why is catholicism wrong?
Why is catholicism wrong?
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Yes, Eastern Orthodoxy is less cucked.
your mom is wrong
Vatican II
It's not
Worse than jews
Because Orthodoxy is better
Because Aliens
At least we crusaded. You protestant asshats aren't doing anything.
Yeah, there's actually a bunch a catholics crusading right now across our southern border
Your cunt pope refuses to condemn the priests who raped little kids, says something about their little order
Catholicism is the true faith that the Lord Jesus Christ founded upon St Peter, the first Pope.
The Catholicism that people know today is not actually Catholicism, but in fact Vatican II Counter Church. The Whore of Babylon.
Vatican II was a false ecumenical council instigated by antipope John 23rd. Vatican II contained many heresies, most notably religious indifferent ism. Heresy on the muslims is found in the counter church "catechism"
I think Catholicism is awesome. Limitless supply of young boys and a system in place to keep them quiet.
1. The Catholic Church recognizes that the Orthodox Church and the Church of the East both have Apostolic Succession and valid Sacraments, meaning that God considers the bishops of these Churches to be valid, yet these bishops were not involved in the so-called "ecumenical councils" of the Catholic Church. In the eyes of God these councils are not valid because all of God's bishops were not present.
2. The Pope as the Bishop of Rome is supposedly the successor of Peter, whom Jesus called the Rock on which He will build His Church. But Peter also founded the Church of Antioch and was the first Bishop of Antioch. That means that the Orthodox Bishop of Antioch is also the successor of Peter. By Catholic logic, the Bishop of Antioch should have the same authority over the Church as the Bishop of Rome.
It's not.
they pray to statues. they pray to saints. they pray to mary. they are luciferian. read your bible. it warns you of these things.
Salt my dish bartender.
because it's for the Jews.
because Sup Forums is an orthodox only board now
Has some alright qualities, but got taken over and corrupted by pedos and crooks.
Its kikery
They have always supported jews
Because there is no God and it's a bullshit movement used to generate assets so that a bunch of fat white dudes can molest kids and live like fudal lords.
THIS. The communists were found to have infiltrated the church at this time
We'll get a new Pope eventually. Hopefully the next one will be Catholic.
because gnosticism is the original christianity and there hasn't been a based church leader since st. augustine
At least has the best architecture, it's the only thing about I care, praise kek
Great thing. Got BTFO by muslims, so decided to attack the orthodox christians, making them a easy pray for the ottomans some time later.
Crusades were a mistake, stop larping
But it's impossible.
The church was supposed to be holy
Cathocucks respond if you have any integrity or intellectual honesty.
10/10 post user.
Here, have an upvote xd.
fake and gay
you're right. like I said, after St. Augustine its all cucks
why do you ignore that there are equal levels of child molestation across protestant churches?
where did all those rituals come from? did jesus or god make them up? like red robes, or smoking lanterns
Malachy Prophecy on Papal Claimants where antipope Francis should be the last one. Francis was also described as "the Pope from the end of the world" because he is from Argentina, which is geographically you could say at the end of the world.
"Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills [i.e. Rome] will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End."
Catholicism kept Europe a mess just so that it could have power over people.
Things only started to get good when Julius II bribed his way in and turned the whole thing on it's head.
Posts like this give me hope.
They believe salvation is by works and faith and not just faith.
Ephesians 2:8-9
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:Not of works, lest any man should boast."
They worship graven images which the bible preaches against.
Exodus 20:4
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth"
They worship mary and the saints who were normal people like you and me
Exodus 20:3
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
They practice vain repetitions through there hail marys and sinners prayer.
Matthew 6:7
"But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking."
There lavish dresses
Luke 20:46
"Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts;
It was the catholics who committed the great inquisition. And it was the catholic church that fought against the translation of the bible. And the ones you hear about on the news committing all those pedophile assaults. Pope Francis blasphemes the word of god on the daily. The pope would have you suck his toes while Jesus Christ washed the feet of his disciples.
Look into KJV fundamental baptist Christianity.
The fuel Project
Paster Steven Anderson.
If God is with you then you will find these things
t. Protestant faggot. if you ain't gnostic you ain't shit so piss off with your make-believe historical revisions
>thinks they're christian
>regularly practices sin, eg making idols, praying to angels, praying to mary(jesus is the mediator not mary)
>pope: """having a relationship with jesus is dangerous"" pope decides he will forgive the sin of abortion sometimes, just because
>vatican is controlled by globalists
could probably go on for a while, about how it's anti-chritstian, satanic, and elitist
>Gayus maximus
>your roman name
Correction globalists are controlled by jesuits
>>pope: """having a relationship with jesus is dangerous""
We aren't. You are.
"Sin boldly!"
-Martin Luther
t. agent of satan. You know how i know that you haven't actually read the Bible?
A few of the scientific facts mentioned in Scripture-hundreds of years before scientist came to understand them-include that the earth is round (Isaiah 40:22), that it hangs on nothings (job 26:7), that there are an innumerable number of stars (Genesis 15:5), and that there are water currents in the seas (Psalm 8:8). Basic Sanitation laws including burying waste (Deuteronomy 23:13), not touching dead bodies (Numbers 19:11), and alot more.
Look into the physical modern day location of Sodom and Gomorrah. There are still vast amounts of salt and brimstone deposits there.
the bible was written by anonymous early members of the church aka gnostics dumbass. any church that uses a revised version of the bible is just as big of a piece of shit as the catholic church is though.
No my name is Biggus Dickus
I'm a lapsed Catholic this is why I can't go back.
>Jews marginalize Catholicism
>Catholics turn their cheek
>Jews exaggerate how badly pedophilia is a problem in the church despite Hasidic Rabbi's being just as bad if not worse
>Catholics turn their cheek
>Jews push Catholics to shit on their beliefs to allow gay marriage and divorce
>Catholics turn their cheek
>Jews push the socialist spic Pope who doesn't give a fuck about old beliefs
>Catholics turn their cheek
I don't think I am ever going back and good good reason. This religion is morphing into something retarded and it makes me believe all the Vatican cares about is staying relevant at any cost necessary to keep their cushy lifestyle.
>pray to magic goblin
found the one atheist
revelations 2:2
the RCC has nothing to do with Christianity, and they invented Islam
Mark 16:17-18
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
unless a church is performing these signs, they are a false church
catholics believe that if you're not a member of their church you go to hell, and that they get to decide who a member is
Why is salvation always connected to good works in every single parable then?
>Doesn't know what "graven" means.
>Compares himself with the Theotokos and the Holy Apostles.
>Doesn't know what "vain repetitions" means; has never heard of the Lord's Prayer. Or the Garden of Gethsemane.
>Fashion critique from the 1st century applies today.
>Doesn't know about the Protestant abuses against Catholics
>Doesn't know about the vernacular translations that existed years before Luther'
>Doesn't know that Protestant pastors have higher rates of child-abuse
>Doesn't know that Pope Francis' personal politics and views are irrelevant.
"Sin boldly"
-Martin Luther
The fall of the Roman Empire caused the dark ages. Christianity is all that held it together from a complete regression to barbarianism
>antisemitism used to be standard procedure in the church
>now you're literally hitler is you don't worship asthmatic money grubbing hypochondriacs
What the hell happened? Why is Catholicism so kosher now?
>early Christians were all gnostics
No, they weren't.
I didn't say it caused it. But they did nothing to improve things.
They intentionally kept the common people from learning to keep power over them.
Anyone can get baptised now. It isn't a secret club, you know
>found the one atheist
No not really, I just like the argument.
At least Catholics have the Apostolic tradition to support their connection to God. Protestantism is hopeful thinking and therefore dangerous. The human psyche is not infallible as a sole measure of what is holy.
00000000 :
Catholicism is wrong because it its based on the idea that there is a SuperSpook called God or Jesus that watches what you are doing and if you Fuck Up he send you to Hell and if you are good he sends you to Heaven.
Only children believe in Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Ferry.
Why do adults think it is OK to believe in God and Jebus? Fucking retarded wishful thinking.
Because it was infiltrated by a luceferian cult.
How about you answer my post ? Or do you lack integrity and intellectual honesty?
>God or Jesus that watches what you are doing and if you Fuck Up he send you to Hell and if you are good he sends you to Heaven.
>Why do adults think it is OK to believe in God and Jebus? Fucking retarded wishful thinking.
Whatcha doin rabbi?
>The human psyche is not infallible as a sole measure of what is holy.
no. proof: everyone in the whole world tries to dictate what is 'right'
>Apostolic tradition to support their connection to God
wrong again,
Jesus spoke out against foolish traditions.
and tradition doesn't prove connection to God. everyone has traditions including atheists
The fuck do I have to answer you for? I don't worship you, fuckhead. If I answer you it's because I chose to and if you have a shitty little bitch attitude than I chose not to and think whatever the fuck you want about that.
Punk. Learn some manners.
I dunno dude. I'll listen to these radio shows on AM radio where they get a priest and a rabbi together to host a show and boomers jack off this to shit and don't understand how the priest can do that when every devout Jew I meet mocks how Jesus is Jewish and thus Jews are superior and their whole teaching is that they are "the chosen" meaning they are only they can get into heaven and even if you convert you never are seen as one of them. That rabbi on the radio show would execute that priest if Jews were the dominant religion. Catholics are cucks and don't represent me anymore.
>"Sin boldly"
>misrepresenting the quote
pretty jewwy tactic rabbi.
the RCC was invented by a luciferian cult.
Because god isnt real
Timothy 3:16
"all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."
the only correct version of the Bible (KJV) states that Salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ and what he did alone. Being part of a church is not necessary.
Also God used 40 different men from a variety of backgrounds over a time-span of 1500 years to record each word.
Yet, the entire book completely agrees and has been validated time and again by history, archaeology, and science.
And even if none of this is true (which it is) all you would have to do is meditate on the teachings of the Bible to realize that everything it teaches is still true. And considering the time of its conception makes it both Cutting edge and timeless.
When God was close to us this country was great. Now that we are not close to God things have gone to shit. Like your moral compass.
Oh, they taught all the common people how to read latin so that they could read the scriptures?
Did he or did he not say:
"Sin boldly"
>Oh but he said: "Love God more boldly!"
Because that's what Jesus said.
"Go ahead and sin, but make sure you love me. Because remember, it's okay to trample all over the weakest of you, as long as you claim to know my name."
-Luther 17:83 (KJV)
Pray to saints. Pray to marry. Purchase absolution of sin. Man can absolve your sins.
Should I go on and on?
Catholics are fucking heresy.
John XXIII was a Godly man
the protestants use the New Faggot Version of the bible anyways because they are materialist revisioners. and in all fairness the "acts" part of faith follows hand in hand. if one cannot live by what he believes then he is a phony. i don't believe in deathbed salvation. sorry.
00000000 :
Fucking Jews. They are worse then Xinas.
The believe that there is a spook in the sky that will give them sheckels if only they do certain stupid shit:
Fuck through holes in sheets.
Suck baby penis.
Turn off the lights on Saturday.
Don't eat bacon.
Is there really an extraterrestrial being that gives a fuck about bacon.
MY WRATH on Shlomo Sheckelstein. He ate a BLT. No sheckels for him...
>Changes the goalposts
They endorsed certain vernacular translations, opened and maintained Universities, etc.
It doesn't matter what you believe, faget, it matters what He said and taught.
>everyone in the whole world tries to dictate what is 'right'
Please clarify your counter argument. How do you know when you pray to God that it is authentic?
>muh bible
>muh feels
>Jesus spoke out against foolish traditions.
Jesus spoke out against his apostles?
>Pray to saints
Ask saints to pray for us.
>Pray to marry (sic)
Ask Mary to pray for us.
>Man can absolve your sins
"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
-Mathew 18:18
>can't defend Catholicism after it's BTFO by my post
>cites my bad manners as the reason he won't respond
Cathocucks everyone
>I don't believe in deathbed salvation
>believes last rites are necessary
this is fake news
he never said in his own words "if you don't worship me as an Idol, then you will burn forever in a lake of fire". please do show me the verse where Jesus says that. what he really says is "the kingdom of heaven is within".
Because of the Nostra Aetate.
00000000 :
If you call yourself a Xian because you like the Bible and like to scorce Xian pussy, but you don't believe in God and Jesus and Heaven and Hell, then you are a hypocrite. Otherwise you are an idiot.
Take your pick. Grow some balls.
You don't need some 2000 year old Jewish book of tales to get through life.
>implying he isn't talking about the Church
>implying the Gospel is what he's talking about when he says the keys of heaven
i'm not catholic user, just not protestant either.
The Bible mentions preparing Treasures in heaven for where your treasure is so shall your heart be.
The Bible also commands that we love that which is good and hate that which is bad and doing good things for others like bringing hope is a blessing.
Isaiah 52:7
"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!"
Also why is it you hear about the Catholics doing the raping and not protestants?
The Bible is the word of god and is infallible and timeless. Thats why 1st century fashion critique is relevant.
You are kinda missing the whole FAITH point in salvation here.
I wonder why someone would be so compelled to stiffen there neck against God?
>Implying the Gospel isn't
Mary and the saints are nothing. Mary is the first among women but she has no power or say or force. The saints are mere men made special by other men. As are clergymen. They have no say in your judgment and no say in what happens when you are judged. What of the five gifts will you receive, if any? Mary and the saints cannot help you or hear you.
My bad
>Asks retarded questions
>Badgers people to answer them.
Fuck off retard
>"Hurr durr, they didn't answer me so I win."
Don't care.