Which haplogroup has the best and most productive people, pol?
Which one is also the most European?
Which haplogroup has the best and most productive people, pol?
Which one is also the most European?
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Whichever ones you're not in
> American flag
Wait, that's all of them
Stralya' cunt.
well, it seems to be red, but that would imply that spanish are the most white of all
In this order:
Haplo meme autist please go
e3b aka e1b1b
amazigh masterrace
The English basically took over the world so whichever one they are.
Join the new Jeremy Corbyn Empire, lad.
R1b Ashkenazi super hyper ultra master race reporting in.
Submit to me Goys.
It's obviously that a mix of R1b and R1a or just a large amount of R1b is the best way to go.
Haha Finland. It's true, all of it.
J2 of course
Berbers aint white
What's the point of being productive if the Africans and Arab will inherit your country...
teal (sweden, uk, deutschland, etc)
t. arab
Southern Europe.
Why the fuck are the Finns so different than anybody else.
Why didn't he go through Russia then and leave all that glorious purple
>J2 of course
shalom, jew.
R1a of course
Finnish blood is tainted by generations of race mixing with laplanders.
Funnily enough, nords and balkanites are both on average the tallest in the world.
Tfw I'm a fucking mutt.
If you look at the tallest North European countries though you'll notice that the north European countries with more R1b are actually taller than those with I1
this meme propagated by genetically illiterate haploniggers needs to stop. not even germans are more than 20% I. Guess what native euros got cucked by the Proto-Indo-European master race, get over it.
Bring up stats about height and haplogroups if you have that data from the balkans.
As far as I see it, the highest concentration of l2a in the balkans also has the tallest people.
Haplogroups have absolutely nothing to do with your appearance.
>As far as I see it, the highest concentration of l2a in the balkans also has the tallest people.
Kek, the only place I2a reaches similar percentages other than the Balkans is in Sardinia and the Sardinians were once the shortest group of people on the planet. So far there have been zero in group studies comparing height to y-dna haplogroups, but if you look at it by specific regions like in Northern europe you'll see no correlation between height and y-dna I.
They should test y-dna I carriers in the balkans and northern europe to those with other haplogroups if they really want to know though
I agree
I don't see a haplomeme chinese looking like an Iberian or eastern Euro, m8.
R1b-U198 (a subclade of the decent R1b-U106)
Basically the haplgroup of Germanic tribes (mostly Angles and Saxons alongside some Normans) living on the coasts of the North Sea.
These men have accomplished and contributed the most to civilization in the last few hundred years.
t. R1b-U198
pic unrelated
North Sea/Germanic subclade of R1b is the haplogroup most associated with Anglos/the English.
R1b is purest
R1a is slavshit, everything else is mongol rape
I guess so, haplogroups do look like a meme.
There are different sub classes of haplogorups too.
Like e3b, with e-v13 which is mostly found in europe yet most Sup Forumsacks would say your a shitskin if you were a e3b even though it said that hitler was e3b. Just a meme after all I guess.
>Why the fuck are the Finns so different than anybody else.
>Haha Finland. It's true, all of it.
Haplogroup N is found on China, Japan, Korea, Finland (61%), Northern Russia (30%), Estonia (34%), Latvia (38%), Lithuania (42%), Mongolia
Y-DNA (Haplogroup N) testing shows strong affinity between Finns and north Asian populations.
>TFW R1B masterrace
And Sup Forums still keep calling us half moors..
>Why the fuck are the Finns so different than anybody else.
>Haha Finland. It's true, all of it.
Haplogroup N is found on China, Japan, Korea, Finland (61%), Northern Russia (30%), Estonia (34%), Latvia (38%), Lithuania (42%), Mongolia
Haplogroup N testing shows strong affinity between Finns and north Asian populations.
when you're Welsh and realise you have the highest percentage of R1b. Feels good.
The pic should be the other way around. The Y chromosome comes from the father, and the N1 Haplogroup was spread by Mongols.
The aesirs(germanic Gods) came from ''east'
It's crazy the way Spaniards are almost genetically the same as us (according to your pic) yet they look like poo-skins, why is this?
Really activates my almonds.
If we're taking it that far the woman shouldn't even be Swedish, but some other Indo-European blonde woman from unknown nations which the N1 Haplogroup ancestors swept over and bred with on their journey to Finland.
red is celt/german
yellow is persian/slav
rest is shitskin
>It's crazy the way Spaniards are almost genetically the same as us
They arent. Haplogroups are a paternal marker. Everyone who has R1b has the same paternal ancestor from 24,000 years ago, that's all it means
e3b ftw
Hitler, Napoleon, the Wright brothers. And if you like it, Einstein. All E3b.
I don't buy into the out of africa theory. my guess is that E3b is the Davidic bloodline. Of t he true biblical Jews.
and maybe most Berbers aren't white nowadays, but long ago they were. just like most mexicans are R but are not "white" by any of your definitions. and that is only over span of a few hundred years.
I think that every haplogroup has its own history and deeper meaning, but that E3b(and its predecessors back to DE which have roots in Tibet, wherein the Nazis investigated Aryan origins) are the original ancient Rabbinic bloodline.
And you do find them in about a quarter of all modern Jews. I think there is a hereditary knowledge of this bloodline but it is not spoken of among Jews so as not to cause strife and infighting amongst Jews.
But by the historical figures that have possessed E3b there is no doubt that there is something behind the bloodline which has a lot of power.
Is that David Rothschild?
I* haplogroup has nikola tesla, the smartest man to ever live to this day.
Both Napoleon and Hitler weren't succesfull in their crusades.
>Binland is only mongols!
Like 35% l1 and we've just a bit more.
Sun and melanin for during years.
any sub-group of I, it is the only haplogroup originating from Europe and not some caucasus white-nigger tier
R1b1 celtic warrior master race