Jews are white, deal with it

jews are white, deal with it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nope, they aren't.

they are, kek

Jew here.

None of us consider ourselves to be white in private.

I consider myself an attack helicopter

No, are white are not

are white are not

most ashkenazi jews are slavs

Half-Jew here.
My Jew side is Italian + Ashkenazi + some Middle Eastern

They look white.

They don't consider themselves white.

Jews don't consider themselves white, even though at least a good half of them are.
It's dumb as fuck.

nah, jews are more like superintelligent niggers (when compared to actual niggers).

>jews are white
You should tell them that. I don't think they know; they certainly try to act like they're special

I'm half ashkenazi and I consider myself white

fug u

I'm a Jew and I consider myself white. I don't care what you fags think I am a white nationalist and proud.

You look more eastern European, possibly Russian.
Where in NY do you live?

I've had a theory that there are actually way more unironically white nationalist Jews on Sup Forums then most would think

Jews are obsessive by nature, most just happen to be marxist/globalist. Some are white nationalist (usually not purebred Jews, but even they are highly mixed Ashkenazi)

>I've had a theory that there are actually way more unironically white nationalist Jews on Sup Forums then most would think
No, that's just what JIDF wants you to think.


Who knows. I see a lot of self-proclaimed Jews all over Sup Forums, but obviously due to the anonymity of this board...

white genes beat jew mentality

That's not true. Jews don't consider themselves white because white people insist that jews are not white. So with today's current bullshit racial politics it's generally better to be non white why would they bother spending any energy trying to argue that they are white?

They just roll with being called non-white because why not?

lol we all do mischling, who cares. the pure bloods sure dont

Fuck you nigger I'm not JIDF I just hate non whites and think whites deserve their own ethno states. And I consider myself white, and proud

I recognize the JQ and think Jews should be forbidden from intermarriage, so they will be subsumed by the white gene pool. For the globalists, they receive the death penalty for willfully subverting the interests of the nation

cucnknada > just roll wit et

Y-you'll let me live though right?

>jews are white, deal with it.

Jews are parasites.

i think Sup Forums really underestimates the amount of based mischling here

I will just leave this here...

there are jews who attended that one conference jared taylor holds, but they got scared away after some guy sperged out. there's a reason jared doesn't name the jew, and its because they are simply to powerful to alienate. moreover, you can't really hold every single individual jew accountable for their collective actions.

only when it benefits them

It probably wouldn't be up to me, because we wouldn't be trusted. As long as you were a white nationalist you should be fine. You just can't have kids with a Jewess


that bitch is high af as fuck

girl in op is probably descended from subbotniks

>as fuck as fuck

>implying this isn't white.

It's also partially unproductive when running a public movement with public attention that is steadily gaining ground. Naming the Jew won't achieve much at this point besides reinforcing "muh anti semitism oy vey" and destroying the movement in its infancy

I saw a video where he was in a small room, and someone basically brings up that a lot of the problems come back to the Jews, and Jared explains that he's familiar with the JQ but it would be suicide, so it should not be a focus of the AmRen White Advocacy movement


Nah. Fuck off back to the desert bitch.

she's whiter than your ass

Jews are the ones claiming they're not white

WTF? How many Americans on this board are self hating part jews?

Dated a couple of jews before.

I know. You people are shifty fucks. Anytime a jew I know says he's white in public I call him/her out now and give them a look.

Just curious because I see this all the time (white skinned people being called not white) so here's a question for you guys

What specifically, other than white skin, makes someone white?

you probably look dumb doing it

wait, I can just arbitrarily say I give up white privilege and it's automatically gone and I never have to hear about my privilege again? well shit, thanks for the tip jews!

Well you're a stupid fuck from leddit

Jewesses are fucking insufferable.

Never date them. They're batshit insane and think they know everything.

>that's all women

Well sort of. But Jewish women are worse.

I'm self hating. But not at the fact that I'm a half-Jew.
More at the fact that I'm 1/8th nigger.
I'm furious about that.

Only when it suits you

Not as dumb as every single jew you meet who has to tell you that they're jewish within the first ten words out of their mouth.
Like I couldn't spot you from 500 meters out.

not an argument

One Fatass whitey

Naming the Jew is unnecessary as of now.

All we have to do is attack hypocritical identity politics, liberal bias in the media (including Hollywood), social justice, hypocritical feminism, irresponsible hedonism, and globalism.

Attacking all of these things attacks the Jews without attacking them directly. If anyone calls attacks on these concepts "anti-semitism" we just shrug and say, "The religion of the promoters of these negative ideas is not our concern."

We just keep attacking the ideas and that will disarm them.

Only later do we point out that identity politics ought to draw attention to the disproportionate number of Jews in the media, academia, and government. It is only fair that if whites are criticized for being "over represented" that other groups should be too.

you like sticks kek

You're disgusting parasites.

I feel bad for you, bro

Genetic and cultural heritage of Western Europe makes someone white. Generally, Celts, Anglos, Nordics, Germans, Franks, some Iberian and Mediterraneans.

Reporting in.

>self hating

Definitely check

>tfw accepted into white ethno state despite being mischling
>but excluded for being an octoroon

Sorry son but you wrecked yourself

what kind of jews have you been seeing? topkek

not an argument.

why can't anyone logically refute anything they disagree with instead of going "hurr durrr idf" or "oy vey hehehehe"

Gotta have pink nipples.

That's the standard

>Sorry son but you wrecked yourself
At least my children will get into that ethno state. At 1/16th you can only notice the nigger genes if you squint...



Your daughters will have big butts but the Jew intelligence will counteract the nigger intelligence. You're good famalam

Sargon the cuck of Akkad has a similar level of negro and I had no clue

Nice meme. If their ancestors don't hail from Judea, then they're not racially kikes, just kike converts.

This Jew is white.

>Marxist Jews want to be able to identify with the "victim groups" they construct so they don't get hanged in their dystopia of a nigger uprising

Surprise surprise.

I know. It was a time before the redpill.

It only a fucking idiot thinks they're White.

What the darn-diddily-doodily did you just say about me, you little witcharooney? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at Springfield Bible College, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret mission trips in Capital City, and I have over 300 confirmed baptisms. I am trained in the Old Testament and I’m the top converter in the entire church mission group. You are nothing to me but just another heathen. I will cast your sins out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in Heaven, mark my diddily-iddilly words. You think you can get away with saying that blasphemy to me over the Internet? Think again, friendarino. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of evangelists across Springfield and your IP is being traced by God right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggorino. The storm that wipes out the diddily little thing you call your life of sin. You’re going to Church, kiddily-widdily. Jesus can be anywhere, anytime, and he can turn you to the Gospel in over infinity ways, and that’s just with his bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in preaching to nonbelievers, but I have access to the entire dang- diddily Bible collection of the Springfield Bible College and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your sins away off the face of the continent, you diddily-doo satan-worshipper. If only you could have known what holy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you from the Heavens, maybe you would have held your darn-diddily-fundgearoo tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re clean of all your sins, you widdillo-skiddily neighborino. I will sing hymns of praise all over you and you will drown in the love of Christ. You’re farn-foodily- flank-fiddily reborn, kiddo-diddily.

Adolf...get the train

Fucking this. So annoying.
If they say they're white I just say 'Jews aren't white.'

Just grow your nose, buddy.

and? they have to be beheaded it doesn't matter if they are white, purple or yellow

My grandmother was an illiterate farm girl from Spain, which must be the reason why she decided it would be a could idea to have children with a mulatto Jamaican. He was a deadbeat (SURPRISE!)

Luckily my family has been BLEACHING ever since.

My 1/4th nigger Uncle married a blonde, blue-eyed Irish/Italian mix, and his children are pretty 'Aryan' themselves; blonde hair and all.

My other uncle however moved to Spain and married a pretty white looking girl but his daughters still have extra-tight nigger curls so they're fucked.

I really hate the strength of the negro genetics.

NYC, every time you meet a jew they will tell you that they're a jew in the first two sentences.
Growing up on Long Island I'm pretty sure I can spot a jew by now, you don't have to tell me.

I will probably end up marrying a qtpie jew girl. An orthodox one hopefully. And my children will be like jeeeeeew royalty.

Much easier to dirty up a window pane then it is to clean it, that's for sure

>pol thinks this isn't white

I'm half Ashkenazi jew, so is my wife. You'd never know we were half-jews.

Jews are whiter then most whites, it's fucking hilarious. Ashkenazi are upper Europe tier white.

But you've just told us and we know

t. Jew


>based mischling
You'll be evacuated next

Jews only pretend to be White when they're attacking Whites.

But they don't consider themselves to be White.

They despise Whites.

All of you schlomosexuals need to fuck off.

pol is retarded

Oy veyyyy goyim don't make me mad I have your bank account information and enough legal documentation on you to effectively blackmail you.

you are really cute :3 do you want to be my gf? i'll buy you things hehe!

jews are good news

This too

They can be as white as they want, doesn't make them human.

>half jew
Unless that half was ur mom they don't consider you jewish either.

Not according to genetics they aren't. Unless you also consider Chechens and Turks white, because Ashkenazi have about the same genetic distance from Europeans as those groups.

What world do you live in? Whites are the most PC. Whites would NEVER say that a jew is "not white," or even comment on another race.

Doesn't matter what you consider yourself. You're as white as any typical sandnigger genetically, meaning you aren't white at all.

That obviously isn't white. Painfully obviously.

God damn, Poland.
Did you just try to English there?

That's the opposite of the truth. Jared Taylor is an ineffectual tard who is good for nothing at all. Naming the Jew converts many many more people to our side than Jared Taylor ever could.

And you're wrong about him anyway. Taylor doesn't name the Jews because he honestly believes they are white and "men of the west" because he's a cunt. Jared Taylor will be killed on the day of the rope.