The wall is a metaphor

the wall is a metaphor for the enforcement of the laws and illegal crossings are down 70% already. A permanent concrete wall just isn't worth it

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The fence is a wall get over it.

Doesn't keep promises
>totally not sucking jewish cock right now my man it's just a cocumber can't you see?

They should just build one big pool along the entire border, and then put up a sign saying its closed. They wont be able to enter america without trespassing, and would be forced to go back.

>The wall is a fence get over it.

OP is a metaphor for dick sucking faggot


From what I have read, many companies are bidding to build the wall and have produced designs of their own

I don't get why Border Patrol isn't allow to shoot invaders on sight. Killing anyone trying to sneak in would do much more to dissuade non citizens from sneaking in than any physical barrier would. A wall or fence certainly can be helpful in slowing down the invaders until they're spotted and shot by Border Patrol but if I could only pick one, I'd go with shooting over building a barrier.

There are already provisions set aside for 700 miles from the bush era. Obama has been dodging it with loopholes.

>24 feet high, made of steel beams

>mexicos southern wall is better

>it's another "___ is a metaphor" episode


Down 70% means the number of spics is still increasing. The counting doesn't start until it's negative by a large margin. If most of them are not expelled, it's fail, lose, over.

Ancient China made a wall work. Modern America certainly can.

Drumpf is just going back on his promises and /r/thedonald is just coming on here to make excuses for him. Reddit can leave now.

I beg to differ OP. A wall is physical barrier which makes it very difficult for the globalists to then merge our two countries in to one continental state.

Mexicans are such bigots.

>Southern Mexico
>Border wall
Pick one

It's like you don't know geography

That's not what you chimps were claiming during the election.

The photo is fake but it's entirely true that Mexicans treat invaders from Central America much worse than we treat invaders from Mexico.

>the wall is a metaphor
>still making excuses for Trump

Absolutely mortifying stuff. Can't you just face the fact that we were all kike'd hard?

The tax bill you get from (((Trump's))) mobbed up buddies from Jersey for stringing up a few miles of shitty fence isn't going to be a fucking metaphor.

That's a thin wall, it's going to crumble when it falls from the sky

Well, considering that Hillary was the only other choice, I'd still vote for Trump. I'd rather vote for Obama than Hillary, for fuck's sake. Fuck that cunt.

giving up on building the wall would be a metaphor of giving up on the idea of enforcement of the laws on illegal crossings, the wall must be built or the 70% reduction will only be temporary

Oh yes definitely, but stop trying to pretend we weren't fucked over. Whether he got cucked hard by the deep state or was playing us like a fiddle all along is hard to say, but he's definitely not /ourguy/ anymore.

>crossings are down 70% already
crossings aren't measured. this is fake news. they are estimating this based on apprehensions. this is like when trump gave obama shit about the unemployment numbers

this "crossings" metric is dubious at best

It worked in Colorado, it'll work in Mexico

Keynesian economics at its finest

If he doesn't build it I will find it very hard to vote for him again but I believe he will