Don't you see what Milo is doing? He's using you autistics to make money. Do you think he gives a shit about free speech? The fag is in love with himself and he will do anything for attention/money. Wake the fuck up retards
Milo is using conservatives
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We like being used and abused :)
its ironic because hes not even a conservative
hes basically a leftist who hates feminism
he onky appeals to internet trend hopping losers who watch sjw rekt compilations and think not calling trannys by their correct pro nouns is significant
Well, that's Capitalism
Well aren't you a cute little goyim, great job figuring it out but there is nothing you can do about it
The Alt-Right is an Israel/CIA controlled opposition campaign. The very term was coined by a Jew and now the leaders of the (((alt-right))) are either Jews themselves or Zionists that shill for Israel and/or Civic Nationalism. The Alt-Right was designed to be a response to ANTIFA. The goal is to divide the American public against itself through the use of opposing political ideologies. Antifa/Alt-Right are fighting in the streets for something neither will ever see fulfilled. You're being distracted while the real threat already sits in seats of Government. It's all a psyop and we're very close to losing.
Wake up, Neo.
If we don't realize what's happening, we get what's coming to us.
That's called consequences
He's definitely not a leftist. The dude loves capitalism.
Only t_d faggots haven't realized that
I haven't purchased a single thing from or about him. How is he using me again?
But getting fucked in the ass feels really good
I don't care about being used as long as it has a net positive effect on my goals.
So is Richard fucking new are you?!
He's a subversive kike trying to derail a growing ethno nationalism movement.
He is a pedophile.
>gets a lot of money and fame
>at the same time gives normies their first red pills and aligns them toward our side
Wow, it's almost like you're against capitalism.
Faggots love capitalism, it's the only system that allow them to be flamboyant
>Someone is doing something for money
>this means the thing they're doing has no value
Yeah, we know that. The same is true of a lot of right wing personalities. We don't care, they're useful. Milo is incredibly useful. He's a troll who attacks the left, and because he's a gay Jewish racemixer the average normie has to stop and think when the left attacks people outside of his events.
Kill yourself retard faggot shill.
This is the new right. "Conservatives" can go fucking kill themselves and their coalburning daughters.
Get used to it, it's coming. And white ethno-nationalism is millimeters behind its trail.
Conservatives are trash and so is leddit cucks.
>its ironic because hes not even a conservative
That's pretty much the majority of Sup Forums we're ambivalent to Christianity, abortion, etc - hate feminism, Islam and illegal immigrants and want freedom of expression and free speech and we don't care about what people do in their spare private lives but race mixing is funny to mock on the internet
>The fag is in love with himself and he will do anything for attention/money.
>fags will do anything for attention/money
I always found it funny how some people thought he was this super-fabulous crusader for the rights of free speech.
Just like every political commentator/pundit ever. This isn't new you fucking child.
Do you honestly think anyone here has given him money?
I MIGHT buy his book if it's not too expensive and gets decent reviews.
Even if he's a plant by any chance we don't have to completely disregard him and go back to the stoneage cave, we can easily usurp (((their))) established shit! And Sup Forums is fucking immortal when it comes to smelling false powers and shilling. So move forward all the time instead of retreating.
As for not Milo funding, the_donald is way better left with this advice than Sup Forums.
What are you antifa faggots up to on this nice 5 de mayo
Not quite and the science"discoveries" people have been reading related are fake. Consider the premise of IQ...are there important talents/functions that it does not describe? education discourages people from having a well paying electrician career since it's not "intellectual"
Divide & conquer is for the shekel banks. Legal Mexican immigrants are Christian, they question the pope is god ruse. You have common cause but won't see it. Or shilling is getting better shariablue (they come for you too, just later, read history)
Good fences = good neighbors. So true, don't throw your legal neighbor out. Fences scale!
nice ID faggot
got it
paul gottfried is actually way more intelligent and insightful than dickie spencer and virtually the entire jewish community considers him a pariah.
He's a capitalist, big deal.
Eat shit shills.
True shit m8
>If only he could have controlled his gay and stfu
all that intellect and shit stirring skills absolutely wasted on a dead end genetic degenerate who will soon die of Aids.
paul is an anti-white nationalism zionist. suck his balls more, moshe.
So? As long as he provokes a bunch of riots, it's good entertainment for us.