North Korea's Manlet Genocide

>The government distributed pamphlets advertising a wonder drug that would increase the height of short people. Those who responded to the pamphlets were sent away to different uninhabited islands along with the disabled in an attempt to rid the next generation of their supposedly substandard genes.

Anyone know where this quote came from?

>when you have so many medals that you have to start putting them on your pants
The Norks are fucking hilarious.

>Kim Jong Un pancake party 540th edition attendance medal

We could literally capture all their top generals with a really strong magnet.

maybe north korea isn't so bad after all

Would be fine except their manlets are from malnutrition

>Anyone know where this quote came from?
I do.

its photoshooped

The average North Korean is 4 inches shorter than the average South Korean. This is due to malnutrition. Citizens of both Koreas are genetically the same. They should be the same height but the failures of the North Korean communism makes them shorter. This is an embarrassment to the government.

But, they are all manlets. They must regard us as giants. I wonder what that's like. Thinking the entire world is covered in evil giants waiting for the chance to destroy you in fire forever, and only your little paradise glen of starvation is safe...

>Those who responded to the pamphlets were sent away to different uninhabited islands along with the disabled in an attempt to rid the next generation of their supposedly substandard genes.

That's bullshit. If that were true, everyone would have been sent away.

The Norks are also perpetually on the verge of starvation. Some time ago, the government released a propaganda campaign to convince its citizens that it is healthier to eat two meals a day instead of three. They unironically will eat grass and twigs, just to put something in their bellies to stop the hunger.

Not everyone is fool enough to take the bait. Do you understand how Juche works?

>zero combat experience
>leg full of medals

>Anyone know where this quote came from?

>wanting to be a big target on a battlefield.

OK ?

Attack on Titan explained

>Anyone know where this quote came from?

>that feel when you're more than a head shorter than a dude named anastasia

Nobody understands how Juche works, Including North Koreans. Anyone who claims they do is lying.

It's deliberately vague, ambiguous and subjective.

The entire concept is like the emperor's new robes; All North Koreans are too scared to address the elephant in the room through fear of being ostracised- the elephant being that none of them really understand what juche means.

Tl;dr: Nobody can explain juche in an objective sense because it isn't a real concept.

>a dude named anastasia
>a dude
>named anastasia

Stupid cunts don't realise that a lot of those really short people were just the most malnourished in their starving society.

But it does work. It has completely captured their entire society. That it defies an objective definition because it includes moving targets based on relative power dynamics doesn't change the fact that it is.

Implying they arent made of six pack holder plastic

What are all those medals for? lol theyre even spilling onto their trousers, thats just silly looking

Are you autistic? It's a last name, his mom and sister also have that name because that's how last names work

Pretty sure Anastasia is a Russian girl's given name.

It's literally printed on his shirt.

OIC. LoL he must get teased relentlessly. I bet he has a huge Napoleon complex from High School.

As far as I can see the only thing that has "captured their entire society" is fear.

These people face serious repercussions for displaying anything besides unconditional appreciation of Juche. Of course they are going to say they like it.

North Korea is uncannily similar to 1984 by George Orwell.
If you still haven't read the book, then you're missing out on the best criticism of that kind of regime, and will struggle to ever really be red pilled on NK.

What makes it better is that these "soldiers" have never even fought in a war in their entire lives.

But Juche is far more than the Party in 1984. It's not just that the people are in a perpetual state of fear, although of course they are. But Juche also gives them hope. Everything good in their life must be attributed to the President for Eternity, and they must always curse the hated Americans. Fear alone can't do that. If it were just fear, they would at least comfort one another in private among their own families. But Juche turns them against their family members.

And it's far more than the GDR Stazi, the Soviet secret police organizations such as the KGB and Checa, or the Maoist Red Guard could ever manage to accomplish. Juche is religious. The Norks are as ideologically committed to it as Imperial Japanese were to Shintoism. They would give the Islamic State a run for their money in terms of religious zeal and fervor.

1984 is pale fiction next to the reality of Juche.

Try that shit on Albert Anastasia.

>He was perhaps the most feared hit-man of the Italian American Cosa Nostra's golden era, earning the infamous nicknames "the Mad Hatter" and "Lord High Executioner."

Sounds like the exact sort of Napoleon complex I'm talking about.

>be 10 years old
>go to play stickball in the street with neighborhood kids
>chants ring out
>"here comes Anastasia again! He hits like a giiiiiirl"
>for fuck's sake, this has been going on for years
>when will this stop?
>what can end this hell?
>Jamaal hits me in the nose with the stickball stick
>girl I like giggles and he makes out with her
>wipe blood from my lip and slink off
>they'll pay
>they'll ALL pay

It's just Kim Jong Faggot's play fantasy that everyone else has to ceaselessly obey without question (or else GULAG)

i bet the dwarf in the middle bites really hard

>The family name was "Anastasio", but Albert started using "Anastasia" in 1921.


its more like Brave New World for an-hedonistic people

>pic unrelated but cool

Only on the ankles.

it was led poisoning

>those bastards want to call me Anastasia so much?
>I'll fucking show them Anastasia
>I'll show them alright
>if Anastasia is what they want, that's what they'll get

something's wrong with that F-4's vertical stabilizer

its a feature, not a bug ;)

still in use for wild weasel missions




Juche can be everything and nothing. The real key to success!

You make some good points. I don't doubt that a large part of their appreciation of Juche is completely sincere. That's how indoctrination works.

But any idea that requires a gun to be placed to somebody's head as motivation for them to advocate it has no real merit or worth in the civilised world.

Mao disagrees with you. Stalin disagrees. The Kim dynasty is living proof it has merit, as distasteful as the rest of us may find it.

For comparison, as I have recently learned, when Ceausescu was deposed, Kim Jung Il forced his command staff to watch the video footage of it over and over. Then he berated them. He told them that is exactly what would happen to them if they ever lost ideological control over the masses.

They learn, Nigel. And they adapt.

If you don't mind I'll print your post out and use it as a reference for my students on Monday. We're studying coping mechanisms such as projection

I could give a shit what you do with a public post on a Cambodian Skull Burying forum. You should understand it's fiction, though. If you think fiction is projection, well, I'm not sure you should be in charge of students. Please stay as far from Shakespeare as you can get.

Of course Mao and Stalin would disagree. Both were deranged and fundamentally uncivilised.

The Kim dynasty extends only three generations, and Juche itself is less than a century old. How is such a short existence proof of merit?

I thought the mantletness of the norks was caused by lack of nutrition/milk growing up


thank god somebody pulled thru

semper Sup Forums

You'd think Africans would do it.

Only thing I can say about Juche is that it is the only case of a communist regime THEMSELVES going

>I-it's not REAL communism

Juche means be anarcho-capitalist to survive while pretending to be commie for your unproviding government.

fucking genius

Americans re just as bad when it comes to awarding participation medals, they just wear ribbons instead of the whole thing

They are modern day Brezhnevs

Yes yes NK is evil...

But are they wrong?

that's a /fffffffunky/ medalism

>ever seen this ?

>Magazine Loading Badge w/ clasp

Compare what top officers in the UK wear:

Or Australia

sounds like pol complex to me

this is our top soldier (srs)

Take away the uniform and it's a pic straight from the 1995 NYPD Sex Offender Register

Shitty comeback

And one of the hardest motherfuckers on the face of the planet.

Dude had a hand in making Delta force.

It's always the quiet ones

Pretty respectable.

better be looking over your should from now on hans

Chronic malnutrition leads to smaller body heights.
Norkors are short because they don't get enough food.

If the manlets eat the slightly smaller manlets, the problem would be solved.

I've got a good mind for this sort of thing.

Get that man a tailor. Goddamn Britain.

>tfw North Korea is IRL Attack on Titan

Juche is a personality cult
>wow that was hard

OThe delegates, mate.

It's an american name now, and american names don't mean shit.

Thats your example? Yah he has less medals, but he is carrying 20 pounds of rope over his shoulder. Is that for the biweekly nigger hanging?

Or better yet, a fucking cuck leash? Seriously why the 50 feet of braided rope? Also, the uniform color is liquid shits brown.

The showing of rank through uniform is one of the last traditional things we still have.

aguillettes dont show rank, aids wear them so the people with rea; power know who their slave for that day

Yes, you're positively a complete idiot.

hans kumpel, are you embarrased? im embarrased for you

>American education

>Kim Jong Un considered tall in DPRK


It's most likely a scam to put the malnourished into labor camps. In Korea, people are very short due to famines. Those who're affected by them the most are also the shortest, and the least useful as soldiers. I'd chance the guess that the government is trying to put them to a different use than being men at arms.

>ribbons mostly covered by the collar

whats the point then

Whatever your idiots in the US are doing is unimportant,there are other countries too (imagine that). And all these listed positions are high positions.

>all those medals for shit they never did
Why it just looks retarded

history started july 4th, 1776, everything before that was a mistake just like your military

They are better at going through tunnels, like the ones they have going to Seoul.

What does american education have to do with you talking shit about americans wearing medals but your military wearing 20 feet of rope? No one cares if you have been doing it for the last 2000 years, its still stupid as fuck.

Correct. Everyone ITT should read "The Cleanest Race" and figure this out for themselves.

>Nobody can explain juche
Radical self-reliance. North Korea is the bug-out bag of countries. Jong-un took so many red pills it gave him gout.