
what did they mean by this?

so when can we put the finale nail in there coffin?

best part:

"Antifa suspects are arguing that police can’t be sure which person did what because they all wore black hoodies and masks. This is a tactic Antifa deploys all over Europe and North America to avoid being arrested or prosecuted. Prosecutors say this “black bloc” tactic makes everyone in the group guilty since they are all willing accomplices."

is that picture a LARP kek

>bwuhuhu why can't we act like niggers
>i thought we had privilege


Fuck Soros and his minions.

The best part is any white Antifa that goes to prison will receive a warm welcome from either the Nazi Low Riders or Aryan Brotherhood, the two primary white gangs in US Prisons.

Really seems so. Probably a fag trying to get attention.

>really making me think

Sweet sweet justice.

And they'll either brandish the swastika or take the shank. Fucking hilarious. Welcome to real problems, trust fund cunts

If you go to prison for CP; will the brotherhood kill you, or let you join and work with their own kiddy porn ring when you get out?

I mean. Prison sounds awful, but if you get in a gang that's kind enoughto use lube and you find some Autists to play dnd with every few days, and the gang has work for you when your 10 years are up it might be worthnot killing yourself.

I mean, there's obviously no chance of resuming a normal life once you have a felony and a few years in; your basically stuck with a criminal life after, anyway.

Desperate Jail Wives.
Prepare your anus antifa. lol

Pedophiles typically spend their entire time in solitary confinement, or in a special boot with other pedophiles because if they are released into general population they don't survive longer than a week.

t. Lots of friends who are correctional officers

I think it's likely that it isn't. Communists blame all their problems on other people and feel entitled to the wealth of others anyway. OP's pic reflects what goes on in the head of such people

Once again, the forces of weaponized autism prevail! *cue dramatic super hero movie music* But our work is not yet done! You can run Antifa, but you can't hide. We will find you.

>We're the good guys.

Of all the strange fetishes I've developed from this website this has fed got to be the best.

has antifa succeeded at anything since the first berkeley riots?

they got BTFO in washington by a small group of homeless people just a few days ago
not only did the homeless people chase them off, like 10 or so antifa got arrested.

they're a fucking joke

You can still just beat the shit out of Trumpers, no mask needed. If the law can't link it to political violence it's just simple assault

god bless america, rollin for anyone lookin like antifa getting raped to death in prison

Keep pushing and RWDS won't be just a meme for long.

I hope they lynch those faggots.

Smash the antifa

They'd kill the fuck out of you


Dylan petrohilos
Is a John podesta employee.

>Prosecutors say this “black bloc” tactic makes everyone in the group guilty since they are all willing accomplices.
Based as fuck.
Lock 'em all up, boys.

>Got bailed out by our backers


Most of them are pussies, it's not a concern.

My understanding of it is if you are white and you dont want to get bitched by blacks and mexicans you have to show them your court papers which a pedo obviously wont do.

So your fucked if you are a pedo.

>Prosecutors say this “black bloc” tactic makes everyone in the group guilty since they are all willing accomplices."


Post records.
Post docket numbers.
Post mugshots.
Post all publicly available information.

Or a warm welcome from whatever black gangs that want to break off a piece of white chocolate


Indeed, it's not enough for them to be arrested, they must be exposed to the world and have their lives ruined.

>some of us got bailed by our ((((((BACKERS))))))

'nuff said, I told you ANTIFA was (((Wall Street))) shills.

Thats the thing, The white gangs will be after them and the spics and nigs won't protect them because they are white, unless they want to turn them out for some sweet white boipucci and money on the books

>go to protest disguised as antifa
>get to beat up T_D fags while also false flagging antifa
>slink away into the background before cops start cracking down
Man I wish I lived near the riots

I wonder what Asian men do when they go to prison.

I suppose he could always snitch on the (((BACKERS))), he just might get a reduced sentence!

All this shit is public information.
Where are the new journalists?

What's that? Law and Order cuts down on riots?

Wow, someone should make a note of that!

Is it real? Hahahhaha

The aryan brotherhood and mexican mafia and surenos in general are cordial and sometimes allied

They fight blacks. I cant wait till these White bois try to explain to a black inmate how they were fighting for them and get checked by the AB

they get rocked up

The (((media))) is still trying to pretend it's the right being violent at these events. They're not about to cover Antifa's actions honestly.

They form alliances with pacific islanders and often jews and have their own gangs. They tend to stick to themselves and don't operate criminal enterprises. It was more of an alliance of defense in the 1990s when the spics started targeting asians because they were weak and isolated.

Backers are Soros types. And Soros.

Doubt it, their ((((backers)))) are pretty much above the law and likely have all kinds of channels to finance them without being directly linked, ie donating to harmless-looking ((((CIVIL RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS))))

I wish they could get that tag team pair of bitches who lit the pro-Trump girl's hair on fire.

That happened on inauguration day, if memory serves.

The pair who did that were evil bitches.

You don't need a license or a note from your mother to be a journalist.
Somebody needs to step up and publish this shit.

kek confirms this for accuracy


kek. antifa are gonna "see kyle" or have a tough time in there

I wish I could speak to the person who wrote that post.

They declared war, not us. They are the ones who decided to make it a point to start punching Nazis.

You know, we really didn't give a shit about them until they decided to start organizing violence against us lol.

Were we even talking about ANTIFA a few years ago?

>Prosecutors say this “black bloc” tactic makes everyone in the group guilty since they are all willing accomplices."

Excellent. But would that theory stand up to appellate scrutiny? We do have a "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard in American criminal law.

Never go to battle with long hair. Dress for war, always. Femininity is for taking dick in the bedroom. Otherwise never forget it's a weakness.

Yes, for the same reason that if you are in a crowd of people and the crowd turns violent you are obligated to leave the area or you are guilty of accomplice to the crowd's actions.

>It's not fucking fair

i thought the Sup Forums narrative was that the cops weren't doing anything because they are controlled by the liberal gov?

That is just in Berkeley. The cops in DC rounded them up. DC police are integrated with federal law enforcement (US Marshalls, etc.) and the feds don't take kindly to riots.

That's true in Berkeley and other leftist enclaves. The cops in the rest in the US aren't going to let these faggots get away with shit.

This will actually more than likely not happen, although the chances are slightly higher for the guy who faces three counts of assault on a police officer with a weapon.

Long hair has been associated with a successful line of warriors for thousands of years. Boy loving man fucking faggot generals brought short cropped hair to popular form.

If you think neo-nazis aren't going to fuck up some lilly-white millennial antifas you're way wrong. Antifas will have their first meetings with actual fascists.

They weren't doing anything. They just went through footage after the fact and made arrests that way.


When the abyss stares back.

I call bullshit.
What city?

Click the fucking link you lazy faggot. DC.

yeah, i gotcha. i lived in DC and this is correct but not because it's not leftist. DC cops don't take any shit because of all the politicians running around and they are sensitive for their safety

>click the link

>We do have a "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard in American criminal law.

Beyond a doubt that they were all working in unison? lol

If they weren't, they'd have immediately called the cops on their own people who smashed others with bike-locks and stones, but instead they provide cover as those ones retreat into the crowd.

1776 will commence again if you don't click that link

>Sup Forums LARP

Would the argument be any different if they were all in Klan robes instead?


They're fucked.

That's Capitol Police mostly.

Metro PD have to deal with the fucking hoodrats in Anacostia and see fucked up shit every day, so they don't really have time for spoiled white boys smashing shit.


Just go back, it will be best for everybody.

Ahh so I guess we don't have to cry about pigs getting shot and snitches getting stitches. I hate antifa but this is unconstitutional. If antifa is banned there will be zero chance for a relatively peaceful 21st centurt. There will be Civil war and women and children of the US will be victims.

Pedos are bottom of the food chain.

You will die in prison by the hands of another inmate.

>Antifa suspects are arguing that police can’t be sure which person did what because they all wore black hoodies and masks. This is a tactic Antifa deploys all over Europe and North America to avoid being arrested or prosecuted. Prosecutors say this “black bloc” tactic makes everyone in the group guilty since they are all willing accomplices

>Antifa suspects are arguing that police can’t be sure which person did what because they all wore black hoodies and masks. This is a tactic Antifa deploys all over Europe and North America to avoid being arrested or prosecuted. Prosecutors say this “black bloc” tactic makes everyone in the group guilty since they are all willing accomplices.

>Antifa suspects are arguing that police can’t be sure which person did what because they all wore black hoodies and masks. This is a tactic Antifa deploys all over Europe and North America to avoid being arrested or prosecuted. Prosecutors say this “black bloc” tactic makes everyone in the group guilty since they are all willing accomplices.

> Prosecutors say this “black bloc” tactic makes everyone in the group guilty since they are all willing accomplices.

Sometime the system works and when it does, its beautiful/

That's why they always have those kike lawyers in the bright green hats (NLG) watchers who will lie for them.

>Prosecutors say this “black bloc” tactic makes everyone in the group guilty since they are all willing accomplices.

>If antifa is banned there will be zero chance for a relatively peaceful 21st centurt. There will be Civil war

Antifa is the Civil War. They're just terrible at it, and losing badly.


>Were we even talking about ANTIFA a few years ago?

Nope, they still called themselves 'Occupy Wall Street' back then.





I'm still calling bullshit.
Post names and charges.

They'll start ratting each other out ASAP

>it's not fair we get punished for the injury, public disruption and destruction we caused
Antifas are literally manchildren.

kek, boo hoo

my heart bleeds for them

reminder this would never would have been possible without a Trump presidency

here in yurop these fascist fucks are allowed to do as they please and the cops just keep them in the precinct for one night and let them go in the morning

because all of our politcians are leftist cucks who are in bed with those mentally ill people either directly or indirectly

What happened to the Golden Dawn, Aristos Themistocles?