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What does any of that have to do with Capitalism?
>leftypol memes
No sauce for them numbers, remember the 100 gorillion goyim.
Because the United States is capitalist
>massacre of communists in Indonesia
Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same jewish coin.
In the mind of imbeciles anything that is not done under regime of communism is fault of capitalism.
Ok..well if we're playing that game. How many people did Stalin kill? Mao? Castro? Khmer Rouge?
Maybe like 90 millions
wait, fascists are capitalists?
Nazis were not capitalists
are fascists, though, technically?
They're national socialists.
fascism isn't the same as national socialism
yeah it is
>americans are retarded
really makes you think
At least we have freedom of speech, you dumbass leaf
What definition of capitalism are you using? Because nazi germany and fascist italy were capitalist states.
>muh freeeedooommm
hell yeah faggit
how many of these had jews involved?
Why are you such an asshole. Retard. And blatant fucking liar? Why is the sky brown?
Prove what lol? Most labor was privately employed in nazi germany and most capital was owned by private corporations. Which makes it by not autistic definitions capitalist state
>Capitalism kill people before exist.
You forget all the medieval wars there buddy.
Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg are great people!! :)
Woohoo! Are you jealous of Lloyd Blankfein, you commieh?!?!
Those are all successful people and they should rule our society and be shown as examples of what people should be like!
Capitalism is great!
How about you prove that every single murder in your memepic was done because of capitalist system? Because most of that makes no sense.
yes freedom is always going to come at the cost of those that would stop that freedom, deal with it