This article did not age well at all "Hillary Clinton doesn't need white men"
This article did not age well at all "Hillary Clinton doesn't need white men"
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Hillary should have won if it wasn't for you.meddling white dudes
and your stupid frog
Did they drug that stupid cunt leftist on the left? A side of beef isn't that funny
Yes, opinion pieces about current events often don't age well.
"Opinion" pieces from faggot cucks?
It was never relevant to begin with
>big fat arms
what did she mean by this?
I kek'd. Why do you celebrate 5 de Mayo either way? Why would americans celebrate a military victory of a foreign country? ..
Kek, watch her try and get an elbow in the face when she realizes she can't get it out.
The way demographics are going, Dems won't need white support soon.
Don't they already see American holidays as white guilt days
fuck drumpf and fuck white people
Excuse to drink
>St. Patricks
>May 5th
democrats arent very smart
idk man it's just fun, why do non irish celebrate st paddy's, just let us be mexican for a day it's in good faith m8
peace, come for a visit sometime, you guys don't need visa's anymore
Go back to voat faggot. The least you could do is come up with your own thread title.
>foreign country
The entire Southwest is a beaner colony.
Take Anzac Day too if you want another.
We're taught in elementary school that it's some big holiday in Mexico and for Latinos living in the US. So people use it as an excuse to drink margaritas/tequila/Coronas and dress up in mexican clothing.
Because there are so many Mexicans here, dumbass. Also, most westerners will happily take any opportunity to drink and party. I taught at an elementary in the middle texas, the population of which was overwhelmingly mestizo, and we had a big program every year where the kids danced to tejano and shit.
excuse to drink.
I studied up a lot on WWI a few years back and after reading about Gallipoli/Anzac I'd love to. Unfortunately nobody in the US gives two shits about WWI and Australians/Kiwis are too similar to Americans.
Does this foreign "mexicans" realize they are celebrating about winning sovereignty over a land they rejected themselves by moving to another country? I just don't see the point. If war broke again they wouldnt die for the people that live here. Whatever, most of them dont know what haopened that day.
This is true of everything. No matter what country you live in you have people that have no clue what the history is. And really it has no effect on whether I have enough money to live.
Nobody celebrates your spic victory. They just use it an excuse to party.
Then the economy tanks, the unprepared die and the prepared live, i don't know to many non white peppers.
Because even though they left, they're still culturally more Mexican than American. It's not about a national identity so much as cultural identity, which may sound like splitting hairs to autists. But it is exactly the problem.
drinking is degenerate
The memes write themselves
Lol.. yet antifa is totally tolerant and non violent. I wish leftists would just kill themselves
I'm hoping the bitch in the OP is dead now
Eat shit you fucking cucked out garbage can faggot. No one owes you jackshit. Dont like it? Then go eat your moms pussy you scumbag
Her gun training
Then they should move back to Mexico then
Reposters are cancer. Also yo mama so black I shot her but the bullets came back with flashlights saying they couldn't find the bitch.
...Why is the butt of the rifle on top of her shoulder?
I swear she ran a reverse "southern strategy"
b/c op
I've never celebrated cinco de mayo in my life. Only degenerate alcoholics "celebrate" that holiday (celebrate meaning donwgst they do every weekend)
>Trump is d-doing well yes, no-no he's not a disaste-remember Hillary? Let's talk about Hillary instead.
This is exactly how delusional liberals are.
>I could have easily disarmed him with partial weapons training
>*Teleports behind you*
Don't worry, not all of use celebrate your taconigger holiday.
Americans will celebrate anything as long as they can be dysfunctional degenerates for a day
This is now a you see Ivan thread
Muh legacy
Uh, pretty sure NY is not an open carry State, so dude is either cop or security, so what's her problem?
>0 results
nu-Sup Forums fucking sucks
watch it, shitlord
Educate us young padawon
>4 months later
>still sHilling
This is pathetic. This board needs to get outside and get in touch with nature.
Hillary is irrelevant in reality LOL
That may be a duty holster. They have a couple of safe guards so idiots like her can't easily take the pistol.
this timeline ends with FEMA camps after nuclear war with Russia
>i don't know to many non white peppers
I don't want anyone, white or non white, to know Im a prepper
If white people ever chimp out, Im going innawoods until you all simmer down, I'd like to help you remove niggers but you fuckers are unpredictable when you're all in the heat of the moment
That's a joke, right.
Kek. I literally cannot tell if he's baiting or literally that much of a pussy bleeding-heart liberal
no 100% serious business
That's gonna poke her eye when she fires it.
are these the originals
Obligatory "Jeb 535" memes.
>If losing an election because I went out of my way to alienate straight white males is playing "the woman card" then DEAL. ME. IN!