>white people education
White people education
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History is usually ugly on both sides.
Does it matter?
>when brainwashed students that are less than 5% minority in their genes complain about imperialism being a white thing only
Ahh.. but... this is all true? Sooo
cristopher columbus was dumb n shet
>Christopher Columbus just couldn't read a map
>when white teachers exist because white people created a society that values education raher than barbarism
>implying those women got raped
Christopher Columbus was illiterate and couldn't write his own name
Teachers and text books right now are starting to call colonists and slaves alike "immigrants," actually.
>"America was built by immigrants,"
>said the Native American
America was literally built by immigrants though
columbus was a jew and knew exactly what he was up to.
Haha noice rhyme my friend :^)
I'll just leave this here
What when those things? Fags can't even string a coherent sentence together.
They don't know either they can't even name one country all they know is that poor black people suffered under the boot of the white man.
I'm an Indian (feather not dot) and we call ourselves Indians. What do these people want?
They want to stop racism by defeating the Washington redskins
you laugh but girls studying elementary education post this shit all the time.
I saw one post about it last year, talking about how she taught her whole class to hate Columbus.
We are truly fucked unless we can strip the commies out of the education system.
>Christopher Columbus had a map
>mfw he did have a map
>mfw he found exactly what he was looking for
>mfw he was heir to the viking's discovery of newfoundland, which was kept under wraps
>when jewish teachers call nazi heroes "demons that killed 6 gorillion people" to make them seem like the bad guys
so they're admitting that in those times, no european could have ever possibly fallen in love with an aboriginal because they're uglier than european women, i agree with them.
I don't understand why old world morality is so foreign to these people. If their people were as advanced as ours, they'd also be killing and raping. These are the kind of students where if you ask them, for instance, if they were born into a slave owning family would they continue to own slaves of their own, they'd answer "No, I'd free aaaaaaall the slaves." It's like kids don't understand that most of morality is taught. Iean, some of it is an expression of genetics but the big stuff, not killing amd raping, is always relative to the cultural climate and the situation. And, yes, some of those explorers, mostly the degenerate spanish ones, totally mixed with those natives and married them like proper wives.
As a Métis it is infuriating that these low intelligence females are making shit up about settlers raping Native women. Men came to the New World for employment and freedom. There were no other women there aside from qt3.14 squaws. They got married and formed culturally unique Métis communities.
Why was Colombus trying to get to India? I always thought the British Empire made India
Trade. He thought the world was much smaller than it was so he thought if he went west instead of over Africa he could find a faster route.
India was mostly a spice game then, textiles didn't come in until the British.
blacks don't have a history, so they gotta critique ours.
Cortez himself had two illegitimate children and treated them very well. The Spanish were honestly a bunch of fifthly race mixers desu.
He wanted to find a maritime way there (which was safer and less expensive than by land) to bring spices, silk and drugs
>selective outrage
>no mention of Arab, Asian, or African conquests of others
Basically all Europeans didn't want to through the Ottomans for trade which caused the Europeans to explore West for a cheaper and faster route with China and India
Literally this! They don't have documented history, their documented history starts with the trans Atlantic slave trade
TFW muzzies will be saying this in a few decades time.
Most kids will learn the truth anyway. School teachers are mostly ineffective at brainwashing their students because most school teachers are stupid, low-energy women who can't do anything right and garner no respect.
>America was literally built by immigrants though
The day of the rake can't come soon enough. America was not built by immigrants. It was built by COLONISTS FROM NORTHERN EUROPE. Nobody from anywhere else had any part in "building america". This is a myth (((they))) spread to justify the importation of massive numbers of low IQ shitskin slave laborers.
And get raked leaf.
no it wasnt. i hear this all the time, and it's just wrong. white people built america, BOUGHT slaves from other niggs in africa and brought them here to work. Does the burger flipper "build" the Mcdonalds?
What about Pocahontas?
And those colonists were immigrants.
>colonists from northern europe
>redefines immigration
Nigger education
>everything whitey tells you is wrong
We should go back and compare old European history books with old African history books and look for disparities. Oh, wait...
mfw read a map. americas not on map. sail across the ocean expecting to find known west indies and its savage people. Instead find new land of savages. prob the coastline vs his map was the reason he could tell the difference.
So much stupidity...
As a Native American, nothing makes me more mad than a bunch of faggots who want to get offended FOR ME. Mind your own business, faggots. I am not a stepping stone for you to look like a progressive cuck faggot in front of your gay friends
When teachers call monkeys humans to make themselves feel better and brainwash human children.
Sorry Lars, I'm going to blame your response on poor English skills. Colonization is not the to immigration.
At the raw-est scientific sense of the word, colonization requires taking control of a habitat and population replacement if a competing species or population is already present. Those are two things that did occur when America was founded, and were intended to happen when it was founded. Some people might have a moral issue with that, but the facts are the facts.
Immigration on the other hand does not involve taking control of the habitat or eliminating a competing population if needed.
So, I'm going to pretend your name is Lars and you just don't know English words that well. On the other hand, you could be Akmed spreading more lies about the peaceful "immigrants" coming to Scandinavia.
>Implying that there will be computers or electricity when muzzies are the majority
>redefines settlement of north America by humans
>Gosh I wonder what colour the US secretary of education for the last 8 years was
By this logic you're all african immigrants
Japanese are just korean and chinese immigrants
Europeans are caucausus immigrants
The lands were unclaimed and uncivilized
They were settlers
That was literally it though. The Spanish had to create a whole casta system(race rank system) to try and get people to stop having sex with natives and Africans.The elites did this since they were losing control of their people. Also to note that its very funny seeing these niggers try to rewrite history when they were sold into slavery by there own kind.
What happened to WE WUZ EXPLORERS?
Everyone knows Columbus was black
I hate it when a non-Indian is offended that "Indian" is used instead of Native American.
>Christopher Columbus DUMBASS just couldn't read a map
yes because Europeans already had maps of the entire world at this time
for you to understand history you'd have to learn how to read first
>shiiiiiiet fuck white ppl fo slavery
>Sorry we took you from your African utopia. You're free though and can go back any time you want!
>fukn cracka we wuz kangz in Egypt mufugga
>Better give the Jews reparations too then!
>racist ass whyte boi
When they call you a racist they are admitting defeat.
>We love mixed people
>Except when white people are part of it
>They call Native Americans Indians supaaah waycis
>Implying they do that at any grade level after elementary school because "Indian" is much simpler to grasp than "Native American"
It's so weird how the anti-Spanish Black Legend propaganda from centuries ago has mutated into an even more extreme form in the 21st century, now applied to all Westerners by the new breed of ideological zealots who distort history for their own purposes.
spaniards are the original race mixers
north african muslims mixed with white euros during the 700 years NA muzzies had a foothold on the Iberian peninsula
>when soulless animals repeat things their masters told them in order to feel better about being slaves
>when 5'9 80 iq 2 inch dick retards try to pretend that their women wouldn't willingly marry a rich 6'2 120 6 inch "colonizers" in order to escape their abusive tribal society that literally treated them like slaves and gave them no rights
>when when white people get pissy for calling indians indians even though literal indians constantly call themselves indians because they dont give a fuck
>when white liberals pretend white people who have been living in north america for more than 500 years aren't 'native americans' even though most aboriginal tribes were nomadic in nature and never stayed in an area for even 100 years and therefore have no native claim to anything because their ancestors came from fucking mongolia
>revisionist education
>when you're supposed to be studying the civil war but your Jewish teacher still won't stop going on about the sixty million
But black culture itself the burden of blackness,
>Columbus couldn't read a map
maps of north america didn't exist tho
Crakkastopher Columbackofthebus
That last one rustled my fucking jimmies so badly, I guess Christopher Colombus didn't get his Obama phone to check on ijew his location to know that Indians where called "Native Americans" before they were discovered and translated from his oppressive Latin supremacist language.
>as if you could 'dismantle' anything
yours can't even operate street level gangs effectively
where can i find some old black history books?
lmao i'm gonna use that line from now on senpai
I stared into that left image, what if pc becomes so prevalent, it's demanded into history, as in, as kangz and shit are 'historically black' now. What if that shit leaves fb / tumblr.
>Columbus couldnt read A FUCKING MAP
This part makes me angry the most, while Columbus was risking his ass in atlantik ocean discovering a whole new world to the people the Sheeboons were chucking spears at eachother over an inch of dirt in some shithole in Africa and the worst part is those who are defending niggers arent even niggers but self hating brainwashed nu male milennial fags living off their daddys money in their 1st world college safe zones
By the logic of your this logic we're all primordial soup immigrants
the only indians I know who get butthurt about it are fucking apples
Yeah I'm sure early explorers were sailing around just looking for a nice innocent tribe of Indians to genocide. Fuck these people are retarded.
>white people were genocidal rapists
>indians wuz all peaceful n shit
When you realize that colonization is the only reason this half of the globe progressed past human sacrifice and created global prosperity
Is there anything non whites won't complain about?
They're trying to conflate Latin immigration problems of today with colonization, though.
This after they spent so much energy telling you to feel bad about how your ancestors were colonialists and imperialists.
It's funny to see how irate people get when you tell them this because deep down they know it's true
>Couldn't read a map
>Implying a continent they didn't know existed would have been on their maps
But people explored before they colonized the land. Colonizers were also explorers. Just like slaves were also technically immigrants if you read a dictionary some and look into academia.
White people also fell in love with beautiful tree niggers. Is that not true?
Also, people in the Western world back the. had no idea that the India we know of today even existed.
He was that and was also a young African boy who wanted to be a pirate and used "Christopher Columbus" as an alias.
They've been doing that. It's just that people are too stupid to look in a fucking dictionary and in African diaspora academia.
There is a such thing as an "unwilling immigrant" also.
>read a map
>map of a place that didn't even exist to that point
I want off this ride.
Nigger education without white people and their schools, infrastructure.
Kys nigger
Nothing. They are entirely consumed with complaining about everything we've given them. Now let's give them one last thing, a length of rope.
Race war soon.
Weeaboo sub-humans like you will get purged too.
They called it the West Indies. People from the indies are called Indians.
And what did he have a "map" of? He would of had maps and charts of the known world and that's it. But for the most part he didn't.
Everyone knew the earth was round back then. No knew that there was a giant landmass that stretched almost the length of the planet
>Islam enslaved millions of whites over 1000 years
>no mention of this anywhere
Muslims will be dealt with soon enough. The fire rises.
these people are so heavily brainwashed it will take a generation to fix