We've taken milk
We've taken the OK symbol
We've taken Wendy's
We are taking the rainbow flag.
How can we take (((their))) star? Ideas boys. Go go go!
We've taken milk
We've taken the OK symbol
We've taken Wendy's
We are taking the rainbow flag.
How can we take (((their))) star? Ideas boys. Go go go!
>We've taken milk
wait... what?
Kys sage
It's a star
The sun is bright it makes the dark go away
White light kills the black darkness. Good idea
You know that milk is unhealthy, right? You are basically making them live longer... kek
These symbols is as Aryan as the Swastika. Its not even connected too some defunct david kike
is connected to Shiva the God of Destruction one of the main reasons some Hindu sects hate jews is becuase they have stolen Shiva's symbol and sub verted it.
So doing the Ariosophic math if it is a Shiva's symbol so its Aryan being Aryan is Hyperborean. jews stole their culture religion from the Aryans Master whom they call goyim the Jews Bow too Goyim they reverence the goyim they do what the masters goyim say. The goyim rule over the jews
off topic but why not take antifas flag.everyone hate antifa.
Another great start. We need propaganda
Some hindu altar
nah meme'ing that satanic symbol makes their god stronger dont do it....its a trap
It also connected too narasimha Vishnu avatar.
Which fought Shiva in other lion form. Basically two lions fought to not let the world fall into total destruction.
Anyway both are Aryan symbols and gods choose too preserve the(vishnu) Aryan nobility and bring the final wrath of God or (Shiva)Total wipe out the zog with fearless bhairava powers and strenght.. Or do both the Hari Gött Diamond pill
Why would we want the Star of Remphan?
Or MaruganThey stole it anyway time to re take the flag capture the flag.
Now this is an idea I can get behind
It's not about having the star. It's about taking it from them
>How can we take (((their))) star?
you can't, the star of david is already our anti-symbol
Take back the Holy Cross instead.
But its Aryan we are just putting everything in order after all this kaos.
After that it will be the Islamic flag also an Aryan
symbol subverted from Shiva into mohamed cult that united a bunch of low iq semitic tribes
shit he's right. don't give yahweh any juice. dude is an asshole by all accounts.
They just stole one of the most ancient symbols you clearly do not know.
take the Diamond pill
do you think the amorphic hebew named entity is a match for the Avatar of God?
No its not.
they stole Aryan symbols and calls you inferior, but we now are transforming into goyim master race. and the jews are starting too bow for goyim because goyim means master's of non jewsih race from which they bow... jews apropriate from everything that is Aryan since centuries and try too portrait themselves as the owners of what they steal trying too erase and manipulating evidences of what it is and from where it originates.
Did not you know? do you know what is revisionism? you have in both history and culture.
We do not forget barbara specter and friends.
We Aryans love Monoliths.
Shiva's destroy "yahweh" in a blink of an eye
yahweh is a meme for a sumerian god so see how that jewsih culture is so fucking putrid and rotten
Don't use the cross in that way.
not even theosophist since they use the kabbalah shit (also a corrupted from of the teachings of the iranians aryans and Mani followers) any this symbology aplies here very well also we should capture after the islamic flag this symbol as these corrupted theosophists did....
Black Hebrews beat you to it.
if you're serious about this idea I'll delivaaar to you the redpill required to take their star.
Do it. Take from them everything and leave them nothing. The Jew star is now a symbol of white pride
IDEA: Combine it with its KABBALISTIC roots (seal of solomon, demon binding sigil), i.e. as an occult magical symbol, thus killing two birds with one stone: expose jewish magick degeneracy, and co-opt its power and assign it to ourselves in a modified form as a symbol of our power.
>milk is unhealthy
what the fuck
Star of David = Symbol of Israel = Symbol of Ethno-nationalism
"You see the two triangles represent the White Man and White Woman in HOLY UNITY as the Perfect Divine Universal Being. That's my religion and if you don't like it you're CHRISTOPHOBIC."
Are you turk?
National Zionists
this user is on the right track.
The Hindu religion comes from the ancient Aryan religion of Vedism, which was practiced throughout Iran and Mesopotamia, and which later spread into India through the Indus Valley. The brown aboriginal natives of India mixed Vedism with their native pagan beliefs thus producing Hinduism.
The Swastika and Hexagram (Star of David) originates with Hinduism.
The Swastika and Hexagram originates with ancient Aryans in the Middle East, was later adopted by the Indians, the Chinese and every other peoples the Ancient Aryans encountered.
The Star of David is a star of Aryanism and the Jews are appropriating our ancient Aryan culture by using it.
fuck you have the info at this thread not well written but with enough that are you still calling jew star!? are you too blinded just read the previous posts.
Not white pride for great results its Aryan Pride
The triangle is ours!
Did u just assume 2 genders?!
Israel for the Jews!
Europe for the Whites!
It's already a symbol of hate, just ask any Palestinian. It just hasn't been (((mainstreamed)))
That's good, we can use the 2 triangles as something that symbolizes the white man like the upward triangle dominating the other races that are the downward triangle
look at this alt-lite blue pilled normie
Fucking ignorants are you jews?
Fearing Gods wrath?
Regarding Solomon magick that is bullshit Bullshit Shiva purifies all that rotten magic which is nothing.
Goym now mean non jews who rule jews.
jews bow too goyim
Excuse me, did you just assume I'm corporeal and limited to the dimensional plane of "gender"?
>How can we take (((their))) star?
Too late. (((Their))) star and souls is already owned by Satan.
never forget that before the Jews, 6 and 666 wasnt ominous or even important. Only a filthy kike can make a number evil.
>thinks I cant steal from satan
You clearly havent been here long
Stick around newfag. Ill pick that niggers pocket
Let's make it black and turn it.
Satan is Shiva!
Do you fear Shiva?
Embrace him the lord of Destruction and Flames of Purification
Leave the star alone. The Jews that you want to go after isn't the entire race/religion. Focus on the ones in power. Otherwise you are just helping the muzzies.
Shit that looka pretty good lets do it
>6 points
>6 spaces in the middle
>6 sided space on the inside
666. Best I could do, I hate kikes so I'm trying to contribute.
I know who u are.. pic related, digits will confirm!
>Leave the star alone.
Nice try rabbi.
We can take over the world and chew bubblegum at the same time.
The average kike makes a celebration out of genital mutilation and shillery. Fuck em.
Stop counter signalling.
Oh boy
Can i ask people here if you guys hate on all Jews or just the rich american ones?
Oh boys, let's do it.
The Gangster Disciples in Chicago use the 6PS as one of their symbols. Strange symbolism for a black street gang.
let's take all the things
It's nebulous.
On the one hand, you're not all bad.
On the other, you're disgusting and annoying, and you literally deny Christ: Not cool.
My answer is ultimately I hate everyone. White power!
>implying they'll be convinced that a black gang symbol is racist
This is what they support the most, faggots. We need to aim for something,but totally inconspicuous.
There are disgusting people everywhere. I do not deny Christ and i am not religious at all. Many of us are just good people who come from european culture, Don't let the streotypical Jew fool ya
>Can i ask people here if you guys hate on all Jews or just the rich american ones?
We feel about Jews what we feel about niggers and Muslims.
You have enough bad apples in your ranks that it ruins the whole bunch.
Remove the bad Jews or they will continue to ruin the reputation of all Jews.
Are all Jews bad? No and the same for niggers and Muslims but when all we see is shit tier Jews, niggers, and Muslims all the time we associate only the bad with your names.
Also, no amount of MSM positive coverage of Jews, niggers, and Muslims will ever correct your bad reputations. Real change is needed.
>I do not deny Christ
Im honestly speechless.
Like this?
all of them
They must be part of Folk nation a lot of gangs are affiliated including all Crip sets. Bloods use red 5ps
Milk is super-healthy. Especially breastmilk.
Looks good.
This will show those Christ killers for what they truly are.
Why? Many of us are just normal people. We don't go around cutting dicks and trying to kill Christians. We just want to live in peace but the Jews that get the stage and can talk to the world are dumb fucks who ruin our name and make people like the people here hate us.
nice try we know your persistence in you advocating others for hating you for you too feel a special snowflake according too your scriptures design upon Aryan teaching which you do not like too admit.
Do the math jew if God is Aryan would not he prefer first his own kind? then yours and others in hierarchy. YES it does.
Now I Am a GOYIM bow before me.
Shiva does not like you jew not because you are chosen too hate but because you failed too god more than any other race.
Shiva loves goyim that flag is mine jews out of Israel.
You jews bow for Us Goyim
We Goyim Rule Over The Jews
But we already have taken (((their))) star.
They use 2 triangles we use 3.
Many nazi medals were crosses. How bout we say "you deserve a medal!" And post a nazi medal and do it to the point the Crosses are signs of white-nationalism
The star represents 666
Let's become white supremecists satanists and use it as our symbol to get it labeled a hate symbol.
True, sadly it is true. The only Jewish people that can speak are the lefties and such who ruin our name and make us on the same level as Niggers and Muslims. I wish i could fix it.
Your not fooling anyone kike. I'm not putting this thing anywhere near myself.
I like this one the most so far
>tfw a Jew had me over for thanksgiving when I first lived on my own.
Listen, I wish things were different but until you stand up to the evil forces on your side this will never stop. We all have to stand up against evil on all sides.
you promote communism for masses but you are zionists (which is racial fascist judaism).
jews Bow before us, Goym kind we rule over you jewish.
i'm glad for people like you. And I don't know what do you mean by stand up to them. But I do talk about the kind of people like mark shekelberg and show how bad they are. hopefully more people will start realizing it.
Just thought of one. I'd imagine it has been suggested, as it's an easy one, but we should change the meaning of "keep it 100" to mean "keep it 100 percent white."
I'm new, and it does seem like this board attracts a high number of sad, frustrated people who act like skinhead Nazis. But mostly what I see is white people who resent the way the media and financial insustries (monopolized by ethnic or religious Jews) are destroying their previously white nations, while these same people who are perpetrating this destruction are creating a nuclear-powered ethno-state with all of the leverage and protections that white European and colonial nations once had. It has nothing to do with 99% of Jewish people. Those folks are so fucking smart, we owe so many amazing advances to their ingenuity. But the 1% that really has a stranglehold on banking and media? Those people piss off THE ENTIRE PLANET.
Fuck me Hanz, what have you been reading?
Ok now THIS is good
No one fucking posts the star of david, guys. Lets make people thik white utopia when the post 100
This whole thread is blessed. Make the ADL eat itself. Make the ADL logo a hate symbol too.
True, i wish it could be different.
Its sad that even i sometimes joke about jews with huge noses controlling the media and shit.
And Christians invited me over for Easter, whats your point?
Make the Star of David a lighter shade of blue
This will cause mass malfunctioning. They'll always have to check themselves about the color. This truly is the next operation in the Meme War.
Fun fact: the Zoiglstern or Brauerstern (Brewers star) is a very similar symbol quite common in southern Germany where I live. With the two triangles it symbolizes the three elements (fire, water, air) and the three ingredients (water, malt, hops, (yeast wasn't identified until the modern era)) needed for brewing beer.
I discovered it because I wondered why there was David stars in my home town, despite the fact that my hometown purged all Jews already in 1300s :D
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This thread is gathering roachs of Shills
Well, either the schemes for total global control through technology will work (in which case the average Jew will also be fucked) and the entire world is subjugated in a manner far beyond our comprehension, or . . . I don't know, there are lots of possibilities. I just would rather avoid genocide or cataclysm. Heh.
None but I can socialize with people and still despise their race.
You goys do know that unless the milk is locally sourced from a trustworthy farm nearby or yourself its load with unnatural hormones and anti biotics right?
Make the star white on blue, the inverse. It'd cause more short circuiting. This black/red only crosses over to Stormfags. It needs to be a double-take, like a psyop.
I just made this, it's looks more white powery to me because of the skinheads who wear doc's black boots and WHITE laces.
Digits confirm! Thanks user's, here is a cleaned up version of same.
It started!!!
Attack helicopter