Is buying American mde things 100% the redpilled thing to do? i.e. cars, clothes, everyday goods etc.
Is buying American mde things 100% the redpilled thing to do? i.e. cars, clothes, everyday goods etc
My grandfather did that. Of course that was back when it was possible.
yes and embrace american religions. join unarius, the final red pill
>Not worshiping dead like on a stick
its not really possible
No, buy whatever product is best regardless of where it is from. If the American product is superior, buy it. Otherwise, punish American companies for failing to properly serve the American citizen. Force them to improve or die. Teach them a lesson. Such is the American way.
Don't be a fucking sucker.
>implying America manufactures anything anymore
wew laddie
We do still manufacture things and almost always made better than foreign competitors. Europeans also make quality goods. The problem is Americans do not recognize they have to pay more for quality US products. They would rather buy cheap Chinese shit they have to purchase many times over, because it is shit and breaks.
If you are American you should be trying to buy American. Pretty much every time you will get a better product but you will pay more.
this, especially on a purchase like a car. Japanese cars are much nicer for the money than American shit.
>t. Cletus who bitches and cries about immigrants who do the job cheaper/better
I love how you are capitalsit only when it suits you, but cry to big daddy guburmunt to save your ass when freedom bites you in the ass
What are you even talking about you idiot?
What if it is an All-American company, but employs illegals? Is it still American for America redpilled?
Wrong, Japanese cars are boring and under powered. There is a reason GMs LS engines are swapped into EVERYTHING,
I'm all about the LS swaps, but saying Jap cars are boring is just silly. There's a reason why people who care about not-boring cars tend to flock to foreign makes.
Hardly anybody drives american cars here, they have a bad reputation.
Your chocolate tastes like vomit and your soft drinks have corn syrup instead of real sugar.
I hear the european "protected designation of origin" system doesnt exist there so if you buy "parmesan" cheese it can be made by some chucklefuck in texas instead of genuine stuff from Italy. Same with champagne, cognac etc
Buy classic american cars, those are especially based and easy to work on.
Damn, that looks nice
My last bottle of "London Gin" was manufactured in Canada.
>Implying japanese cars are any less powerful than your average ford fiesta
>Implying that the Nissan GTR is any worse than the Corvette Z06
You've got toyotas and lexus' that will outlast any fucking american car by hundreds of thousands of miles, Not to mention japanese cars are regularly in the very top of the Consumer Reports reliability chart with most american brands falling at the bottom.
The Japanese make good cars, stop being a faggot and shitting on good manufacturing and design.
Its been fucked with in photoshop, but the car looks really nice without the spoiler and lower too.
The Toronado was a shitbox.
It was a longitudinal front wheel drive car, with the transmission and differential tucked under the engine.
3 speed automatic was and remains the only available transmission, with a 0-60 time of just under 10 seconds.
Good looking car
>0-60 times
Thats fucking funny. First-off it was a luxury sports sedan, not a shitbox, in fact it won Motor Trend's Car of the Year in 1966 when it came out. Secondly 0-60 times are not everything.
For example, it won Pike's peak hill climb when it came out
It also had a very nice engine, the 7.0L 425Ci Toronado Rocket V8, it made around 385HP i believe
The transmission was also pretty standard for cars in the 60s so whats the problem user?
I agree 100%. By being loyal to only american countries you are FAILING the free market.
>Is buying American mde things 100% the redpilled thing to do? i.e. cars, clothes, everyday goods etc.
If the factory is actually in America, sure. Just having an American brand is meaningless with how much stuff is manufactured in Mexico nowadays.
Your most American made car i.e most parts produced in the US is a Toyota. All others are mostly German made, and you should be really thankful for that.
Daily reminder that American cars are built in Mexico and Japanese cars are built in America. If you want to buy American, buy Nissan or Toyota.
>owns stickshift 2014 toyota corolla
>made in USA
>owned american cars that went kaput after 150k
>father in law owns a ford with 150k and has had 3 engine replacements.
I don't feel like replacing my engine 3 times so I'd rather have the Corolla than the Ford.
Ford = Found On Road Dead.