Redpill me on the MMR vaccine.
I am untrustworthy of the unnecessary bundling of multiple vaccines (2 of which are almost pointless) into one vaccine and then massively pushing for it. Why am I wrong?
Redpill MMR
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One more bump attempt, then new thread.
Measles, Mumps and Rubella. Do you know how vaccines work, user?
Vaccines are nonsense and there is no biological basis for taking them. They are a scheme of the Pharma Jew.
Eat a vegan diet and use holistic response to demogriphy your kammic aura.
Thanks for elaborating on the name -_- Yes I know how they work. Culture a strain of the disease through certain cells until it is weakened enough to inject in a person.
I am not saying they aren't possible. Andi think the autism debate is a strawman.
Why should I trust it or not?
Maybe another user can correct me, but here's my understanding. They're completely injured or dead versions of the actual disease. Your body creates T-cells, which are programmed to attack that particular disease. Your body would do this if infected with the live virus anyway, but you then become a contagion potential for other people. If your body already has the T-cells for that particular disease, and you come in contact with that disease, it never becomes an infection and you don't pass it on to others. Those three diseases are under control only because everybody gets vaccinated for them. If an outbreak occurs now, it ends up being very localized because everybody's vaccinated. Because these diseases haven't been experienced in a long time, people don't get them when they're young, so our bodies have a harder time. An actual outbreak would spread fast without vaccinations, and be devastating.
When the stories come out that the forced 3rd world hordes spread awful diseases that the 1st world already had in the bag and that's why you have to take vaccines, stop right there if you want to ensure mental processes.
Obviously the problem in this case is forcing the importation of infection vectors.
Yes, polio quit all on it's own. The invention of the vaccine was coincidental.
For instance, one time I was on Emirates Airlines (all-women stewardessess like back in the old days, and they remove their Islamic headgear after they technically are out of the Islam zone so they can bait you better) they waited until everybody was trapped in the plane after landing to spray us all down with some antifungal agent or other.
They know what they're doing, comparatively.
The autism thing is bullshit. You're just triggering your own body's natural response to fight the disease without actually giving yourself the infection. Unless your own body's immune system causes autism, the cocktail doesn't. It's not drugs, just or stunted dead horrible diseases. Nothing to worry about.
One site was claiming that measles frequency had dropped on its own long before vaccines were introduced. vague sources of course so it was hard to verify. Anyone know?
That's the theory, not the implementation.
Try getting the infant schedule as an adult and document it on jewtube for us.
I agree, reread my post. Still suspicious that they refuse to offer them separately. Measles maybe, mumps and rubella? Not nearly as important.
All it takes is one vacationing somali with any of those to sicken or kill everyone who isn't already immune.
I have no actual information stating that people in Somalia have any of those diseases, but it sounds right.
>one vacationing somali
found the problem
So is the problem the unverified Somali or something else?
People like you cause autism. Autism is the body's immune response to dickheads.
>Unless your own body's immune system causes autism
peanuts trigger allergic reaction for allergics
it's not peanuts fault though, allergics should stop being a pussy
I don't think there are scientific studies that prove I have anything to do with autism.
Maybe I should participate in one, since I did have the MMR schedule.
Should mumps or rubella come in contact with anyone, they're both highly contagious and you can spread them for a long time before you get sick. If they come back is the question. I don't think they're popular. I'm far too lazy to google it.
Anyway, if they drop one, and a case pops up, it'll spread like wildfire to everyone not vaccinated.
I think this is true, back in the day there was almost no hygiene effort in hospitals since the infection through microbes/viruses was not understood
Nowadays you have double protection, hygiene to stop bigger exposure to the pathogen and immunization to help fight them off if you still got them
Yeah, Somalis probably don't come to America on vacation. They probably don't have a word for vacation.
As far as I am aware, none of the 3 are actually dangerous with modern antibiotics and an immunity gained from contracting the diseases is superior to the immunity from the vaccine.
right or wrong?
I think we can assume anyone from Somalia will not be taking a vacation, but since the disease can incubate for a week or so, being contagious all along, a sick traveler can infect multiple continents before showing symptoms.
Just because they haven't proven it yet doesn't mean they won't. Sorry about the "dickhead". It was the wrong word. I should have said troll. You weren't being rude, only offering arguments that I felt were ridiculous, and offered only to be irritating.
I think we can assume the Somalian infestation in Minnesota is not a vacationment but an encampment and that the trend hasn't lessened but continued to grow.
I didn't even study epidemiology, but this is obvious to anybody who isn't a low-IQ nigger.
Who is going to pay them to prove it?
Do you actually work in science at all?
yeah I know, in today's world there's no way to stop the spread of disease like this
kind of scary to think of how vulnerable the world of today is to an unknown and potentially deadly disease
Measles can kill you and it's terribly contagious. Even though sanitation efforts can control it, an outbreak can be devastating. Since it can be immunized for, it makes sense to simply prevent an outbreak before it can take root. It wasn't the vaccine that controlled it, but it has nearly eradicated it.
I think that's wrong. They can probably be treated effectively, but I believe adults can die from any of them, especially if they don't seek treatment, or don't seek it in time.
Nope. Took anatomy and physiology in high school. 27 years ago. I do read a lot, though.
But doesn't that prove the point? even if vaccinated, you aren't actually protected. So why put your children's life in the hands of a possibly dangerous vaccine?
leftists believe in social contract
Elaborate? I am hardy interested in cryptic lingo.
How can it be dangerous? Explain physiologically how a vaccine could effect brain development or structure or whatever autism is.
I still think it's an immune response to society.
I'm not demanding an answer to try to shame you; I really want to hear a theory on it and evaluate it for myself. I can't say I've heard an actual theory yet.
Try getting on the money line.
Or just read, "Foundations: Their Power and Influence" by Rene M. Wormser, general council to a much re-needed congressional investigation into the anti-American activities of the tax-free foundations.
It's a short read, but very deft in its wording with a whiff of that old fashioned British wit.
I'll look into it. Wonder if I can download it free somewhere.
if everyone was vaccinated you would have: ""herd immunity""
basically the vaccinated kids aren't as contagious so there would be less ill overall
Read other posts and stop assuming I am only worried about autism.
How can it affect brain development? the inferiority study (
It probably costs like $.39 from Amazon these days. And then you have a proper paper copy you can stuff in your backpack, maybe it has notes from the previous reader, and you can leaf through it easily instead of these stupid electronic thing.
Hell, maybe you could hit a nigger over the head with it, but it's such a small book I suspect probably not.
>I still think it's an immune response to society.
what do you mean by this?
Oh no, I know that argument. I was looking for you to defend a social contract or some bs. As in the other post:
you can still get the disease while vaccinated. so the herd immunity is a little silly.
its not the vaccine that is causing autism its the syrum that suspends the live/retarded virus. A cocktail of chemicals containing thermerisol
>Thimerosal is added to vials of vaccine that contain more than one dose (multi-dose vials) to prevent growth of germs, like bacteria and fungi. Introduction of bacteria and fungi has the potential to occur when a syringe needle enters a vial as a vaccine is being prepared for administration. Contamination by germs in a vaccine could cause severe local reactions, serious illness or death. In some vaccines, preservatives, including thimerosal, are added during the manufacturing process to prevent germ growth.
>Thimerosal contains ethylmercury
>The toxicity of ethylmercury as derives from thimerosal is not well studied, and for may years, studies of the analog methylmercury were used as a basis to predict the safety and estimate the risk of thimerosal use. Both the methyl- and ethylmercury species distribute to all body tissues, and cross the blood–brain barrier and the placental barrier. However, more recent evidence that appears summarised in an NIAID fact sheet on the use of thimerosol suggests that methylmercury is an inadequate reference compound for evaluating the toxicology of ethylmercury, because the two compounds differ significantly in the ratio of organic to inorganic mercury each produces in the brain, as well as in their individual tissue distributions and clearance rates.
>I am untrustworthy
Yeah, we can see the flag.
>Oh no, I know that argument. I was looking for you to defend a social contract or some bs.
the liberals believe it's your duty to participate in the "herd immunity" effort. This is like a social contract to them, for instance you can't visit school if you haven't fulfilled your part of the "contract".
Why visit that school?
Or is school choice a violation of herd mentality?
Autism is the human body's natural immune response to other people. People are douchebags, by and large. We've evolved a specific form of social retardation to keep people away from us. This gifted with this immune response are autists. Unfortunately, they're very open to suggestion if you can hold one's attention, and sometimes they become nazis and shitpost fascist ideas on Sup Forums.
^^^^ THIS ^^^^ Also , drug companies are legally immune and protected from damages that may occur. ( It pays to Lobby Congress ) . The practice of giving multiple vaccine at one time , and at an early age is a problem too. A childs immune system is barley working until 3 -4 years old , ( Said some Doc. on radio )
Gotta agree with:
And if I tell them to shove it? Anyways we are getting beside the point. I am looking for good arguments for or against. Not a social contract but proof that they aren't pushing dangerous snake oil.
Yea this worries me too. I read it in the past but can't recall the source. Do you have the source for why they can't be sued over a bad vaccine?
It sounds impressive. It's take a while to fact check. I'm not sure enough testing has been done to prove or disprove the actual chemical actions taking place within the brain. If it's known that this cocktail is the question mark, why don't they test? Are those who actually do this stuff for a living kinda even chuckling at the idea, or is there another reason why we don't have the answers to this?
the vaccination seriously lacks transparency. The vaccination fanboys are part of the problem, they ignore any concerns
> A childs immune system is barley working until 3 -4 years old , ( Said some Doc. on radio )
Can you really be this retarted?
Anti-vaxers are such niggers. Im glad your going to kill youself.
Dont recall , try Rollye James show archives or Caravan To Midnight show with John B. Wells . May have heard it there,
>And if I tell them to shove it?
I don't know how schools work in CanadiaLand, but here the idea is that the local community tells them what's what. If that doesn't work it goes to church schools or home schools or whatever else.
So the basic idea is whether or not any of the bullshit makes sense. And if you have your town being run in by illegal rapefugees who haven't been tested for horrible diseases before being allowed entry, then you only need to go down to your local university to find the exemptions.
And how does this contribute to the conversation?
And...... you went to Med. school .. where ?
In Australia. But im surprised your that picky because apparently if id told you id heard a doctor say it on the radio that would apparently be sufficient.
Im helping someone with subhuman critical thinking skills realise that they need to avoid wasting everyone's time. Go back to eating rice and driving badly.
What he meant to say is that the majority of an infant's ability to fight diseases comes from his mother's milk, but it happens anyway on its own, and it happens immediately. A strong immune system is critical for an infant's survival. We would have never lasted as a species if this was true. If children didn't have functioning immune systems until 3-4 years old, nearly all of them would die. Kids that eat dirt? Dead. Kids that put strange objects in their mouths continuously? Dead. ALL kids put things in their mouths. Whoever said that kids don't have good immune systems until three or four years old was clearly not a doctor, but a retarded person.
I should have worded that differently. The majority of the t-cells, kind of a natural vaccination, comes from the mother's milk, but the immune system works already, anyway.
>Go back to eating rice and driving badly.
A family member had the mumps about a year ago. He had the vaccine as a kid. Clearly it did not work at preventing it but he was not so sick that he could not go to work. The vaccine stopped the infection from getting too out of hand. The rest of us were fine as we also had the vaccine.
The reward far outstrips the risk. Even if vaccines cause autism it is worth the risk.
Also, since people with severe autism usually dont reproduce vaccines will breed out people with shit genetics. All the vaccine autism means is they would have gotten autism from the disease anyway.
Soft eugenics FTW.
Again with useless ad hominems. Bring something useful or find another thread.
Hardly a good incentive. And when is the last time you saw an unvaccinated person contract mumps, then take antibiotics? how do you know that your family member's vaccination did ANYTHING at all?
>I'm not sure enough testing has been done to prove or disprove
trips checks out
this happened to me. I got the mumps on one side of my face when I was 13 or so. I had been vaccinated when I was an infant for it. It was so weird that it was only on one side.
America has VICP a national (no fault) vaccine injury compensation program.
"The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is a no-fault alternative to the traditional legal system for resolving vaccine injury petitions.
It was created in the 1980s, after lawsuits against vaccine companies and health care providers threatened to cause vaccine shortages and reduce U.S. vaccination rates, which could have caused a resurgence of vaccine preventable diseases."
Any individual, of any age, who received a covered vaccine and believes he or she was injured as a result, can file a petition. Parents, legal guardians and legal representatives can file on behalf of children, disabled adults, and individuals who are deceased.
http: //
>The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent!" (About 1 Billion People!) Bill Gates
How much if we just glass the entire middle east?