wtf i support north korea now
Wtf i support north korea now
That's not north Korea that's Samoa you fucktard
No ass.
>people are considering nuking this 10/10 qt
Stupid potato nigger
You mean hawaii?
That wink...
Daily Reminder that South Korea is a testing bed for feminism and you're a cuck if you like anything from it.
Not North Korea. North Korea dislikes the west and tries to display traditional values. The women there would never dye their hair like foreigner races or wear short clothing like that.
kreans r redbill
Is it just me or is her pussy hanging out?
Completely agree, good Roman.
Didn't they get really upset when that half Swede did some degenerate dancing at 6?
Black underwear I think
Is this another yellow fever thread?
Then I support Samoa
No, I definitely saw a pissflap
Why is it that every time I see a webm of an Asian popstar they look awkward as fuck? Your common white or nigger woman can at least shake her hips seductively and these girls are literally payed to do this, but they still somehow end up looking like mentally retarded weirdos. I don't understand it. The girl in OP is sexy but the way she moves is a complete boner killer
She looks just like a girl in my Medical Laws & Ethics class.
Asians are into mentally retarded spastic behavior or they can't tell the difference
I think I love her
'tas cagado de hambre, negro.
I want to hang out with her pussy.
No hips or ass so it looks awkward. Gooks need to be selectively bred for curvier figures.
Digits check out. That's what looked weird to me. Also bigger tits.
I think that's part of it but they are also bad dancers, they dance like kids who haven't acquired all of their motor skills yet
must... resist... the seduction... aww fuck it... *unzips pants*
I'm gonna cum in her mouth so much she'll be shittin' cum.
NK shills think we honestly can't recognize a South Korean singing group.
yeah but this is how she's gonna look we she's old
They are just more petite and tight. Some of them are very very nice. Keep an open mind bro.
This is literally one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. thanks OP
Doesn't explain the movement of a mental retard. Are asian brains stunted by genetics? I think that has something to do with it
You clearly have not seen many things.
Vaffanculo man, koreans are all hideous and hide behind plastic surgery, their society is degenerate and pathetic, even those stupid japs can't stand them.
I can't tell zipperheads apart.
You're beautiful too user
Oh damn, I'm a red rocket now.
is that a female wookie
this thread is full of virgins
pussy is pussy. there is a lot of variation in each race.
fyi white wasnt even a race until recent history. irish werent considered white 250 years ago. stop being dipshits. go fuck some foreign pussy and stop getting so worked up over its color
It worked really hard to look like a wookie. Show some respect!
Help me find a qt like the one in the OP senpai
Kill yourself degenerate.
I'm not saying I wouldn't fuck an asian I have had asian girlfriends, but I'm making an observation that they are definitely more physically inept (and possibly mentally retarded to some degree) compared to white women
Watching an asian entertainer (who is literally paid and trained to dance) try to be sexy and she moves like an awkward 12 year old is definitely a bonerkiller. I was just wondering if anyone has an explanation for why they are always like that
that's not how that meme works bro
Help me guys.
I want to be a white nationalist because it seems to be the natural conclusion.
But I like Asians. They're both bro-tier and I have a major yellow fever.
What should I do?
Is a Hapa power a thing? Is it superior to white power?
>Is a Hapa power a thing?
go visit r/hapas and see what white man/asian woman couples produce. It ain't pretty.
If you knew any asians you wouldn't feel this way, they don't have souls. Unless you don't want to have a substantive conversation with your partner ever just pump and dump any asian girl that you'd like to fuck. I'm not joking
guys did you see that? she winked at me
I think you just described the entire nations of Thailand, Philippines, and a few others.
you race traitor going for easy pickings because u don't have the balls to talk to beautiful women that you want to put bunz in the oven with
(i know dat feel too)
>Is a Hapa power a thing?
hate to break it to you but it's all asians, dude. even 2nd and 3rd gen immigrant Asians in US don't integrate into American culture because they don't possess many of the mental faculties that whites have. They are infantilized drones, Korea China and Japan included
irish were never considered dindus
>i will never be her foot slave
im really sick of this life. why even live? i should end it all
You aren't breaking any news to me
Still smells like fish . . .
> Im now officially 16/88
but I think that is caused by the dad always being a cuck so basically what you're seeing is the product of a single mother or a mother and his only male rolemodel being stepped upon by his mom
but I've talked to a few asians and they all seem qt, with one being the exception.
they send me pictures of their big dinners they've cooked becuase they love to cook, they can't swim and they get embarrassed easily. totally qt. All I want is to marry one and have plenty of children and live on a small family farm with them
my sons will be alright
I know that feel :(
just posting some qt hapas
this is exactly what I'm talking about
Nothing to do with their mental retardation. You're either a low IQ white person or you are cucked somehow and don't care about the souls of your children
how is that a hapa? That looks even more ching chong than ring ding dong
>my sons will be alright
What makes you think that?
Who can they feel united with
What makes you think your wife won't be a self hating chink?
What makes you think you arent an overcompensating beta?
Who do you think they can identify with as role models on a personal level?
How do you think they'll feel when they're a minority where ever they go?
How are you gonna teach them to be men when they're gonna have nothing but disadvantages especially compared to you
I want an asian gf so fucking bad
Life isnt fair bros
also the "taking pictures of food" thing is quintessential asian woman, they have absolutely no mental depth whatsoever and all of their driving motives involve seeking consensus approval because of their lack of inner self determination and individuality.
do you even know what a hapa is?
My IQ is fine desu
I'd rather have a nice life with a good woman and have plenty of children, plenty of westernized based children than spend my years trying to find a decent white woman.
I wouldn't advise having kids until we know Fukushima isn't fucking up our DNA. I'm srs
Sort yourself out.
You see Asian women going to modern art museums all the time lol
her parents
Asians aren't "good women," dude. Unless you find some obscenely rare genius asian you are going to be attaching yourself to a brain that is the result of 1000's of years of consensus-seeking self negation followed by dynastic culling of individuality and self-determination. DO NOT breed with an asian if you are a white person. There is literally no such thing as a "westernized/based" asian woman.
and these are her parents
exactly this. Asians don't have any sense of culture and don't read literature but they try to signal culturedness by being seen in public viewing art, taking pictures of themselves in a historic location or at a museum, while failing absolutely in deriving any meaning or seeking out actual good art.
>underated post
P.S.- search for pics of these chic's without makeup, its frightening...
lel what? I'm not a seagull living on the coast of Japan. I think i'll be fine.
>Unless you find some obscenely rare genius asian
why the fuck would I want a genius gf? If I wanted to talk physics or politics with someone, I'd get another male friend.
>DO NOT breed with an asian if you are a white person.
Sorry but I do believe there is like a 95% I will marry an Asian girl.
I see 10/10 white blonde women everyday, especially now when its starting to get warm. Today I saw a few, literal perfection. Non-Nords would pass out.
B-but they're white. They're good to look at, what more can she offer me than her perfect body, high heels with her tight dress and perfectly smooth pussy?
East Asians are very closely related to Europeans.
For a stormfag you seem misinformed on genetics.
I sincerely hope you're trolling dude. If you want to mix your genes with an asian you are literally saying that you want your children to be fucked up retards. Do this at your own risk. Asians DO NOT HAVE SOULS, they are literally impossible to love unless you yourself are lacking in humanity
>B-but they're white. They're good to look at, what more can she offer me than her perfect body, high heels with her tight dress and perfectly smooth pussy?
What could an Asian?
Looks like all other plastic surgery dolls
damn those legs
she's 16 and has never had plastic surgery
but good try lmao
>East Asians are very closely related to Europeans
You'd think that, but somehow when it comes to having soul, blacks and whites are closer together than whites and Asians.
Also, a population having a drastic change in the genes of a population can happen instantly, so it's not like time is the only factor.
>Bill Burr after the nigress takes him for all his money
This. Fucking moron.
>irish werent considered white 250 years ago
the fuck did you just say?
Might as well just call that
Not all Asians moms are short and not all the rice eaters are beta.Them being Hapa is just a correlation observation.