Holy fuk guys I was just laying in my bed about to fall asleep and I then I hear: "Your call has been forwarded to an...

holy fuk guys I was just laying in my bed about to fall asleep and I then I hear: "Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voicemail." I look over and my phone in a call with this random number by itself and then ended call itself. I think I'm about to go back to a nokia.

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What year is it?

This happened to a friend of mines phone as well. It was a while ago, maybe a year. It was a weird experience.


I've had this happen too. spoopy

'Ey slope?
He's not even asian. I don't get it

Happened to me a month ago, no I'm a woman.

This shit has happened to me multiple times the past month.

The year in which so many people agree with OP that Nokia has re issued an old dumb phone

Everyone is going back. Good for you OP

Spy app. They're fun to install on other people's phones. You can take pics, listen to their calls, live conversion, etc. Great way to get dirt and nudes

Sounds like you got bluejacked.
>leaving bluetooth enabled
>in fact, using bluetooth at all.

And everyone wonders why I refuse to own a "smart phone". I prefer the no frills pay as you go mobile phones you can find at Wally-Mart or Dollar General.


U got hacked, fool. Spooky scary luminati satin gubment spooks wouldn't be so sloppy.

It's literally been the biggest point of vulnerability on cell phones since forever.

It's like,
>owning a cell phone 101: Disable bluetooth.
Sup Forums of all places. I would expect a certain level of tech savvy. To at least know the most basic security measure of owning a cell phone.

Off by one

Well, user. You go on a message board that helps strategically advance the Syrian Government. Of course your on a watch list and the feds are watching you through your phone.
Not to mention the fact that this board is very homogeneous in it's ethos, which makes it even more appealing for spooks to monitor. I figure we're all flagged for being spied on (look what happened to that French user).

but it's all satire and I just come for the memes

>I think I'm about to go back to a nokia.
I think you need to go back to sleep, user.

I've probably been on a watch list for 3 years now
Doesn't bother me
If the NSA or CIA want to watch a future Military Man shittalk on Xbox while eating chips and browsing Sup Forums then they must have a shitty life working war minimum wage at an uncomfortable desk taking notes on literal edgy teenagers