>No capitalist exploitation
>No globalist degeneracy
>100% nationalist
>100% socialist
>100% anti-zionist
So, Sup Forums? What do you say?
Why are you not nazbol yet Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
We also have the dankest of OC
And the purest waifus.
Bump, NazBol is the final redpill.
because both nazism and socialism fucked up big time?
Globalists not welcome.
well, you do realize that nazism damaged the germans more than it did to any other ethnicity? it kinda dragged germany to a world war with zero allies.
and for socialism: good luck finding food.
Sounds like liberal whining to me.
well, i am not a liberal.
but nazbol gods? jesus.
i better not get fucked by hit-lin.
shit, hes gonna put me into his gas chamber and starve me out.
Well we do have the bsst memes
Not a bunch of degenerates coughing from the meth smoke and jacking off on eachtother like the fucking Sup Forumstards
>he still doesn't understand the memes
oh shit, better get my act together!
trumbo is out to get me, who ironically, has nothing to do with nazism or socialism.
but hey! better watch my shit from now on i guess.
i shall obey the gods and keep the thread going, eh?
You are now nazbol.
i have been blessed into a world that thrives and starves at the same time.
8/8, would get blessed again.
okay, honest question:
what mustache does a nazbol sport?
hitler or stalin?
Pray to the nazbol gods and you will receive the answers you seek.
since i am new,
can you give me a headstart on how to pray and communicate with nazbol gods?
I'd say a Stalin moustache and a Hitler moustache moved to your lower lip as soul patch. Probably the least degenerate beard combo out there.
Sage all samefag threads
>can you give me a headstart on how to pray and communicate with nazbol gods?
Meme, shitpost and weaponize the autism.
>t. jew
Stalin had Gays excuted tho.
The posters shows a Russian a Chinese, not a gay couple.
It's an image from a song.