People are now dying because of Drumpfcare.
People are now dying because of Drumpfcare
I want to watch kyle die desu
>if you have a different opinion than me, dont talk to me
>blames addiction on society (and thus everyone else than the individual)
>does not respect other peoples values or lives
>claims everyone is human and equal
Totalitarian marxism at work right there.
>upset because they will have to pay for their (((mental healthcare)))
Pick on.
10,000~ people a year is a generous estimate. Its like if you have a 17% chance of survival for a glioblastoma youd take it on taxpayer money. But Obama was 500b in debt every year and set records for low gdp growth on the recovery of a fucking recession, so we CANT afford it. Theres no ethical question. Also, social security will have to default by 2033.
>complaining on fb instead of doing something about it
and they wonder why they lost
apparently she was a parasite who never had the intention of contributing enough to cover what she takes in the first place.
world is a better place without her.
>Mental health care
Why am I not surprised ?
pick one
Why is she using a white supremacist symbol???
>why wont people pay for my healthcare? they're so selfish!
>without birth control to regulate hormones, i would not be able to get out of bed and work
excuse me?
What is that shit,i keep seeing it all the time.Is it some nigga-speak again?
Oh never mind, I'm a faggot and saw the two genders emoji as the white power emoji. My b.
She deserves to die. I would spam her aswell.
Mental health care is fucking free and easy to get. If you actually can't afford it, walk into the nearest hospital, tell them you're thinking about killing yourself, they'll keep you until you can be transported to a mental facility where you will be monitored. You will spend between 72 hours and two weeks in the mental hospital while they evaluate you and dope you up. When you get out, you'll have a referral to a mental health clinic with free care. You go for your appointments and don't pay a cent after they've evaluated your finances. If you don't meet the criteria for FREE mental health care, you'll have to pay and it's fucking CHEAP. Guess maybe you shouldn't buy that new iPhone every 6 months.
This only works if you actually can't afford mental health care and it worked before Obamacare was a thing. Now, I dunno. But the OP argument is utter bullshit.
t. Mental Patient
this is the same hysterical bullshit people on the left posted after Trump won the election
there's gonna be a lot of meltdowns in the next 3 years.
It's actually faggot-speak. Don't look it up, because you'll just see faggots on video looking at celebrities going "YAAAASSSS GA GA! YAAAAASSSSS!" Fucking stupid.
t.Perennial Mental Patient
>there's gonna be a lot of meltdowns in the next 3 years.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.
>Don't look it up
Damn reverse psychology,so effective on me.Gotta see this with my own eyes now,need a good laugh.
Gas the kikes. This is glorious.
i just died, all i needed an aspirin and somebody to talk to, but nobody was there for me, so i'm ded now
>fuck you drumpfkins
that only works if you have a legitimate mental illness and not if you're self-diagnosed from stuff you've read on tumblr or your friend who took a psychology class.
The real loss here is she didn't kill herself
They always say to contact your senators to bitch about it, does that mean supporters just call up the senators just to say
>oy bro, good job, let's grab some beers later
>I would not be alive if not for my mental healthcare
Core liberal demographic right here
Yeah ok,i'm sorry i doubted you burger.It went from hilarious to fucking cringeworthy in seconds,Jesus Christ.
>People were dying before Obamacare
>Liberals never gave a shit until based blackman told them they needed something they didn't know they needed
>People went without it for centuries
>It's a settled science common sense issue now because current year
Virtue signal harder. Maybe throw in a few pictures of dead or dying nigger babies. I'm almost considering what you're saying. More crying celebrities maybe?
when a white male has a medical emergency the whole world will tell him to go fuck himself and pay for his own shit, and all the sub-human retarded born this way pieces of shit want him to pay for your ass too? End yourselves.
Yeah, but there are plenty of us with legit mental issues that survived before, during, and soon after Obamacare. Even going back to the way things were before wouldn't be bad, and we're not. All of this is a massive shift of the overton window because Demonrats have learned they don't actually have to stick to the truth in their messages at all.
You bastard!
>People are now dying
Citation needed
Making Chicken Little-esque proclamations about death and destruction is a standard leftist tactic.
A year or two back in leafland the postal service was going to get rid of door-to-door delivery and make it so you need to go to the corner of your street to get your mail from a public box. According to the liberals in this country that would have cut a swathe through the entire senior citizen community.
Depression, even temporary, will count. Seriously, they will at least give you zoloft or something and an referral/appointment. Saying that you're depressed and seriously considering suicide and they will treat you for depression. Shit, depending on what time you walk into the hospital, they may hold you over night and if you say you're feeling better, they won't let you go. They won't let you leave until you've been treated, lol. Mental Hospital can only hold you for 72 hours unless you're a danger to yourself or others. A psychiatrist will evaluate you in that time and they may hold you for much longer than you wanted and way longer than 72 hours. The thing about mental illness, is that if someone says "I'm going to fucking kill myself" and looks depressed as fuck, there isn't a test to determine whether or not you are clinically depressed. It's a judgement call on the psychiatrist's part. During the evaluation, you just need to mention whatever other mental problems you may be having and yes, addiction actually counts here.
One of the two mental hospitals I was in made me go to drug therapy. I got kicked out for doubting the therapist's street cred in terms of her understanding of addiction. So they sent me to the other wing of the hospital, where I got to sit in NA meetings. Everyone there looked like they wanted to die.
Getting treatment was basically free for poor people about 9 years ago. And I'm talking about both physical and mental health care. Did you know that it used to be pay $1 a month on your medical bills and they will act as if you intend to pay the whole thing? $1 a month will never knock that medical debt out, but you got health care.
>People are now dying because of Drumpfcare.
This is true.
Both my mom's, died because of TrumpCare!
STFU everyone dies idiot
You don't even have to have yourself committed, most cities have health care clinics of all kinds that use a sliding scale payment system.
EX: college male cant afford insurance, to old to be on parents. Goes to clinic. They don't count loan money as income. So he literally has 0 income. Gets appointments for free and meds cheap as fuck. Like 10 bucks a month.
Exactly. That's why the whole argument is fucking stupid. There are ALWAYS options available to the poor. And if you CAN afford the care, why should the taxpayers pick up the tab? They're already picking up the tab for the care the poor receive anyway.
I wish Kyra would drop dead
>need healthcare because of birth control
>your father, who was an addict, deserved healthcare
Looks like she still needs some mental health-care.
>job I need to support myself
Why should I pay the people pay for addicts ? they got themselves addicted, now own up to your shit.
I wish more mentally ill liberals would die, we would certainly be in a better situation today if they hadn't been allowed to suckle at the teat of people who actually contribute to society.
I can't believe it has only been a couple of months since he was inaugurated. I feel like there has been enough leftist bitching to fill half a term. Wonder if they'll tire themselves out by 2020 when he gets another 4 years.
But who's going to pay to bury them?
Fuck the 80% of people with self-inflicted lifestyle diseases and conditions that would otherwise have been prevented with a responsible attitude and better life decisions
I'm glad we're finally back in the business of NOT subsidizing trash life choices and allowing Darwinism to take effect
It seems like every other week there is a new non-scandal and fake news to distract people from the breddy decent job he's doing
He's not perfect and he's not ideally /ourguy/, but he was and is hundreds upon thousands of times better than the alternative
>drumpfcare will kill these people
wtf i love drumpfcare now?
It hasn't even gone to the Senate what the fuck are you talking about
>correctly infers that she means nothing to me
>expects me to care that she has no "respect" for me
Dumb normie whore. Also birth control is not a fucking necessity, we didnt have it for all of human history and yet women got along just fine. Addiction is a self inflicted disorder borne out of uncontrolled vice, if you are an addict the fault lies with you, as does the solution.
Why do all these people think their lives matter?
We're all in this shit for ourselves. If Obamacare overlooked anyone, as long as it wasn't her or anyone she cared about, she wouldn't have given a shit
More welfare dollars to go around t b h
I've had enough of this shit site taking our comrades fb posts out of context and slandering their names! This will not be the last time you hear from me. Don't say I didn't warn you.
so i take it we will be seeing less antifa at rallies and protests. no employer mandate means daddy Soros isnt paying for their health care anymore.
>Trumpcare going to be so shit all the bottomfeeders, leaches, and neets die
thank god
>birth control
shes a slut. pay for your own pills/condoms you nasty wench
If you die because your existence can't sustain itself without constant medical intervention, you don't deserve to live. It is called natural selection and there is no reason humans should be immune to this.
>being friends with the mentally ill
>birth control
Or maybe just not have sex every night you whore.
[SLAAAAAYing intensifies]
They will come up with any excuse for muh free shit.
who cares. People with preexisting conditions are in the minority. Their votes don't matter. So what if they die? My premiums will be lower and that's all I care about.
>being this clueless about how the world works
ignorance is bliss, I guess
where did this notion come from that everyone has free health care under Obamacare?
you still have to pay for that shit and if you don't get it you have to pay a fine
Stop LARPing here, faggot
sage this shit
>yessss slayyyyy
I went on Jewbook to see if she was real. She is, and she works at a coffee shop.
>YESSSS slayyyy!
damn, a user since 2012
thats rare famalam hasn't even been passed and signed off into law yet, and it's already started to kill off the dregs of society...
That's just fucking outstanding...
no please stop
Oooh usually people just call me a giant fag and laugh. What a change of pace.
you'd be suprise :^)
We can take foreign aid and loose entitlements to keep propping up Ocare-Lite. Let's negotiate a budget!
Good, I hope she fucking dies
Oh no a 600 lb man is going to eat himself to death. Surely this can be blamed on Plumpf!
>I'm ashamed
You poor baby!
Never enough
Trump care still supports achne and depression from the seasons and bipolar
wow leaf that story is fucking hilarious. mailboxes in america havent been door to door since AT LEAST the 90s. i mean some neighborhoods still have them and the mailman will oblige, but no neighborhood since then has them.
This is true. We had to put down our uncle because we can no longer afford his health bills. Trumpler may as well have put him in the gas chamber personally.
Yeah, it's really getting exhausting
Plz stahp
oh hey it's a young woman on psych drugs yapping on facebook after being whipped into a frenzy by fake news
shocking. and what is this? her facebook friends support her?
She's probably still on her parent's plan
So she wouldn't be alive if there was natural selection? I thought where the side of science!
On a serious note I'm glad these retards fell for the meme that he got rid of Obama care and are contacting the wrong people. It's up to the states to opt out.
Oh I have an (((idea)))