You mad, Drumpfies? Where were you when Sup Forums was absolutely BTFO about Hillary Clinton? So much for those "emails" getting her impeached, huh.
President Clinton's Approval Rating at 91 at Day 100
in Canada
This is a hillary clinton board xD
You can't argue with results, Sup Forums. I'm so glad that Hillary won and not Orange Mussolini.
Why can't you just admit that you've forever lost, Sup Forums? Reality has a liberal bias and is on the right side of history. Just accept it!
Amazing how deluded women are.
Holy fuck someone actually made this
In just over three months, Clinton has succeeded in raising the federal minimum wage to $12, ending college debt, shutting down the Dakota Pipeline, raising taxes on the wealthy, appointing former president Barack Obama to the Supreme Court, instating a no-fly zone above Syria, declaring America a "sanctuary nation," mandating paid parental leave, making public bathrooms gender neutral, welcoming hundreds of Syrian refugees to America, doubling the State Department's budget, celebrating science in schools, and strengthening the Voting Rights Act.
People actually think that a vast majority of Americans would be in favor of these.
Man, that's an impressively elaborate fanfiction. And like most, it's utterly unaware of how pathetic it seems.
>After the first 100 days, Clinton has shat herself 91 times
I think this might be satire
Is it possible to take away womens rights at this point or is it too late?
What I find funny is the amount of people taking this seriously.
I actually had you all pegged or political philosophers lol.
I want to believe one of us made this to laugh at. I want to believe they can't really be that delusional.
I know better.
>Obama SCJ
wew, thank god we're in the correct timeline. I could actually see that shit happening.
>The half of the country that hated her guts would approve of her now
There maybe alternate universes but this timeline isn't even possible
Of course. I approve of what she's doing right now as well, which is nothing.
>liberals still coping
Feels nice.
This sort of shit is why she fucking LOST. We don't want any of this garbage.
> hillary wins presidency
> republican house
> republican senate
really makes you think
>Unironically a greater president than George Washington or Thomas Jefferson
Wow, liberal fan fiction is fucking terrifying.
seems like it's an elaborate ruse m8.
>In further evidence of Clinton's popularity, all across America, citizens threw parties to commemorate Clinton's swearing in, with thousands of Americans telling pollsters they have "never been less afraid of nuclear war," according to the New York Times.
Guess that no-fly zone never materialized in the hillaryverse
>tfw its real
>White house press secretary Leslie Jones
holy fuck that sounds like an orwellian nightmare
How buttblasted does someone have to be to make something like this?
I'm actually disappointed that it's satire. I knew it sounded too good to be legit.
Welcome to the Twilight Zone.
>Hill fan fiction
wow, the shills are so delusional they have to write fantasy stories. I bet there is a story up there where Madame President destroys Darth Putin's Death Star.
>blocking Dakota Pipeline
For what purpose, just to make oil prices higher and give more money to the Saudis?
>making America a sanctuary nation
Wow, sounds like a nightmare.
>Huma as chief of staff
The Dems really love Saudi cash, don't they?
I would have welcomed a nuclear holocaust
>HURR trump has low support so that must mean everyone likes Hillary!
No you retard. Smart people hate both. Only brainless idiots like Hillary. Trump suppoters at least have critical thinking. They think "Well I voted for trump but that doesn't mean he is infallible." Where as Hillary fans "OMG you didn't votes dem u nazi bigot? F u ral n suran retad." If you actually think people support Hillary you are fucking retarted.
She should run for Pres again in 2020 then
98% chance wasnt enough to win last time
Surely she'll have a 99% chance to win this time around
>Lyndon Johnson
This is why leftists hate liberals
I approve her too for not being in office, the fucking dyke
>FDR, Lincoln, and LBJ top 3
>liberals honestly think Hillary would have an approval rating over 50%
>day 101
>world finds out hillary has been dead for 102 days and country has been run by hoaxes and holograms
Holy shit this is top fanfiction
>instating a no-fly zone over syria
Just months ago, historians were debating whether Clinton's presidency could make it into the "all time top five." Now, they're saying she's guaranteed a spot in the top three: "FDR, Lincoln, and Lyndon B. Johnson better watch out. She is coming for them," said Yale University's David Blight in an email.
>Lyndon B. Johnson
>Top three
This triggers me immensely
What happened to Trump and his associates/supporters?
why does anyone think she could be popular? Her UPPERBOUND would be obamas average of 40-something percent approval, but she's much more unlikable overall, coupled with conservative which will hurt her with her base. She would be very possibly sub trump.
>president clinton has officially made every african american female a millionaire
what do you mean why? Why do you even have to ask this question? I mean.. perhaps I get tired of the same old Sup Forums questioning how liberals can be so illogical, pointing out flaws in their rationale.. but yea
They think she'd be that popular because they think that doing any of the things on that website are actually possible.
Personally, I believe that Trump was 100% genuine in his campaign promises. Seeing as he is flipping on all of them, I can only believe that there is absolutely nothing the president can actually do. They just get to decide which paint job we get on the dildo that's going to be fucking us for the next 4 years.
>Lyndon "those niggers" Johnson
Also I thought liberals hated the vietnam war?