World War III / 10th Crusade

World War III / 10th Crusade

At this rate, will the USA, UK, and Russia have to invade continental Western Europe to rid the world of Islamism?

Everyone reading this right now in their teens and early may face the prospect of cruising through Paris and Berlin, gunning down Jihadis and getting French/Dutch/Belgian/German/Swedish pussy.

How about lets start with everyone getting rid of the real problem first. Get rid of FED and ourge the world of those controlling the central banks of the world. Then we can talk about Islam.

I wonder what will anons currently living in continental Western Europe have to face though...will I see a lot of posters from France, Germany, Sweden, etc posting Allah Akbar on Sup Forums before going out to defend the nearest Mosque from burgers and vodkas and fish&chips

If I have to choose between what the USA are right now and Islam, guess what

I hate this world. Let the cunts burn. I aint going through that shit for ungrateful self destructive pompous shits

You probably are a Sicilian with Arab descent so the latter

Tbh I think we'll just be using military robot footsoldiers and droned manned by Anons from Sup Forums

Invading Berlin with the big boys
>a dream come true

Well, this will happen AFTER we've fucked up the (((elites))) in USA/UK

I wonder who gets to plant another flag on the Reichstag (or whatever the hell building they have now, probably a mosque they build over Brandenburg Gate)

Youre too cucked to stop us.
Just embrace the greatness of Muhamed!
>rape who you want
>be real man
Its great 10/10 recommended

German domination of the EU means it has conquered without war, and signing up to the EU is signing up to the Fourth Reich. Germany is at the geographic heart of the EU. It is also at least for the next two decades likely to remain the continent’s largest economy and most populous country.
Ask the Greeks if you think I exaggerate: Germany runs Europe without firing a shot. It forces far weaker partners to stay in a currency zone that is crippling them, and uses its economic muscle to dictate immigration and other key policies.
We have learned our lessons and today we focus on destroying europe again with our influence and economic power.
What did you expect?
A friendly germany? A germany that got no influence anymore? On nothing?
Great products with the stamp "made in germany" are superior to your inferior products.
We hold europe, if germany gets destroyed it will influence all other states around the world. We won this war.
What our soldiers couldn't achieve is what our ruthless economics achieved.
Destroying germany means destroying every other state in europe immediately and others in the longer run.

>Destroying germany means destroying every other state in europe immediately and others in the longer run.
yes!! fuck turkmany and eu

Can't wait to liberate your sister Jan, make sure you prep some of that mouth watering Dutch cheese I hear so much about

Real men don't rape. Real men die for their women.

EU will never be an Islamist caliphate needing to be put down with conventional warfare.

All we need to do is make Western Europe dependent on the USA, UK, and Russia. We can easily fill in the economic vacuum Kraut. Not to mention all the money saved after there are no third worlders around for them gibs

This is what every male leaf is taught from birth, isn't it?

>Real men don't rape. Real men die for their women

real men don't even think in terms like rape, real men make others die for their woman.


>to rid the

Wait burgers know EU is still 95%+ white right? Were not the problem in the western world

Pretty much.

Wow oh wow Pol is retarded

USA is aimed with Saudi Arabia. That's the country Trump is visiting FIRST. Putin very much values it's relationship with turkey and Iran. There are 30 million Muslims in Russia and Putin treads carefully to keep them happy. He doesn't want more chechnyas.

USA and Russia have the closest relationship with Muslims and you think they're going o save Europe from them?!?!?! Oh lawdy


See pic

This is
1) speculation
2) about germany, not europe
3) prolly made up.. srsly 50% ish male will be refugees in germany? Doesnt sound legit.

Meanwhile USA will be a spic country in 2040 right? This wont happen to Europe for a long ass time

These OP's are usually the most stupid. I bet OP is a 16 year old lolbertarian too.

Sorry to disappoint, but


How long is that cunt going to be in power?

>the USA causing WW3

Well, you already fanned the flames of the other two...

>implying that's all not just a cover strategy

I initially thought he was walking alongside an army of children

Note that you can not even see the end of that river of refugees. They are basically all male 20-30, just as the chart shows at

Since America doesnt want to launch Tunra Storm operation - at least several years more, sorry.

And Tundra Storm too


Look at the levels of immigration, birth rates and the age of the native populations.

Remove yourself, goat raper.

I won't get to go to war, thank god.


I'm not fighting ((their)) war for them. muslims aren't the real enemy

Fuck off, shill

This would be an amazing unstoppable force!

I'm a 33yo USMC/Army vet and I'd reenlist if this actually happened.

What a time to be White and Crusading!


The UK are the most Islamised country in Western Europe. They have more Sharia councils than every other European country put together.


>cool clock, Ahmed

We cannot remove the cancer in others without first curing ourselves.

Why would the United States of Mexico want to fight Islam?