At a crossroads. 5 years from now, how do you see countries like Germany, Sweden, France? 10 years from now?
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nonwhite marxist shitholes
Places like Germany and Sweden will adapt to the new normal where they have riots all the time like in France.
How did we let marxism fester? I guess mankind learned nothing from the last 60 years?.
In the case of Europe, I would point to WWII, the Bilderberg Group, Jewish economic, psychological, and social theory combined with a ruling elite who fundamentally are not competent combined with a brain drain of sorts of people who fled to the New World to escape.
Riots, Raced mixed,zog whites versus Patiotic nationalist Whites...
The fall of EU.
WWIII aproching. Wars in Ukraine, Russian preparing for war agressivly. "thank you" zionist Usa
I've noticed so many of the world's woes stem from the aftermath of WW2. It almost seems like the world overcorrected. Fascism to communism. I've always wondered why Europe is so much more open to it while it cannot gain a foothold in the US. We need to our commies back in prison.
Well, Europe had historically been a patchwork of tribes always warring with each other until rather recently. It's legitimately remarkable that the EU project has halted outright almost constant war. Even an "old world" country like Italy didn't even exist as a modern nation-state until the late 1800s, making it technically younger by that metric than the US.
In the US, it was more of a rebooting the system from scratch using some kind of a balance between different peoples spreading freely to different places and trying to work out how much unification to have as it went.
So, as you'll notice, the US did over time fall prey to the same sort of collectivist overcentralization.
Basically today's USA, 60% white, full of sjw feminazis and faggots. Replace meheecanos with desert coons and you get the full picture.
You seem pretty smart. Keep talking.
In 15 years Germany will be all German. It's Germany. Same goes for Sweden
Personally I think there will be a series of civil wars in Europe in about 20-30 years. It will be muslims (and some cucks) vs nationalists. Pretty simple really.
What I'm most worried about is the role the (((US))) will play.
About what?
Have a leaf through "The 5000 Year Leap" by Cleyon Skousen for a short, idealistic compilation of the nature of Americanism and how it differed from its progenitors of the time.
Or if you're in to big books, "Tragedy and Hope" by Carrol Quigley for all the gory details. Or "The Anglo-American Establishment" by the same author for a more concentrated redpill about the Anglo perspective on how to achieve a better global system of operation during that time period.
France has nukes, soon, muzzie will have those nukes.
Good luck Europe
It's going to get a hell of a lot worse before we even have chance at making things better. People are just too comfortable in the West--they don't realize the value of their own ethnic nation, because they get debt-backed paper gibs and a wagecuck job to shut them up and keep them content, like cattle.
But our system is about to careen off a cliff; that's why (((they))) are importing as many shitskins as possible: they desperately need new bodies to prop up consumption and maintain the pyramid scheme of debts.
Once that collapses, and it will within 20 years, thanks to population growth, automation, and, thus, mass unemployment, people will be angry and willing to openly side with their own kind again.
For the time being, we just need to hunker down, prepare ourselves, and spread the word.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
It will be like America
I went to Chipotle a few hours ago for dinner and out of a room of 35 people, only 5 of them (including myself) were white.
Hmmm thanks I will take a look at these. Do you have a PhD in history or something? I am genuinely curious.
No, and it wouldn't have been in history anyway. I wasn't interested in bothering with letters after my name, but I was provoked to learn on my own after enough exposure to modern-day truth tellers trying to warn us that we're in a srs bsns situation. After being so convinced, I thought it through and figured my role would be to assimilate information and try to disseminate the important bits to the interested.
>prepare ourselves, and spread the word
has it right. That's a role I can play.
If the mass immigration does not stop and europeans dont take their countries back peacefully now. I expect to see sort of combination of civil war/ethinc cleansing/holy war.
All that art, sculptures, old structures will be destroyed by muslims. Migrants will continue to self segregate creating their own large communities, politicians will blame whites and will force(integrate) migrants into white neighborhoods leading to white flight, increased racial/ethnic/religious tensions and hate. Muslims will gain a majority and take over local leadership positions and start to make sharia law of the land leading to dhimmitude.
Muslim Brazil