What's Zucc thinking about in this image Sup Forums?
What's Zucc thinking about in this image Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>this will make for a great photo op
>when do i tell them im jewish
>dont relax dont relax dont relax dont relax dont relax ....
Wow, (((zuck)) really wants to be President.
What is he thinking??
"I'm gonna be the President, I'm gonna be the President"
>now everybody can see im not a racist!
>01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01101000 01110101 01101101 01100001 01101110 00100000 01101001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01101000 01110101 01101101 01100001 01101110 00100000 01101001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01101000 01110101 01101101 01100001 01101110
>the fuck is that smell
>I hope that channel 4 site doesn't get cuckerberg trending
>>tips kippah
>>So this is what subhumans do
>is that money they are putting the plate for me?
God now that Trump won, all these fucking power hungry businessmen are vying for the presidency, 2020 is going to be such a shitshow. Can't wait to see jokes like Zuckerberg, Oprah, Mark Cuban, etc. on goddamn debate podiums.
I hope my car doesn't get stolen while I'm in here.
> Can't believe I have to pretend to believe this shit. My God, most people are fucking retarded.
he looks so fucking nervous
>"I'm going to be the first kike married to a gook voted into office by niggers in order to rule over the goyim"
>they think I'm a white guy
>stupid niggers
>rubs paws
"How can I exploit these people for profit and personal gain?"
>Fuck, even niggers are taller than me
>What's Zucc thinking about in this image Sup Forums?
don't rub hands, don't rub hands, don't rub hands, don't rub hands, don't rub hands, don't rub hands, don't rub hands, don't rub hands, don't rub hands, don't rub hands, don't rub hands.
>What's Zucc thinking about in this image Sup Forums?
He's fantasizing about nailing Christ to a cross to teach him a lesson for assaulting his fellow money changers at the temple.
he seems like a neurotic wreck desu, i wonder how many of his accomplishments are even his own
>dumb fucks...
>we wuz kangs
He reminds me of an alien travelling the country to learn about humans.
Thinking about is 100 billion shekels
and how it's not enough
And he's in tech
Literally that meme
>handing over control of the world to the new Judeo-Asian AI overlords
>They "trust me,"
>Dumb fucks.
>see me after class . jpg
"how many more fucking monkeys and rednecks do I have to meet and get photos with before they let me rule the goyim!! Oy veyyy! this trip is like anudda shoah! My feet hurt. I wish I was at home on facebook"
>These people are so stupid they probably have a Facebook account.
someone should photoshop dylan roof's head on his
This whole leak is pretty suspicious. Where did it come from and how can we confirm this isn't bullshit if wikileaks thinks it might be us
>is that gas i see coming out of the fire sprinklers?!
False flag to blame Sup Forums for the election 'tampering' so they can finally take us down?
We can only hope for Ye2020
This. But he wont be. He will never survive a debate after helping Muslim countries find and execute dissenters.
The old lady in the aqua colored outfit isn't having any of this fucking jew shit.
>if i cant have white wimmin no one can!
procedes to ruin them for everyone else
Fuck Zuck the Cuck
look at those fucking beady eyes. like sharks
>If that fat oaf can be president so can I.
>Good thing I don't carry cash
>But wait, what I they get mad and kick my ass or kill me?
>Shit... Shoulda carried some cash....
>do they know my people killed Jesus, I hope they don't know, am I going to spontaneously combust, holy shit I'm feeling hot
Those blacks be like:
"dis nigga has so much money, why doesn't he give me some?"
"Must be raciss!"
He will not run for President. Mark my words. Its not him and he is smart enough to know it. This country wide photo tour is nothing more than Facebook PR and setting the scene for him to go down as a Bill Gates-like tech legend.
His influence via Facebook is enormous and his focus is on securing more and more influence. But he will not aim for the Presidency
>control bitcoin supply
>central banks vow to them
>in contact with astral blockchain beings
Don't forget kanye west