Wait can someone explain why people like Boogie2988 shouldn't deserve free healthcare. Sure he has a pre-existing condition. He's overweight, is that his fault? No really, most cases of obesity stem from poor genetics. People have different metabolism. Plus boogie is probably a millionaire and makes a lot of money that he puts back into the economy in the form of purchasing goods and services. He makes millions of people happy and entertains them with his videos and game reviews.
My favorite youtuber boogie2988fan
He should be turned into soap and lampshades.
>people have different metabolism! Pay up, goyim!
>white Americans descend from Europeans
>Europeans are predominantly healthy
>blaming genetics for your obesity
Are you fucking kidding me?
If he is overweight because of genetics then his line should end and his blood should be forgotten. This isn't a fairy tale - this is survival of the fittest. The future will not be inherited by the weak or the stupid. So no, he does not deserve free health care just because he's a person. That's like saying every dog deserves to eat at least 1 doggy treat a day because they're a dog.
If he makes millions he can buy his own damn healthcare.
How many times am I going to see this fat fuck on Sup Forums today, user?
Except dogs don't need doggy treats to survive you fucking retard, learn2metaphor.
>most cases of obesity stem from poor genetics
It is so fucking simple, fat fuck
Eat more foods that have fiber
Fiber has no caloric value and takes energy to digest
Fat fucks deserve to die early and poor
Just like smokers and drinkers
This guy deserves free healthcare as much as my friend who shot himself to get out of the army
This fat son of a bitch doesn't need free health care to survive either, dumbass. He makes thousands of dollars a month off of Youtube and could easily afford a healthcare plan for a few hundred bucks a month.
Are you retarded?
>overweight due to genetics
no such thing
ever taken thermodynamics, boy?
>are you retarded?
No but apparently you are if you didn't get what I was saying. I don't care about this fat fuck, just pointing out that your metaphor was fucking stupid.
No one needs healthcare insurance to survive
If they make enough money and have good enough health to even be able to gain so much weight they can stand to loose some
Being able to gain weight easily is a sign of good health if anything, but continuing to to a ridiculous degree is a sign of low IQ
A doggy treat is a want. Not a need.
Boogie wants free healthcare and that's a want. Not a need.
He could easily pay for healthcare himself, but he wants other people to do it for him. Again, I'll ask: Are you retarded?
>He's overweight, is that his fault?
Yes it fucking is.
t. fatty
Way to completely miss the point once again, dipshit.
boogie 298 kilograms
Yep, he's retarded. Once you fail to make an argument the debate is over. Back to work for me.
I like boogie because he seems like a cool relaxing dude. Not judgemental, but always wanting to help. However in all fairness we shouldn't need to pay for his or his carelessness.
Can someone explain why you keep making the same shit tier post every fucking hour?
That thing doesn't deserve to breathe.
Top fucking kek
Gtfo shill
Go away boogie
I didn't realize how fat he really was. 4million subscribers. He must be the most successful morbidly obese person since president Taft.
I concur
He's fat because he's a baby with mental issues. He's a cuck who's wife is cheating on him, he's a kid who's afraid of having testosterone.
Of course he's fat and doesn't want to fix it, he wants the American people to sustain his degenerate lifestyle instead of eating fibers and drinking water.
Yes losing weight is easy, but it's not fast , it's a 5lbs month process, not 10-20.
If d i g t s he dies next month