how does this pic make you feel, white bois?
How does this pic make you feel, white bois?
Isn't she more than 30? Something tells me she is one of those weirdos who like to dominate younger BOYS (not what she would call "real men", you know, asian boys are effeminate). That and perhaps also the $$$
The nose knows
I see you flexing your muscles gook, time to wipe you out.
at what? having small dicks?
Nuke Japan again when?
Well, at least she's not into niggers
Inb4 this thread hits reply limit
>asian boys are effeminate
you're dreaming, white boi
white women love to be fucked by BAC(big asian cock)
asian boys are better
traps, indeed
Don't you know there are asians that like white boys?
You're simply bloating something that already existed into something big. Everyone has their attractions, some/most of them are bad, but no point in acting like it's big since only yesterday I saw anons posting pics of a gook that wanted white dick.
>using porn as evidence
aren't ching chongs supposed to be smart?
>big asian cock
>inb4 lesbians go with asian traps
white women love to be kissed by asian men
that stat doesn't make any sense since that involves all kinds of men
i admit that below average asian men are terrible, but, above asian men like are literally the king
So they liked to get fucked by Unicorns and other fantasy shit? Ok. I like my fantasy shit too. Just my anime girls are more likely then your BAC or whatever.
Enjoy your delusions.
Well this was fun while it lasted, now i will go and look for the threads which are being slid.
Nice proxy you have there, Shlomo. LARPing as an asian could even be more effective than spamming BBC cuck porn.
stay mad?
i'm sure that y'all will fap to this pic lol
white bois are born to be cuckolds
Why don't you use sources?
Btw, the source at is
Also check the pic at And pic related.
You sound pathetic, ching chong
i'm going to germany next month for a vacation
i'm really looking forward to banging with german girls :)
White dick too big?