Why Do Niggers Always Play Obnoxious Music?

I've been this guy's neighbor for going on 2 years, and every month I tell this guy at least 10 times to turn down his fucking loud, thumping music. Nothing works. I can literally feel his music through the fucking wall.

Can anyone tell me why niggers feel the urge to do this? Pic related.

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If you live in Burgerland why don't you fill a noise complain?

I've tried that twice now, but he conveniently stops playing before they arrive, and I'm stuck explaining to them why the fuck I've called.

How does ching chong know more about how to handle this situation than you do, OP?

>I tell this guy at least 10 times to turn down his fucking loud, thumping music.

You wish you had the balls to even approach him, autist. Why don't you call him a nigger in his face instead of being a passive aggressive bitch?

Wake them up back. I had a neighbor who would let their dog bark outside all the time. So what did I do? Started going out there in the middle of the night multiple times a night and would bang on the fence to wake their dog up and make it bark - waking them up in the process

I have hhad 3 people evicted from my building for loud music. You need a paper trail. File noise complaints with your property manager ON PAPER. If they sit on their hands, find rental violations in your buildinh and threaten to to to the rental board and file complaints. Its to the point now when i call the manager about loud nigger music, it's off within 10 minutes or they have an eviction notice on their door the next day. You can only get away with this if you are an exemplary tenant. I am, quiet and clean and never late on rent.

Cuz my music is what keeps the universe in harmony.

Place your largest speaker against the wall and blast Saxon as loud as it can go for an hour while he is sleeping

The trick is to put on some death metal like "the parasites - braindrill" put it on repeat and then leave for a fancy 2 week vacation :)

oh, just leave it loud enough so they can't call the cops.

They know you're a pussy. If you had a spine you wouldn't be stepped on over and over again. Anyways black don't Crack and the South will never rise again.

when you are drunk your ability to detect loudness is hampered. he probably gets wasted and turns that mothafucka uppppppp

but yes blacks are obnoxious

tell him to go to church

Dude, just retaliate with hour long piccolo solos.

He won't understand anything because he's an entitled nigger, but at least you'll annoy the shit out of him.

Play this song loud also when he does it


>I tell this guy at least 10 times to turn down his fucking loud, thumping music.

stop lying

Same in here. People fight when somebody changes the song.
Nigger mentality sadly took over.

how bout you record the music in your house you fucking stupid retarded fuck

This. But bear in mind that since we're talking about niggers here, you'll need to do this around 2-3 PM

>every month I tell this guy at least 10 times to turn down his fucking loud

No doubt OP, man the fuck up and quit being so spineless, the fact that you had to make a thread about this shit is pathetic in itself.

Wow Op you've dealt with this for that long. you're such a pussy

> living in a nigger apartment complex

Try a Frequency jammer if he's using the radio?

Shows how ineffective he is.

record it on video too
Also listen to this guy

>he conveniently stops playing before they arrive
wtf how does he know?

stab him

Blacks frequently engage in power games with complete strangers. That's why they play their music loudly on buses and trains. They know or hope they are upsetting you.

An example from my country recently you may have seen posted on Sup Forums was a milk bar where the gook owner put up a "no black teens because they always steal" sign.
There's footage from inside the store where one of the black teens stands over the man and says
>go on, hit me.
>see this? this is mine now.

I can tell you I grew up with white kids that would shoplift and none of them would have ever done that.

You live so close to a nigger that you can hear music?
If I thought for one second a nigger was living within a mile of my house I'd move the next day.
> Property values

crank up willie nelson at 5am in the morning

fire wif fire ya dig

the loud nigger music is the mating call, attracts the sheboons for miles. call in an anonymous tip and make the cops raid his apartment, guaranteed to find a bunch of illegal shit.

Play classical, Nigger/Muslim repellent.

thumping music is a secondary drug that should be put on at all times

this. close enough to here them is too close for comment

Sorry Op that was me, is it this song I keep playing?

Play your music back. Get everyone in trouble.

probably 'cause ching chong is a citizen from the country which buttfucked, raped and defeat a whole generation of your stinky cucked zionist piece of shit country?, just guessing

>he thinks marijuana is illegal

You must live in a cuck state

>get Wagner
>play just as loud

to trigger white autists who can't stand loud noises
>id exterminate them too

luh da see azians stickin up fo eachudda

>trying to sleep downstairs
>roll over and put the pillow over my ears
>suddenly the entire apartmen begins to shake as the climax of Ride Of The Valkries detonates from the floor above me
>so loud the vietnamese nighbors all begin to run outside sceaming while looking up in the sky
>nigger tries to fight back but his ghetto speakers cannot compare to the godly setup above me
>my windows shatter, the next building over window's shatter
>eat my gun because both of my neighbor's suck dick

Pussy. Kill them before you am become hero.

This. I say blacks are more so an animal in a human body. The way animals engage each other. Everything they do is about appearing dominant socially.

>couple summers ago
>staying at youth shelter
>niggers abound
>white guy from west coast talking to staff girl, he used to stay here
>one of his parents killed the other and suicide or something, tells story and how struggling in life is a blessing and he's learned from it
>big nigger across the room gets up and literally starts like shucking and jiving, or harlem shaking or something, staring at the two having the conversation.
>he was sitting on the couch listening to nigger noise, appearing hard
>he had to vie for the females attention

they both kind of looked away and she kept listening to his story and the nigger sat down. I thought he was a pretty big n bad nigger up until that point. When you see niggers for what they are, trying to scare you, its CRINGE tier.
Learn to fight and defend yourself.

Just play your music louder than his and make it Alabama Nigger. Constantly on repeat.