>*Face palms*
*Face palms*
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holy fug
Well this man is right, we should be investing more in all energy jobs so we can stop relying on energy from muslim countries.
She isn't too bright is she?
so according to Mr. Kohn we should all do stupid useless tasks all day that benefit nobody for no reason at all other than having emplyoment
is xer advocating for slavery?!
Much like her solar panals
>obama creates 8 million jobs
>all cashiers at walmart
>economy saved
Why not pay one coal worker while sending 78 others off to get women's studies degrees?
They just can't help themselves, can they?
What this really means is that the coal worker is much more productive on average.
Creating energy by hand would create even more jobs.
Fusion is the future. Once metamaterials becomes more common.
Using this logic, she is suggesting we should make every single product intentionally hard to manufacture, thus requiring more workers, thus creating more jobs.
Wouldn't this just cause the cost of goods to go up? Literally nothing would change.
Yay for slavery for creating useless things like... pyramids and solar panels!
come back to me
>creates tens of thousands of part-time jobs
>gets rid of thousands of full-time jobs
you forgot about that part.
Does she really not realize that she's showing exactly why solar energy isn't fucking profitable?
Let's go over to a solar based economy so this dumb bitch won't pester the world on twitter anymore because she will be forced to save her electricity for heat.
Why does sally want a really expensive electric bill
i create energy with my hand at least twice a day.
its like they love pointing out the highly inefficient nature of what they want to use to replace what is already effective
Yeah. I don't get it. How is this an argument against conservatives?
no no
expensive electric bills are a rip off by evil cis gendered straight white male CEO's that exploit 79 workers and don't pay them enough
And... creating everything with our feet would create even more jobs!
now compare the co2 emissions between solar and coal. Most hippies will shit themselves when they learn a solar plant has higher emissions than a coal plant and does more harm to the environment.
Holy shit, I literally want to shoot myself over that.
Sally needs to fucking kill herself after this one, holy fuck, that dyke kike has gone full retard.
>I bet you thought ethno-nationalists were good at creating jobs
>it only takes one white to do the job of 76 niggers
Checkmate drumfkins
>gets rid of public sector jobes to create private-sector jobs
>booming exonomy
the EPA
I think she's trying to demonstrate that solar has the potential to "create" more jobs than coal and natural gas.
With that same logic you can send every unemployed person in the USA out to kansas to dig ditches for $20 an hour and get to 0% unemployment overnight. It's not profitable, but who cares right?
If we take it this way then please google "How deadly is your kilowatt?"
Mate what if we employed people to do things like breath or masturbate? We could create billions of jobs and everyone would be employed multiple times.
>good jobs means jobs for everyone
Jews are literally niggers at reading but intentional.
m8 thats called welfare.
Fuckin' morons.
We need artisanal Kilowatts
Pyramids weren't built with the usage of slaves man, they were paid workers.
Holy fuck claiming welfare is a job? The economy is saved!
>I think she's trying to demonstrate that solar has the potential to "create" more jobs than coal and natural gas.
Exactly. Which, stupid shit didn't realize, goes against logic related to efficiency.
Your logic is retarded. That's not how this works. You should know better since renewable energy has become a very profitable venture for Canada.
Yea lets go solar and strip mine the the rare earth minerals with slave labor
we hit first plasma, so fusion is going to be here in a matter of years now
that first step was the doosy, and we just passed it
This is the same degenerate kike who got upset that it's daughter wasn't a lesbian.
What does it matter when all the solar jobs go to H1-B workers because of """shortages""" of qualified workers?
They should hire 1 million people to dig holes and cover them the next day. This would create tons of jobs.
how is this fat dyke still employed
>what is efficiency
And that guy makes a 6 figure salary
>when you stimulate the economy by spending $1,000,000,000,000 to build giant electricity-generating hamster wheels and employ 1/4th of the American population to run around in them 24/7
>tfw there will be a day where Solar energy is not in its infancy like now
>it will actually be viable one day in the distant future
>you won't be alive to see it
I thank God every day that our enemies are so fucking stupid.
How is my logic retarded? Employment is worthless if it's not turning a profit. I don't know why you'd get confrontational and embarrass yourself over something you must obviously agree with
>renewable energy has become a very profitable venture for Canada.
Holy kek. I think you're just a stupid leaf
>tfw Jew
>tfw even I can't stand Sally Kohn
I swear to God every time she opens her mouth she creates another anti-semite by just being a parody of herself.
>we should be investing in horse-drawn carriages instead of automobiles because you need more full time workers to maintain horses + a carriage
Should give the coal miners only hand tools to excavate the coal with.
Think of how many extra jobs you'd create.
>leafposting this hard
fuck off
my bills have gone through the fucking ceiling and if you try to even fucking defend that shit I swear I will ram my boot so far up your ass that you'll taste the week old sweat on the fucking inside, you cockshit monkey asswanker from the depths of shit
really makes you think
>At one of our dinners, Milton recalled traveling to an Asian country in the 1960s and visiting a worksite where a new canal was being built. He was shocked to see that, instead of modern tractors and earth movers, the workers had shovels. He asked why there were so few machines. The government bureaucrat explained: “You don’t understand. This is a jobs program.” To which Milton replied: “Oh, I thought you were trying to build a canal. If it’s jobs you want, then you should give these workers spoons, not shovels.”
That's not a good thing unless the overall costs (without subsidies) are comparable.
lol wut
I wonder if you hired 80 goons to cycle all day as their full time job they'd produce more energy than the 80 solar energy people
Really makes me think
Make prison inmates ride exercise bikes hooked up to a grid all day, problem solved.
We should round up all illegal immigrants and make them build a great wall! In return, we can provide them things like food, water, shelter, medical attention, and a job... like we already do!
After all, they say that Mexicans are hard workers that'll do the jobs Americans don't want to do.
solar is good now, and would generate lots of power for the world
if we get the panels in space
solar is fucking worthless garbage on the ground, because atmospheres, and all they contain and cause, are not conductive for photo-voltaic energy generation, and instead fuck the panels sideways all while the panels fail to function for 50% of the day minimum
>this just proves that natural gas and coal are more efficient than solar
Why do liberals fucking BTFO themselves every time?
>put all illegals into human hamster wheels
>force them to run until they drop form exhaustion
>Using the least efficient energy source requires the most manpower and consequently creates the most jobs
it's called socialism
>put all illegals into human hamster wheels
>force them to run until they drop form exhaustion
>burn the bodies for even more energy
>profit again
what's the difference?
Now you see the agenda of the left in full view: de-industrialisation. What follows is population decline of course. Fill in with your imagination for the 3rd step.
is Kathleen Wynne on Sup Forums?
Fucking savage, and spot on.
What a fucking dumbass. Sad!
Let's build giant hamster wheel generators and put liberals in them.
1. Great for the environment.
2. Think of all the jobs!
>what is rentability
Simple math tells us they won't... but hey, think of all the jobs!!!
80 goons cycling 8 hours a day would produce just almost enough energy to power 2 average US households.
No wonder Solar is useless
It wastes so much money employing 79 PEOPLE to one coal miner
fucking kek
Amazing lads. Lets support unefficient energy.
What is EROEI? That thought process in the OP pic is completely twisted.
she'll get it eventually. then her head will explode.
what am I looking at here?
>artisanal firewood
my head is full of fuck
Is she supposed to be the poor man's Rachel Maddow? Also, isn't she making the point that coal is more cost effective than solar? Isn't she demonstrating why it's cheaper?
ah, smug liberals telling us what to think again, bad graphs and all, right on schedule.
where would be we without them?
>cleaning off dusty solar panels is a good job
The libs should just admit they would willingly pay people to dig holes and break windows.
Black mirror, 15 milion credits was the name?
Wouldn't they get absolutely filthy in space and be prohibitively expensive to clean?
but what is going on? why is there enough trash for 2 workers to pick up?
>america goes 100% solar
>literally every american is needed to clean off the dusty solar panels for $10 an hour
correct me if im wrong... but it seems to say the average salary is $10.32