Could someone explain National Bolshevism to me? Is it just another helicopter-ride belief?
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Russian autism I guess, if they keep it contained to non internationalism I don't care.
You only repossess Jewish property.
Meme politics. Although I believe every commie actually sympathizes with Hitler deep down, they may deny it, but they have a thing for mass murderers, they would never admit to liking Stalling, but they are enamored with the idea of a strong man that is not afraid of breaking some eggs.
All you need to know
National bolshevism was an interwar current in the right-wing of the German Communist Party and in the left-wing of the NSDAP.
The goal was basically to create a strong nationalist and socialist Germany allied to the USSR.
Russian memesters reanimated the idea after 1990 in a Russian context to integrate imperial and soviet nationalism.
It combines Eurasianism, Spiritual Idealism, Heideggerian thought, Evolian traditionalism, hyper nationalism and socialism. I'm not an expert on it as I'm personally a Strasserist but afaik this is the basis for Dugin's ideology.
And of course a nazbol meme is obligatory.
Essentially what nazism was before Hitler purged it. And yes, they definitely need helicopter rides.
National Bolshevism as a political movement combines elements of radical nationalism (especially Russian nationalism) and Bolshevism. It is often anti-capitalist in tone, and sympathetic towards certain forms of socialism (such as Stalinism)
You're referring to the National Bolshevism of Ernst Niekisch. The NazBol I'm referring to is that of Dugin: I think they actually do have some differences.
It's Communism, helicopter ride shit. Just like Strausserism.
I'd also post this hit piece made about Aleksandr Dugin by (((the blaze))). He has ties with a lot of European fascist parties. He's /ourguy/.
Dugin is not a nazbol, he's a neo-eurasianist with nazbol influences. He was allied to the founder of the nazbol party, Limonov who took the inspiration from the German context.
Well, he did help found the party. With that said, are you a Niekischian?
Dugin is a literal fascist and a spiritual neo con.
I c....
No, spiritually he's an Evolian.
I can agree with the central ideas but I wouldn't go as far as Niekisch suggested. I am too much of a bourgeois pig.
I dig Jünger though who was a buddy of Niekisch and wrote for his magazine.
Not strictly. Dugin believes he can somehow synthesize a new ideology by combining capitalism, communism and fascism into a new ideology.
He thinks fascism has some redeemable qualities as does capitalism and communism. That does not make him a fascist.
Fair enough. And yeah, Ernst Junger was cool too.
What you're referring to is the fourth political theory but of course, you probably knew that. With that said, the common theme seems to be an opposition to liberalism and modernity. Maybe I'm wrong but it almost comes off as post national Evolianism.
NazBol = authoritarian socialism
Hitler's NatSoc = authoritarian capitalism
He seems to be neoreactionary in a way. I can't call him a Russian nationalist because he said Chechens can be more Russian than Russians, iirc. But it seems clear he wants a revival of the Russian Empire more so than the Soviet Union.
I have only read fragments but it comes off as very esoteric and/or spiritualist.
He probably meant in the Evolian or Heideggerian sense. (i.e. similar to how Evola said a Jew can have an "Aryan soul" or an Aryan can have a "Jewish soul")
Fair enough.
National Bolshevism was a really legit, non-meme movement. It was a combined opposition of absolutely everyone among the spectrum who opposed a complete failure and embarrassment of the Yeltsin's government. Many of the modern communist, reactionary and liberal opposition members are former members of it.
Just leftists trying to make you starve by masquerading it with nationalism