Fuck Milo
kill all faggots
kill all jews
kill all niggers
Milo is a gross faggot
So who sucks more black dick, Milo or CF?
>implying Sup Forums still supports milo
He is a pro-pedo attention whore and even Trump has realized that
>Someone called him a name, so it must be true
Superior Liberal Intelligence
It's really too bad you're a LITERAL NAZI and now no one can believe a word you've said. Rip your flawless reputation.
I see the reagan battalion is still lurking around this board. Get a life.
Who cares about this pedo? Any time he gets out of line they can just yank his leash again.
As a conservative I can say queers have no business in the conservative movement and that goes double for pedo enablers.
Faggots are a disease
Go home r/thedonald
So many faggots there. Send in Mike Pence. 1.21 gigawatts
Fuck off with this pedo faggot
When does this homo go on?
Fuck off redditniggers. This kike faggot will get his treatment soon.
hi milo, good luck with your party tonight and your media empire.
Ps no one wears Bape anymore man it's not 2007
starts in 6 million minutes
Only leftists support faggots.
Sorry kid
He better not fuck this up
is it some hajis finally throwing him off a building?
Fuck off newfag. There would be no conservative movement without Milo.
As a real Conservative, I can say, you fucking owe him.
I mean if you admit to it yourself or encourage I would say that makes it kinda valid
>breaking of Cinco de drinko to watch a faggot on youtube
Conservatives are retarded. And you need to lurk dumb newfag
Checking if mikeroll still works
>him walking around a room
How interesting....
> There would be no conservative movement without a pedo cocksucker attention whore
Read a book you dumb son of a bitch
Holy shit it's happening. The phoenix rises!
> conservative
> supports fags
well memed my dude.
Mods kept mikeroll in?
Damn it, the stream isn't on yet.
Is he having a giant gay sex orgy?
Also why wasn't I invited to this?
Did anything gay happen yet?
>bants this weak
>calling anyone newfag
ok Greenberg
Only the_donald redditors support kike pupputs like milo
im sure op can get you an invite, leaf
mikeroll still working holy shit
Are those protestors?
He is a complete degenerate, this faggot is the literal opposite of conservatives despite what he claims.
based faggot
Didn't he go to jail for fucking a child or something?
Milo turned campus culture of lost, angry men into anti-feminist right wingers. I don't care what any one here says. There were threads about him all day every time he would destroy a bitch during question period or trigger some sad fat tumblr dweller. Now because he's popular suddenly Sup Forums hates him. You fuckers created his hype.
>b-b-but he's a pedo
Epic!!! Milo is so based! We need to support Israel btw :)
This degenerate does not deserve our respect......but I will fight alongside anyone currently that Antifa hates.
Nice victim blaming there. How does one go about getting a job as a hypocritical nigger, anyway? (I'm assuming you shills are paid, mostly because I want to see you all executed for sedition along with your employers.)
If only...
>there would be no conservative movement without a jewish pedo faggot
>Only newfags oppose Milo
Just fuck off back to t_d
I like him and Richard Spencer!
(((he))) is back
the fuck is this garbage?
Yup. Every time I start to think Sup Forums has integrity again, they go and prove what backstabbing kikes they really are.
tfw Sup Forums is more of a kike than any Jew ever was
He is also a faggot and degenerate. Sorry but conservatism is also religious in nature and the bible is pretty clear about fags.
I dont care howany people he made hate, hate sells books but solves nothing. Milo produces nothing and solely preys on young mens emotions to make money while never offering solutions.
He is a vampire.
Listen to the new Shoah podcast or watch this?
The conservative movement started in 1970's way before milo got his first dicking
Do you read the Bible?
Do you go to church?
Do you pray?
He's openly supported boy fucking and wanting HIV. This nu-Sup Forums shit needs to go
me too!! xD
Well memed, fellow pede!
>Richard Spencer advocates race warfare and devolution into sectarian and racial strife/revolution
Lovers of the tiny faced paid opposition stooge are hilarious in their ignorance.
I care just enough to type out a statement saying that I don't care.
>conservatism is also religious in nature
holy shit kys
Alt light faggotry is turning the right wing into fucking high school.
Wait wait.. you are saying pol is the problem tor not supporting a dick sucking kike who loves Israel?
Go back to the donald.
I hate gays, jews and Israel. Why would I want a kike queer involved with us?
When did Trump realise that? Can you read his mind?
Daily reminder to buy MIloCoin if you're sick of being poor.
Milocoin dot info
The left has been stuck in the "I'm in junior high school and communism is good" phase so as long as they don't drop that low, then it shouldn't be a problem
I am a LITERAL NAZI though. Ancap in the streets, natsoc in the sheets.
jesus that faggot must be sucking every cock on the block, been waiting forever for this shit to start
Why is this so cringe?
Fuck Milo, I don't want to see his stupid shit on this board anymore.
Good point. As long as they stay focused on the goals, not media whoring
>>Richard Spencer advocates race warfare and devolution into sectarian and racial strife/revolution
Yes, when can we start? I'd rather do that than lap up white displacement every year
Hillary Clinton
>nigger music in the background
#Based black guys! woo!
Opposed to what exactly? Crying on an anime message board about your girl problems and how much you hate blacks?
What's exactly should this movement be doing? Forming legit RWDS and dragging people to the gallows in you're local park?
im still not clear on who that guy is
Milo represents jewry, faggotry, promiscuity, coal burning and being a vapid, self-centred attention whore. This is the cancer destroying the west. Is /nupol/ seriously trying to portray the rejection of this degeneracy as stormfag purity spiralling?
the fuck is going on here
Why aren't they using a ceiling-mounted projector, fuckers keep walking in front of it
Because you find the idea of people going to a party on cinco de Mayo to seem cringey when there's free drinks likely available?
Just flood the board with Milo shit until mods ban all Milo threads
Who do you think the base of the conservative movement is? 1/3 of the nationis evangelical and 90% of them voted. Of those who voted 85% went for Trump.
A bunch of fag college students did jack shit compared to christians who coincidentaly dont approve of homosexuality.
If you want to being in gays you can do it without those votes that you cannot win without.
Basically fuck you and that kike fag.
Milo is based as fuck and also /ourguy
he has done a lot for this board and getting Donald Trump elected
He came up with the nickname 'Daddy' to trigger liberals
> Forming legit RWDS and dragging people to the gallows in you're local park?
I wish..
No that's not it.
Join us biz bros in shilling for and profiting off of Milo. Shadilay!
shill level, kindergarten
>Forming legit RWDS and dragging people to the gallows in you're local park?
When can we start?
Every time. Every fucking god damn time.
I never said pol was "the problem". I said pol has a very fucking sociopathic tendency of (((supporting))) people until the can dig their poisonous little fangs in their neck. It's disgusting and even worse than degenerate faggotry.
Milo is a degenerate and his lifestyle is deplorable, but at least he wouldn't stab his friends in the back like most of Sup Forums.
Go back to New York, Shylock
>chanting USA USA
why do burgers always forget where they are and have to yell to remind themselves
haha get it because im flamboyant but also conservative catholic jesuscuck.
Quirky me. What a snowflake!
It helps to live in a country you can be proud of.