How can leftys claim to have science on their side and then pull shit like this, wanting to hex "nazis?"
How can leftys claim to have science on their side and then pull shit like this, wanting to hex "nazis?"
There's science, and then there's "scienece", oyu fucking bigot
>implying witchcraft isn't real
let us just use this argument to re-establish witch burnings and the world will be a better place
Don't worry kids, I've studied black magic for years and I can teach you a simple countercurse that will protect you from any hex:
I'm rubber, you're glue, what you say sticks to you
I'm rubber, you're glue, what you say sticks to you
I'm rubber, you're glue, what you say sticks to you
all lefties are the same, just like how Sup Forums stormfront and freep are the same as the right
lord kek will protect me
We're fucked if they start using abortion as a child sacrifice ritual
>americucks don't live in a country with a large history of burning witches
LOL .. pathetic tbqh
they burned witches back in the days in my town .. ah the good old days
>hahaha republicans are so stupid believing in god and their stupid religion
>oh yaaaaas queen slaaaay with your hexes! witches are like, so amazing and legit you know? hahaha drumpfkins are gonna die xD
nice reddit reply, reddit. why dont you go back... to reddit.
>makes fun of christianity for being "imaginary"
>immediately starts trying to cast witchcraft spells on people
>doing all of this without a hint of irony or self-awareness.
>implying the left is 1 person
Uhh wrong sweetie we had the Salem witch trials
back when you were european
how can nazis claim to have science on their side and then pull shit like, "meme magic?"
Didn't exactly work out great for hilldawg did it ?
so learn magic yourself, this shit is not hard, it just requires will. A lot of you fucks are suicidal nihilist anyway and have nothing to lose, go to the dark side and vanquish your enemies.
All their hexes will come back at them threefold in power. Such is the way of evil. It is their choice. So be it.
Oh honey bunch you should stop splitting hairs
Isn't that only for wiccans ?
If there is any magic, its meme magic. I shall call on kek to destroy them.
If not, eh, good attempt
Lefties are using some pretty good black magic to keep their coalition together.
>Feminists and Muslims
>Gays and Muslims
>Atheists and Muslims
>Jews and Arabs
>Asians and blacks/hispanics
>all united against muh straight whoite man
Oh please, the blacks just want gibs, asians dont care, and the hispancis dont want to get deported, in the end its just a bunch of white women who are jewish puppets
Magick. The last vestige of the irrelevant.
they were doing it the whole time
Student: "There is a place that believes through the magic, the black magic, that you are able to send lightening to strike someone, CAN YOU EXPLAIN THAT SCIENTIFICALLY, it's something that happens.....:
Science Professor: "Its not true...."
*Laughter and pointing at Professor as if they are making fun of him because he is stupid.
*PC police moderator berates the Professor and forces him to apologize
I believe they are retarded. Not trying to be mean. They are obviously "special". (Not the special they want to think they are.)
Well hexing is kinda real, but I doubt any of them can do it. Anyone who has visited with Monad would be able to harm someones spirit through the astral plane, but I don't know how someone could turn to the Demiurge after seeing the truth of the astral.
Servants of the Archons are truly evil though, and must be stopped at every quarter by servants of the Aeon.
The Astral war wages on for all eternity.
Funny thing is, that's actually a law regarding witchcraft: whatever you cast on someone else, will return to you at three times the intensity.
Because any leftist logic is in fact illogical and full of stupidity and irony
i want to fucking kill myself bc we just jumped back 8 centuries
>trying to use magic against the board that conjured a disease killing tons of Africans, a winter freezing refugees, and repeating numbers to elect the chaos candidate to the US presidency
ok good luck
Never post here again you fucking retard
>we just jumped back 8 centuries
I fucking wish we did
Just use doublespeak and you can't be wrong.
>"What a bigoted racist! Everyone is equal because we're all the same!"
>"What a bigoted racist! Everyone is different in their own special snowflake way!"
and other absurdities.
>leftist witches
they love harry potter, they absolutely eat the shit up
in a Godless world fantasy is required to make meaning, and harry potter is one of the grandest escapist fantasies of all time, and perfectly reflects their outlook on life in a few ways:
1. Not only are you special, but you are destined for absolute greatness
2. Most people who don't agree with your world view are just ignorant (muggles)
3. There are a few people who are initiated and understand your worldview but do not agree with it. These are the "alt-righters", the "fascists", and they are evil schemers. In HP, it is voldemort and his suporters.
There's likely more of course, but I can't be bothered to mentally sift through it.
>being this new
>telling people what to do
Please, your magic is nothing compared to ours.
wtf do you think wiccans are?
Witch magic has no power over us. We have direct access to meme magic.
Lefties deny race and intelligence, two of the best-studied and most reliable fields of science. Lefties are fucking retarded.
>wanting to spend an eternity in hell just to get back at someone that thinks differently
holy shit
Women are definitively anti-science. Every single woman I know believes in ghosts or aliens or a combination of the two.
Bullshit. Lefties have neither the faith nor the intelligence to master hexes properly, and you need at least 30 of each to start doing decent damage.
Bad guys are bad for bad reasons. Literal interpretation of chaotic evil. Shit writers always fall into this. It's like how the bad guys in Walker: Texas Ranger are always drinking beer. I'm surprised Rowling didn't do the same, being a boozy Anglo and all.
>leftys are one person
t. butthurt shitlib. Don't forget to take your GRIDS medication, semen-drinking queer.
Who cares, meme magic is infinitely more powerful than any silly mumbo jumbo these delusional fuckups can come up with.
>Isn't that only for wiccans ?
Yes. Unlike what thinks, not all witches are Wiccan... and not all Wiccans are witches. It's also a perversion of what so-called "three-fold return" originally meant anyway. It was originally an instruction for the witch him/herself to return what was done to them - whether good or bad - three-fold.
Consciousness interacting with matter (which is exactly what witchcraft/sorcery/magic actually is) has evidence to back it up.
Unlike Jesus whose existence has ZERO evidence outside of biblical texts.
They dont care about science, modern science is all about hating Jesus Christ and denying His works.
>we must rewrite science from our perspective - from an african perspective
fuck it i dont even care anymore, lets do it bitch, lets wipe out science and let you fucking africans take the reins
i'll even help, just so i can see it all burn
It's a modern misinterpretation. See
Posting op faggot images.
they worship satan
>jew worshipper gets offended by perceived jewish plot
You guys are a fucking self-parody.
Personal fav.
He was a faggot anyway.
Witched already tried.
They got BTFO
>im unironically going to burn in hell for all eternity for being an proud arrogant faggot
"Every knee shall bow." This means you. :^)
They have neither science nor magic on their side
They deny race, and only we receive Kek's blessings
>hexes and witches
fucking baloney. if it was voodoo I would be scared, but witches aren't real
We have sites like going against the liberal sage goddess to defend Kek and fascism basically. Their ongoing tumblr war is secretive but important nonetheless
WHoly fuck HRC BTFO
Don't worry senpai I'm unironically doing counter-curses and protections for us all right now.
I bet these fake ass niggers don't even sacrifice snakes.
Oh shit, I better not say racist things on the internet anymore. I wouldn't want to get cursed by a spoookkkyy witch. I just want to take this moment to apologize to Pat Robertson, I always thought it was stupid when he would go on about how reading Harry Potter would turn kids into Satanists. I overestimated kids.
Please sacrifice anything else. Snakes are cool.
They'd have to get access to our blood, hair, nail clippings or semen, and we don't give those out, especially not semen.
Sacrifice yourself you dumb cunt.
I only sacrifice copperheads because they're venomous and all over my property. Copperheads are the niggers of the snake world.
It's like warlock intellectuals all over again.
>meme magic > "magic"
As second quote states, common misconception. However, it CAN still be dangerous, especially when you're dealing with a government that was commenced and is operated by several ancient cults. Hell, the president has had exorbitant mystical protection since at least the JFK assassination. A few witches are either going to be ineffective or have this backfire on them spectacularly.
>protect self with entry-level ward
>dumb slut still gets fucked up her witchole with three fold rule
I hate you guys so much
if you worship Kek and channel the powers of meme magic, does that make you a warlock?
I believe this is done to get stupid liberals who don't know anything about witchcraft to sacrifice themselves to "curse" Trump or others. All those people will do is bring about horrible things upon themselves to the delight of those who make these articles and leave these "spells" out for those who know nothing about the occult to play with.
Sort of like Ebola-chan and how lots of user made altars to Ebola-Chan and had their lives messed up afterward.
Those who do these things enjoy chaos and watching people play with things they know nothing about.
Go read IIH or some Arthur E. Powell. Alternatively, neck yourself.
You should be thanking for him for his countercurses.
>implying we don't have wizards of our own
fucking hags probably lost most of their magic to chad at 14 how can they compete with masters that wield the most devastating arcane power.
>Sup Forums believes in magic and witches
I knew you retards where retarded, I just didn't know to what extent
You guys believe ghost are real as well? lmao, brainlets
>wasting your time on "hexes"
>light candles and crying about trump and burying the candle
>thinks tears are any source of power stimulus for magic
So many of these ludicrous bitches in the world, you think a few of them would at least TRY the babalon working.
no one who can do magic gives that much of a fuck about politics
Kek curse them!
That's another thing: using others' spells. Most entry-level Wiccan books (FYI I'm not Wiccan) will offer one or two easy spells or rituals, and then implore neophytes to follow basic instruction to make their own. If they knew anything about far older disciplines, like Hermeticism, or more recent off-shoots like Theosophy, they'd learn the importance of proprietary sigils, symbols, and spells, and also warding ones mind as well as body from external influence. Memetic warfare has existed for millennia.
The creation of the egregore Ebola-chan was regrettable, but the exercise introduced Sup Forums and imageboard culture et al to mysticism. There WAS an awakening around 2012, but it had less to do with the world ending than our timeline going off the rails.
Good times
Take that back nigger.
Hail victory brother.
They are gonna break into your house and get into your hamper
>Can't even compose his post according to elementary conventions of modern English
>Calling anyone else retarded
Leer. That word will phonetically seer itself into your inner ear; then you'll dream of her.
Let them use black magic to grow their own food then.
I say we ship them all back to Africa, shoot the ones we educated past a BS, and bomb anything invented by western people. Then we quarantine the continent and ignore them until they make radio contact with the rest of the world.
It might take thousands of years, it might be never. But we monitor them by satellite and destroy any ship that tries to leave.
We broke the prime directive and we failed these people and ourselves. We must undo the unnatural intervention.