Was Hitler right about degenerate art?

Was Hitler right about degenerate art?

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yes and no

no and yes


What do you mean? Is it because half of your country's art is degenerate?

It's not so much the art but the Frankfurt schools critical thinking ideas behind it that are subversive and degenerate.

Hitler would have banned memes.

Hitler was a meme

Partially. It has its place in society, but it can't be allowed to devour the mainstream as it did.

And this too, memes are great in specific context and specific quantities. When everything is memes, no thanks.

The holocaust was a meme

Jews are a meme

look at that fucking nose....

No jews are a problem

Hitler was right!

A society should have social norms, these norms are typically enforced by some amount of social oppression, for example the reason a brother and sister don't get married is everyone will look at them like their odd, which by all standards of normality they are. In my humble opinion the basis for these norms should be what is best for society, not some relativistic nonsense, for example I see obesity, addiction, homosexuality, pedophilia, pornography, lack of self sufficiency, and incest as degenerate, causes of problems.

Now, I will not say for one second I am a perfect man without any degeneracy however, at least I own my vices and accept the oppression that I deserve, unlike the people who say I'm a pedophile not a monster (I'm not a pedophile, this is an example).

The PC culture that I indulge in I won't say is better however, I will say it is fundamentally different, I do not care if someone gets their feeling hurts if it is for the greater good and the maintenance of that good.
get moral
also heil hitler
and NatSoc for life

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>oh noo! my thing of topic is not a meem!

problems are memes



Memes are problems

>Hitler ban memes
Hitler and Goebbels saw from the early days of his climb to power the importance of propaganda. Memes are propaganda on steroids, punched straight into the fucking retinas of all and sundry who observe. Hitler would not have banned memes, he would have the state churn them out and make them god tier


Yes. Fucking tons of art now has a subversive agenda and is too 'high concept' for the average normalfag to question, despite it being blatantly shit

yes, just look how degenerate today's music is