Why is WikiLeaks shilling for Macron?


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they're being realistic, she never had a chance

france is beyond cucked, le pen will be the guiding light for the next generation who will wake up to the invasion of their soil.

They have been compromised for some time.

the problem is that the longer you leave it, the worse the problem gets and also the more drastic the solution will have to become

throwing out 15% of your population? shitty but doable

throwing out 45% of your population? now you have a civil war

we are quickly moving from 15% to 45% non whites in western societies

the sooner we make them go back, the better

They are just babies since they weren't the ones to make the leak.

They're a step ahead of you. This leak smells and makes no sense strategically; Wikileaks is playing it smart and disavowing it since this will inevitably be used to further the (((muh Russians))) hoax.

anyone wanna tell me what a point is, in America is a percentage point, in france 3 % = 13 points, care to explain this faggotry

it's 48 to 35, not 38 to 35

Or maybe it's a false flag and intended to discredit any actual leaks of damaging information
Glad I'm the only one who thinks this whole situation reeks...

yeah right, just looked at the other side of the graph

They're somehow right though: French medias can't talk about politics until Sunday 8pm.

If we find something it will be only available on the internet's forums and social medias and foreign news networks. It may cause scandals over Macron and change his reputation during his term but he will he'll have presidential immunity for 5 years.

Still it might ruin his chances for the parlementary elections in June and he might be unable to have a majority and name the prime minister and the government he wants. So Wikileaks is wrong if they think this is utterly useless.

This. It's not Assange or anyone of his team anymore.

Because Assange is dead/gone and wikileaks has been ran by the CIA since last October.



>stating facts


>the world runs on newspapers and not social media

frog I ffs...


>French medias can't talk about politics until Sunday 8pm.

wtf is this retarded rule

>hey what we do is leaks
>cept they don't matter this time
WL definitely isn't compromised nope no sir

>calling them facts without proof and shilling while claiming they're not shilling

Hello Mr. Assange.

They are Sup Forums-posting. Describing what it is like and provoking action. What would it help if they posted Le pen will win even though nobody in the french mainstream reads their twitter?

>france is beyond cucked

To be fair, as great as her nationalistic tendencies are, Le Pen's economic policies are fucking retarded. This is actually where Macron has a leg up on her.

Which is why the liberal establishment is fighting so hard. They know once the flood of immigrants starts, they win all future elections.


7D chess
>be Macron supporter
>see infographic guaranteeing that his win will be effortless
>decide it's pointless to bother voting since his victory is guaranteed whether you vote or not
>stay home and eat baguette instead of voting for faguette


>be Le Pen supporter
>be angry and triggered by infographic
>gain retard strength from perceived underdog status
>suddenly 3x as motivated to vote


it's also like the frog in the boiling kettle (kek). if people felt like in the end they were fine, it normalizes whatever bad or extreme policy they lived under.

So that they can't drop a shitbomb on any of the candidates. Somehow it also protects Le Pen.

Wikileaks is nonpartisan you redditnigger.

>wikileaks is shilling for macron!
>wikileaks is shilling for le pen/muh russia!

It's the crap people, isn't it, Sup Forums?

how is that not a good thing? Media can't talk about it at all, including disavowing it.

Le Pen never had a chance because she's literally a Socialist and Fillon's people hate Socialists

(((news blackout)))


We found the Credit Card of one of the top guy in the movement "En Marche !" Mr O Cedric

Im afraid I'll actually get in trouble for something this big so I wont release it here

I believe it. Someone got a pic of George Zimmerman's credit card during the trial and posted it here.

Pol has more resources than the CIA.

I'd say this is a good thing.
If we get it trending on social media long enough, it can reach tons of people via word of mouth and the media will be unable to spin it.

You are proposing we stay up and spread the word, but WL is telling us they have already read it all, it's literally nothing, and it's late we should be sleepy. pic related.

It makes me wonder if WL is just trolling. Or, if WL is CIA. Remember the wiki leaks task force, the CIA one? And immediately after is October, JA goes offline, and companion WLTF twitter is activated.

They're just being pessimistic cunts

wikileaks has been compromised for a LONG ass time. read this thread. i was in it. shit was scary as fuck.


>we are very skeptical that the Macron campaign is faster than us

What did they mean by this?


The Macron "leaks" are just ridiculous.
>get hands on a couple gigs of garbage
>sprinkle some tiny fabrications so they don't stand out
>release the shit just in time so his team can't reply because campaigning is over
>magically sputnik and rt find those sprinkles in an amazing timeframe

What foreign media would most French people come in contact with? We gotta shill this hard

How much you want to bet Wikileaks is now an FBI honeypot. Headed up by Comey, this sounds exactly like Democrat intervention.

Assange also said he didn't think Trump would win. I think he's trying to motivate more people to vote for Le Pen by saying this.

they realised that le pen is just a silly woman who cannot into politicise really makes you wonder

Takes 10% of the country to start a civil war

My guess is the deep state outed Macron and are making it look like Russia did it.

ALAIN TOURRET, A french deputy has been buying Crystal with a bitcoin wallet

Thats huge I hope the french media talk about it


>thinking le pen ever had a chance
Frogs don't have any fight left in them.


It's like she finds this crap in fortune cookies.

what would happen if Front National gets the majority of seats in the parliamentary elections? (assuming the situation gets much much worse after the election of Macuck)

The goal is civil war. Just like it was in the US

Prepare your anus, Jacques

France will be a literal caliphate by 2025

They don't think that the Macron campaign team is able to go through the 9GB faster than WL.

Hur dur don't submit leaks,

shill or larp. potential mulato