Freeze Peach

"Koncerning the KKK..."
Earlier I loosely touched on a racist comment directed at me publicly on social media concerning the KKK by a former JBU student. But I feel that I needed to go more in depth about why this quote (which I screenshot) is not and never will be okay. Hate speech is not free speech. The KKKs entire existence is based on their deep, deep hatred for people who look like me, and other black students you may call your friends. We cannot help being black. If you agree with the KKKs mission and are okay with their existence, you are a KKK supporter. If you see no problem with the KKK existing and can't wrap your head around why they're "so bad," you are a KKK supporter. Same as how if you commit a crime or you stand idly by as a crime is committed, you condone the crime in both situations.

It still kinda surprises me that I had a class with a KKK supporter at my Christian school. And it surprises me even more that he was bold enough to say this statement to me, publicly, on social media, knowing full well I was black. We all say that we hate racism (which he said, ironically), but if there are students here that do not have a problem with even the basics of racism, we will not get anywhere. I pray that JBU grows in love, in the right direction (and thankfully I have indeed seen progress--we've just gotta keep going). Before you bash me about not censoring his name, the fact that he proudly said this publicly on social media is evidence enough to me that he doesn't mind his name going around. We gotta nip this racism in the bud guys, and it changes with YOU.

Title creds: @desertviolet12
#johnbrownuniversity #racism #kkk #drawing #doodle #sketch #sketchbook #symbolicart #blackpeople #hatespeech #hatecrime

What do you think Sup Forums?

>freeze peach
Go back redditscum and kill yourself

The KKK isn't even real anymore

Why exactly is the KKK such a boogeyman?

All those blacks they hung were rapists, robbers and murderers.

The KKK were mainly democratic.
hang niggers gas kikes

Racism goes both ways. The KKK have been do nothing try hards for decades now. I think the last person they killed was in 1983. Blacks on the other hand have been killing whites in astounding numbers, and literally saying they did it because they hate white people. People need to get the fuck over themselves and stay in their fucking lane. If they keep pushing to shut down legitimate free speech nothing good or productive will come of it. Telling someone that its forbidden to say a thing only encourages people to say it, if only for the factor that its edgy and taboo. Jesus fuck these leftists need to fucking die.

Go literally anywhere else on the internet with your bullshit op. BLM burned any goodwill blacks ever had with white people.

why are people so strung out over a few old white dudes in rural white towns?


>that last bit about crime
Oh I am laughin'

The Muslims entire existence is based on their deep hatred of people who look like me, and other white people you may call your friends. If you believe Islam is a religion if peace you are a terrorist supporter. If you see no problem with Muslims existing and can't wrap your head around why they're so bad, you are a terrorist supporter...

The behavior of your people is what is the most concerning. I have not heard of a shooting/stabbing/rape/robbery committed by a clansmen in my entire life. Words hurt your feelings? Maybe listen to them before they become action as opposed to banning them and forcing action.

>Doxing someone because they said that freedom of speech applies to all perspectives, not just the ones society agrees with.
>Implying the KKK is any more than a bunch of old white dudes that are universally reviled at this point despite doing nothing
>Doesn't even provide context to what he is responding to
This is why all these dipshits are going to hang, you can't perform witchhunts against people because they stated that people have rights.

No, really, when was the last time you met a klansman? Since its such a fucking epidemic. Why are people wound up about a group that almost doesn't exist? They haven't been relevant in 50+ years.

freeze peach is the literal worse meme I've ever seen.

>hate speech is not free speech
nobody will ever be able to tell you why this is the case, because it isn't. They just say it because they're stupid and heard it somewhere.

They've really been attacking the concept of free speech over the last couple of days; not sure whats going on, but I heard on r/socialism that there was some psychological/sociological work done that indicated that people who advocated for free speech for racists where in fact racist themselves.

Honestly, I can't imagine anything the leftists could do to alienate normies more than to attack "one of the basic foundations of liberal democracy: free speech".

Exactly. Calling someone a KKK supporter isn't going to make them sorry for you any more.

I am really starting to dislike the
>hate speech is not free speech

What they leave out, of course, is
>I'm gonna call anything that I don't agree with "hate speech."

I think you have mistaken why I posted this

Rules for Radicals to a T

The comments are cancer too