retard.
Why are more than 0 such threads per year?
What is this?
>cokehead eurotrash (((supermodel)))
>top tier white woman
Do not equate black with strong you cuck. Niggers don't hold weight anywhere for a reason and no matter what delusions you and your ilk hold that is never going to change.
what the fuck
It ain't the fucking that is the problem Habibi.
Tis what happens after the fucking.
Eh i dont care desu, If one white family produces 2-3 children. We can take the hit of losing 1 filthy whore.
>paid porn stars are doing their job
doesnt make me feel anything user
Please no.
I don't know any of those names but I'm assuming they're porn whores.
>Posting the same thread
>Over and over
>This is the life of a shill
Truly a pathetic existence, kike.
Burn coal, pay toll. If they wanna end up in a ditch, that's all on the white girl.
theyre literally get their "brains" fucked out of them, look at thise retarded faces theyre making. I bet they never make those faces for white bois
It's a third-world treatment thing for cerebral palsy
There are a few deviant women who like black men?
Guess what, you'll never believe this, we know.
>I work in the porn industry
As a fluffer?
TFW you're only half white.
also stop watching porn
If so many niggers are plowing white women then how come you have to use the same picture when you post this thread every day?
Why do black people smell like shit?
There are some immigrants from haiti, and even them smell badly. Everyone stays away from them, from disgust.
Hot af tbqh
Must suck for blacks knowing that literally the only white girls who will fuck you are daddy issue having, mentally ill, prideless whores. You're doing us a favor tbf
A defective human
A daily reminder black males wanting to fuck white females is an implicit admission of white superiority.
Why is black cock so.much superior to pathetic white clitty?
I bet small divks were shamed for their size thst is why people moved far away from Africa.
Don't forget this is a slide thread. Use your special herb in the options field
Wtf am I watching, user?
Wait what the fuck did they cut off half his arm and attach it to hit foot
yea but race mixing produces children with weaker immune systems. They naturally die off quicker than normal breeds of humans. This shit happened at the fall of rome and most of the race mixed mutts just died off.
Natural selection is awesome.
>if your enemy breeds you women
>you win
t. estonian itellectual
do you know how white folk got to be called honkies?
They would pull up outside of black neighborhoods in their car and honk the horn on their cars.
Black "ladies'' would come to the cars and earn their grocery money.
That's why american black IQs are higher than african.most american blacks have at least 25% white dna.
not saying your maternal ancestors were hoes or anything...
oh wait,yes I am.
Where the fuck are the mods? These threads are literal cancer.
I want to see more black dick fucking white women it's hot
It's only fair I suppose, I took your sister.
How can white males even compete,also it was very political topic fuck off wanker
The only white woman who want to fuck niggers are insecure fat woman.
We are trying to preserve the White Race. These traitors are not helping.
>shilling for blacks in Russia
Topkek, Sergei. Did your classmates pour piss on your head for being gay?
How does it feel to know that you have nothing better to do than post pictures of black men fucking white prostitutes hotter than you will ever touched on a Yakut-cave painting archive?
>hit foot
race tr8tr. I can understand faping to a black woman but a balck dick in porn makes it automatically unfapable unless you like niggers.
In 100 years there won't be any black in America. They will all look like Colin Powell. How does this make Black Nationalists feel?
I'm Hispanic so it's a half sad and half funny
White women engage in all sorts of self-destructive behavior. It's no different than cutting or slamming meth.
>TFW when blacked is bigger gore than black murder in Africa
Nobody gives a shit about black murder.
Eventually they learn their lesson when they have to raise a child by themselves because some selfish shitskin can learn responsibility let alone spell it. But by then it's too late because once you go black we don't want you back. Fucking Darwinism OP. I'll date the smart ones
feeeeeels guud man
Look, another JIDF troll.
Fuck off tea nigger.
Women should be replaced with artificial wombs and ai gfs. Then women literally need to be massacred.
Makes me wanna try harder to get laid
>tfw university starts Monday
Apathy, there have always been coal burners.
Reminder that Black pussies were specifically engineered for the White Dick
enjoy your ban
No pablo, the slur honkey came from blacks working with alot of Hungarians in nyc or some shit.
>100 replies
Daily reminder if you are responding without a sage you support this type of posting