>Ohio teacher fired for dragging preschooler down hallway
Notice something Sup Forums?
>Ohio teacher fired for dragging preschooler down hallway
Notice something Sup Forums?
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That's funny.
I notice a little shit that won't listen to an authority figure and is having a temper tantrum. But of course now we live in a day and age where calling a little brat a brat is child abuse.
Oh, and it's a little nigger.
Where's the go fund me
I have a Jackson that doesn't like niggers
how many different races is this lady? the photo looks like bride of frankenstein material
What probably happened
>Kid being little shit flailing on the floor when she tries to walk him to the office
>Drags him because it's not a carpeted floor so his clothes just slide across the tile
What they're probably claiming happened
>Teacher tripped kid then dragged his skin across the floor
Don' chu meana Tubman, cumskinn?!?
>be american
>do job
>get fired
it's called a Jemima, sambo
>>MFW went to private Catholic school with nuns teaching
>>Sister Mary takes her yard stick and slams it on your desk for disruptive behavior
>>Sister Mary gives zero fucks if your hand happen to be under it when it hits
>>MFW preferred to be dragged and skid on waxed floor and not have tiny fingers smashed
I'm only 21 but when I was a kid there would be a freakout if a teacher came to school wearing tights like that.
>Notice something Sup Forums?
yah hideous yoga pants being worn by a teacher disgusting.jpg
>happened 4 months ago
>recycling story with no new info
The kid's father killed her.
Kek, when I went to school I was put through so much shit that I now realize if I had grown up now I could have complained 10 fold
I expected this nigger behavior to come from a nigger
Very surprised
She can't help it, she was born that way. What are you, racist or something?
is the teacher a nog with vitiligo?
this. fuck "yoga" pants.
Fun Fact: people who practice Yoga in India don't wear those pants. Only stupid fat cunts in America (who don't do yoga) do.
>Notice something Sup Forums?
She's dragging a giant turd behind her?
>notice something?
The floor is getting cleaned
>Be American.
>Work around blacks.
>They don't like something you do one day so cry racism.
>Media find out.
>Job gone, life ruined forever.
All this is going to do in the end is make everyone aware that the only way forward is to segregate blacks from whites.
that alone should have been grounds for dismissal. fucking disgusting. old people are wearing them now too.
There's no video so you can't really prove she was dragging him.
Who took the fucking picture? Some nigger janitor?
She looks horribly unprofessional, I'd get rid of her for being a teacher and dressing like shit.
As far as the kid situation is though, she was more than likely completely justified.
I feel like we are trying to reward niggers for their behavior nowadays.
are teachers wearing yoga pants to school these days?
and here i was using my legs like a sucker back in preschool, teacher could have just dragged me
I'm sure there's a (((coincidence))) in there somewhere.
you'd be ok with your under 5 year old daughter being treated this way?
Snake Plissken would be
Sending your kids to public school in America means you don't give a fuck about them.
If it's a nigger it deserves it.
My daughter wouldn't be a nigger.
No, because I wouldn't raise my daughter to be a gibsmedat welfare queen. The mom is suing and probably making 6,000,000 dollars in gibsmedats from the school, to reinforce her sons gibsmedats behavior
For all the shit public schools get, niggers and other minorities are responsible for 98% of the problems. Don't be a fucking degenerate and most teachers will never have a problem with you.
I've dragged a child before. Little shit was mad at me because i told him no, played the "If i act stupid and act like a doll she can't do anything to me" and refused to stand up and walk. Sometimes you have to drag them.
My god. That's awful. That poor white teacher being assaulted by an unruly black child
NC Fag here, no shit one of our local media outlets did an entire story recently questioning "why are black kids being suspended/disciplined more than whites" the conclusion was racism obviously. It never crosses the mind of these people that most blacks are not cut out for being integrated.
>find out some fucking nobody teacher put a hand on my kid
>break into their home before they get there her
>pick a body part and destroy it to demonstrate what it's like to be overwhelmed by someone who cannot be defended against
>beat my kid for being a shit in school
Like this kid doesn't get worse treatment from his mother at home. Niggers are so full of shit.
yea that picture has been tampered with. Run through some filters. What is even happening with the hands? It a fake story
Don chu kno honkey ass crackah? Vitiligo is ju da whyte mane finna try to steal a nigguhs melanin cause da whitey want what he kno he cant have. Greedy ass honkey ass crackah ass slavery ass niggggaaaaaa~.
if they were acting like a shit they'd be treated much worse with me,
Reminds me of abu gharib
Can't wait for Trump to make segregation great again.
my kid would never fucking do this, and if they did act like a piece of trash id expect them to be treated like trash