The United States Military

> Hey you. Yeah, you, fucking degenerate sitting on the computer on a Friday night. Don't you get tired of this bullshit shit? Wasting away your best years, when you could be doing something better. Well I know a place where you can do some shit...


Mother fuckers all over the world think they have the upperhand, but the President of The United States is going to show them otherwise. We are in the beginning stages of a massive Military buildup, the likes of which not seen since the 1980s. Patriots willing to serve their nation, and answer the call of our President.

Currently, operations against the Islamic State have ramped up as they are a wounded animal trapped in a corner. Soon the forces of evil will be driven from the lands of Iraq, and Syria.

> " I would like to but I'm not an American"

Luckily for you, all you need is a green card and the ability to speak and write proper English. Information on how to obtain a US green card can be found here.

Keep in mind, due to Trump's immigration enforcement, DHS has cut green card acception to certain nations.

>Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.

If you are planning on enlisting, what branch are you looking to join? What Job are you interested in?





Other urls found in this thread:

> But what happens when ISIS is gone and only US and Russian proxies remain

Word on the DL is that Putin and Trump reached an 'agreement' on what will happen when ISIS is completely destroyed and all their territory taken back. What that agreement contains is classified but we will probably be seeing it unfold within the coming months.


> I don't want to die in a Korean Nuclear war

On the Korean Peninsula, operations have ramped up between the United States, South Korea, and Japan. Elite Tier 1 operators of the US Military are in preparation for 'The Order', in coordination with the Chinese Government. So the likely hood of a full-blown war seems non-existent.


LEL no one wants to capture children for you.

Sage this bullsheeit.

> Oy Vey, Yea goyim, go die for Israel. The military is for Cucks, the USA is the most evil nation in history. Did you know they genocided 800 Grillionz Native Americans?

/SG/ fags, and ANTIFA can go fuck themselves. All anti-military opinions are exactly what our enemies want you to believe. Divide and Conquer. Do not let (((them))) win.

>the most perfect meme ever
you magnificent bastards

What if I accidentally?

Fucking nigs

Accidentally shoot a negro?

/SG/ won't exist when your Meme Assad is dead

Fight with Kurds

Invade nations




I'm in the US military and I'm still sitting on the computer on a Friday night.

All veterans get free tendies and Sandwiches at the best place on earth.

All Russians must die.

Chechnya did nothing wrong.


US Aircraft carriers have McDonald's. You could litterally eat a big Mac and shoot Muslims and commies.

Meth. not even once

You also get to fuck women all over the world.

Japanese and Korean women love sucking GI Joe cock because Asian male penis is very tiny.

I want to join really bad but I'm too fat so oh well guess I'll just keep playing video games

I already spent 6 years in the Air Force building bombs, I'm good.

God speed. You can bet your ass I'll probably be among the first to be drafted.

I'm a leaf but I actually just applied for the CAF an hour ago.

my sides



loling if this serious.

join YPG instead kids


(((Fun))) fact:
20 Veterans commit suicide each day * 365 days = 7300 dead white Americans every fucking Year on US soil

Islamists BTFO, US (((Politicians))) are far more effective

almost seriously considered it yesterday but im a pussy who just likes to draw.
id be better off designing propaganda posters


They wouldn't let me in because of my lungs, I'd love the chance to Crusade but genetics denied me.

It kinda sucks for the most part but its worth it. And you're gonna wanna learn how to shoot n scoot before the civil war kicks off.

> Muh based Assad and Based Russia. Putin le savior of white race n shieee

Fucking Kremlincucks. Why are there like no /sg/ threads anymore?

the best part is the one when you die by commiting suicide and your wife continues to fuck niggers

>answer the call of the president.
Fuck you. Serve the constitution like you swore you would. not some jew puppet who wants you to make war because itll profit the gamblers behind it.

you got all mixed up there

putin is keeping his enemies close
while you keep your master schlong even closer, inside your mouth

heck you've been so long brainfucked jews both figuratively and literally, you barelly even ressemble normal person

>Why are there like no /sg/ threads anymore?

Who owns Sup Forums now?

I'm in the Army and am stationed in Hawaii.

go back to /k/ you fucking homo. we don't suck dicks here

>tfw paraplegics can now join enlist in the military
the baddest unit

>We are in the beginning stages of a massive Military buildup, the likes of which not seen since the 1980s. Patriots willing to serve their nation

Sounds like a huge waste of tax dollars.

Can I vote against it?

Fuck all you pro-military faggots. "Thou shalt not kill."

Hell yeah! Sign me up! I totally wanna go fight a war on "terror" and help line the pockets of the oil tycoons and pill pushers!

Shit, being a pawn for a billionaire sitting at home sounds like my idea of a good time!!!!

Those cucked mags though

genuinely made me laugh

Hes got your back and is on your back

I would only serve in one military: The British armed forces.

Don't get me wrong, I respect you Americans, but I am a bit of a patriot, and fighting in the military of a country that is not my own, even if they are our closest ally, doesn't sit right with me.

Unless you invade Argentina, in which case I'll immediately join.

How Amerika gonna fight dis?

for a long russia said it's ok for assad to go, but the stable gov must remain

us today still says that assad must be kicked out

probably that is some touching point
assad goes, "west mission accomplished" on tv, but no syrian "peaceful oppositon" gets to power

>your job revolves around ending the lives of non-whites and muslims
>get to shoot guns and learn fieldcraft for the happening, including how tactical rope tying for the day of the rope
>degeneracy pretty much not allowed in the military
>no women (if you're a combat job/SOF)
>free college when you get out so you don't have to take out (((student loans)))

Willing to bet most of the "lel ur dying for Israel" posts are nu-males who have never done a day of hard work in their life.

>want to join
>have extremely noticeable wheeze
what the fuck do i do bros