Why is he so comfy to listen to?

Why is he so comfy to listen to?

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literally who? doesn't matter. he looks like a degenerate retard.


Leave this board and never return

Don't speak of shadilay that way

Because he tells you what you want to hear.

Styx is bi-sexual, why does Sup Forums only listen to queers?

Gays were never accepted here, you bug chasing faggets need to burn in a fire.

>be styx
>king of Sup Forums
>be interdimensional wizard
>know the ins and outs of domestic and international politics
>be master gardener
>access demonic powers
>strally project to new universes while high on flower seeds
>Civic nationalism guys, white nationalists arent real, just shills

>King of Sup Forums
So much for us not being a collective. We got this ugly ass motherfucker as our king.

Also what a title to strive for. "King autist of autist town" really something to tell your kids about one day

Because you're a kid or simply neither smart nor well-read.

because he reminds you of your retarded vietnam vet dad

>Why is he so comfy to listen to?
Styx needs to make an ASMR video.


>Civic nationalism guys, white nationalists arent real, just shills
>All of you people watching me are CTR/ShareBlue/MMFA/Commie shills

Why do you shills shit out threads with one-liner questions to slide Macron leaks?


>I was wondering this same thing 20 minutes ago and now I am watching his recent videos :)

>>Civic nationalism guys, white nationalists arent real, just shills
you should listen to him in that case


He is right on nationalism. White nationalism doesn't exist because white doesn't and can not constitute a nation. He support ethno-nationalism where it makes sense, such as among individual European nations. But there is no genetic American nation.

Also it is way easier to gain power by branding yourself a civic nationalist and just doing whatever you want once you have power anyway.

*spoon clicks*

I've listened to like a hundred hour of Styx. He is an intellectual juggernaut. The only time I caught him being wrong was on a some shady interview with an esoteric minded woman in which he mixed up the names of the Iberic peninsula with the italian one.

>no genetic American nation
The WASP ethnic heritage of American nationalism has always been pretty obvious to me.

He's an excellent orator and political analyst. I dont always agree with what he says but I gotta gove credit where its due

True in theory but would be impossible to realize.

stop being a degenerate.

You could all be so much more popular and better than all of these retards combined if you only put in the effort..

Steve1989 MREinfo is the comfiest youtube channel

prove me wrong.

pro-tip: you cant.

maybe true but specific to parts of the United States and other colonies like South Africa.

That's a fact but now you have 40 million niggers in the south you either have to kill or deport and that's not even touching the latino question
How feasible do you honestly think that is
It's simply more realistic, at the very least in the short term, to campaign on civic nationalism and enact pro-white policy when in office

>minecraft god

a minecraft RPG server run under the authority of styx would actually be fun as fuck to play on

was true for Canada too until the multiculturalist shit fest which was supposed to be a medicine against Quebec secession. Well, the medicine work. French Canadian here, I can tell you Quebec won't seperate anytime soon but the all of country is fucked in the long run.

Nice hiss.

That's about all.

Peace out.


*spoon clangs*







He's not. His pedo voice and emaciated body creep me the fuck out.

because he nurtures your superiority complex. when you watch a styx video your subconscious mind is saying "i could kick this scrawny nerd's ass with one hand tied behind my back." it's the same reason sickly jewish comedians are lovable

bubba bill
Le Pen

that's about all, peace out

Low-brow untermensch alert

He is.

Why is Legacy Media is such a great expression?

Pump your brakes nu pol

because you like the sound of Jewish tricks

its true he takes it up the bum

because you're a retarded larping redneck white trash just like him


Also this. Styxx tries to do MRE vids but fails miserably. He doesn't understand photography, lighting, editing, etc. I used to think Steve1989 was a bit retarded, yet intriguing.... he's carved out a nice little niche for himself. He's gained a ton of respect from me after seeing Styxx make a travesty of himself trying to encroach that genre.

I love them both. They are masters of their own particular idiom and need to keep it at that.

everybody who likes styx is a shareblue/CTR shill

Is that a chick asking Styx if he's 'possibly bisexual'?

yes he has a lot of "female" fans because he was once a transgender

Primitive Technology


He's been cringey the last few weeks

hes godlike no doubt but normie tier none the less.

ive always been disgusted by cigarette smoking (mom was a heavy smoker) but watching steve take drags of decades old cigs made me consider taking a stroll to the corner store to buy a pack.

alright world its time to stop being the uncle adolf type shill. thats about all hail satan

I saw everything coming in world politics since 2012. I don't get any credit for it, just silly assholes calling me a airhead.

>strive to be king autist
>tell your kids

Pick one.