Hawrow /po/ dis yo chance

you ask me what want?

What would we do without Candians?

Why you move to Canada? Your parents no rike Asia? Dishonorabre pig I spit in your face you are disgrace to chinamen and chinese curture

Why are you all so short with black hair? I don't get it. I find it unsettling, you're like sinister oompa loompas. I can't look at a large group of Asian people without thinking they're up to something.

Why do you and whites succeed where everyone else fails?

why are your rich coming to canada and destroying our housing markey

Why is this greek fag so triggered over some chinks?

He didn't even metion the fact that your semi-country, which is filled with turk rape babies who can't pay off debt, is an absolute 3rd world shithole or something.

Is there anything you chinamen won't eat?

Why did you fuck my girlfriend you pearl harbor dumpster baby

ghengis khans fault m8 pls be nice

Why are your people so rude and borderline autistic in normal social interactions across the board?

We cook food, you buy, you like.

Why you no like?

>turk rape babies

le smug pepe faec

Hey Chincky,

Why are your women soulless?

Tell your people to stop coming to New Zealand! We're fucking full! FULL! FULL! FULL! When will you pricks learn?


>"European" origin

Are you even trying, mud skin? Caucasians with blond+blue eyes are the only true Whites.

I'm just here asianposting with my canadian bro and you came and ruined the vibe for no reason. If anything you're the one getting triggered over a flag. You probably think you got me good with those sick ass insults too, kek
Dog meat master race, best in whole worrd, white cuisine can not compare, china supapowa, still you no answer my question. Why you reft big grorious China for smarr tiny Canada

Yes you full, no space. you come China, you live China.

I only asked you a question, you sensitive mudskin. Go back to napping, or whatever you lazy faggots do 24/7, while all other people around the world are working.


Blah blah blah more insults about me and my country while I never insulted his, blah blah blah. Stay insecure my man



You like you pay