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This is too much. What the fuck ever happened to tolerance. Both sides act like fucking children when someone opposes their world view. Goddamn, i hate this timeline.
I want to see all Democrats in the public school/university system lined up and shot dead starting yesterday.
>The lawsuit claims the district brought suspended students before the student body at a "public shaming" session during which they were cursed and jeered.
>At a meeting later the same day, two suspended students were injured by an angry protester, according to the suit.
kek, they're gonna get reamed in court
>hey you liked this post we don't approve of so you're suspended
Social media was a mistake
Social media was a fucking mistake
Please take me back to pre 2007 internet
I've never agreed more with a post on this entire website.
2007 was when I remember the Internet going to shit too.
fuck the schools and fuck DemoRATS
>like something on the internet
>um sweetie you can't do that, time to attempt to ruin your life
>get sued
Fucking dipshit
prediction: it makes its way to the 9th circuit who says california dindu nuffin before gets taken up by the scotus and gorsuch slaps it down
>Big Bang Theory released making nerd culture hip and trendy
>faceberg launched
oh god please let this happen
probably the lower courts side with the students and the higher courts refuse to accept the appeal because free speech is one of the most litigated things in our nation's history. I'd honestly be shocked if it made it that far.
but if numerals then scotus victory
>tfw you're a white Californian construction worker that's fluent in Spanish
>When you're accused by a traitor white of being racist you only speak Spanish to HR
Seriously though, Mexican s have never accused me of racism when the stupid liberals traitor whites haul me to HR to whine about my jokes I speak Spanish and none of them understand it and let me go.
>Tfw wet back illegals are still better than traitor whites.
Always shoot traitor before an enemy because some spics are bro tier.
TBBT is irrelevant. Myspace/Facebook/Twitter/Reddit were the true cancer that did it in. It just made everything too accessible.
>TBBT is irrelevant
now it is, it used to be yuuuuge
They have reached to this level where they won't be stopped unless people shot them.
kek this happened to me
>hanging out with mexican-american friend
>we're talking about bitches
>fine as hell long legged Latina struts by
>say something along the lines of I wanna stick my finger in her taco
>3 days later I was reported to the supervisor by a white guy for racism
>when being questioned I ask bewildered and keep repeating "I don't know anything about that" in Spanish
>supervisor lets me go
>me and mexican bro fill a paperbag full of dog shit and splatter it all over white traitor's car
>accidentally get some dog shit all over my hand
>our faces when
we can reclaim the laws of the land now that we have a proper SCOTUS
No, TBBT never encouraged people to go get a Myspace. That shit was growing like cancer long before that show was even conceptualized.
People wanted a platform to attentionwhore on, and those sites I mentioned gave just that to them. That's when the Internet demographics changed beyond the point of no-return.
People use the Internet as a tool to extend their own vanity now. It used to be about anonymity, and a new culture. Now it's all carefully packaged for the normies.
I never said you were wrong, I merely said that TBBT helped make nerd culture trendy. Everything you say is factual.
so much this
>The lawsuit claims the district brought suspended students before the student body at a "public shaming" session during which they were cursed and jeered.
>At a meeting later the same day, two suspended students were injured by an angry protester, according to the suit. The four students seek unspecified damages and a court order removing the suspensions from their records.
This is fucking infuriating, I hope the school gets absolutely reamed. Exactly what kind of power does Trump have to step in and sort out these fuckers in the Berkeley area? Because government and school officials are basically making it open season on certain people and that's beyond fucked.
>Tolerating racism
Because the definition of racism has been perverted to the extent that if you're not 100% on board with whatever they say, then you're a "racist."
>Exactly what kind of power does Trump have to step in and sort out these fuckers in the Berkeley area?
Considering how often these retards blatantly violate the law, he can send the DoJ after them to basically wreck their shit for a generation.
In the south, there are still really insane hiring rules for universities and other public institutions, where you have to PROVE that you reached out to black people if you aren't offering the job to black people. There are anti-mask laws and really strict laws about rioting and group violence because of the klan. Shit like this will be coming to California soon if they aren't careful.
This fucking states retarded yo
>someday you'll get suspended or unaccepted for not having a social media account
I'm not mentally prepared for this
I understand what you mean, but liking caricatures of black people being lynched is a bit different
>The lawsuit claims the district brought suspended students before the student body at a "public shaming" session during which they were cursed and jeered.
>At a meeting later the same day, two suspended students were injured by an angry protester, according to the suit.
We are getting our own Cultural Revolution, complete with Red Guards.
If this happened, I will become either a hermit, mass murderer, or terrorist.
>they created literal struggle sessions
>they thought nothing would come of it
Rip in peace Cirno.
So where should the limit be set? Because according to most of Sup Forums, nothing is racist unless you're saying something mean about white men.
Shoo shoo.
Social media is the HIV of the digital age.
>get to say whatever you want about whites
>say blacks statistically commit more crimes than whites
>hate speech, wrongthink, reported for racism, life ruined due to hatefacts
jump off a fucking bridge you shill fuck.
For fucks sake you're a retard
It's racist to say "I want black people to get lynched" I don't see how you could possibly disagree with that
Just because it's racist doesn't mean you're not free to say that, but I have absolutely zero idea why you say that's not racist
I'm already looked at strangely for not being on every social media platform.
RIP Privacy
Start of human civilization - 2008.
I went to this highschool, graduated a few years back. Glad I got out when I did because honestly I could have been one of these kids. Anyways if you have questions about Albany High AMA
>both sides
Fuck off you chimp
oh my bad dog, I misread.
Literal struggle sessions holy fuck. Uncle Mao would be proud.
storytime us nigger
the only social media account I have is facebook and I haven't logged in for 2 years
Hanging niggers off lamppost is kinda racist
>where should the limit be set
Me lynching your nigger ass from a tree. Anything short of that is fair game.
I prefer the aesthetics of late 90s internet: jarring resources hogging gifs and shitty midis
It's not even that they suspended them though that's bad enough. It's that the students were apparently brought before the rest of the school for public shaming. Again, the school engaged in a fucking struggle session right out of Mao's little red playbook.
>A struggle session (simplified Chinese: 批斗会; traditional Chinese: 批鬥會; pinyin: Pī Dòu Huì) was a form of public humiliation and torture used by the Communist Party of China in the Mao Zedong era, particularly during the Cultural Revolution, to shape public opinion and to humiliate, persecute, or execute political rivals and class enemies.
>In general, the victim of a struggle session was forced to admit to various crimes before a crowd of people who would verbally and physically abuse the victim until he or she confessed. Struggle sessions were often held at the workplace of the accused, but were sometimes conducted in sports stadiums where large crowds would gather if the target was famous enough.
>The lawsuit claims the district brought suspended students before the student body at a "public shaming" session during which they were cursed and jeered.
>suspended students before the student body at a "public shaming" session during which they were cursed and jeered.
Full on Marxism in California schools.
I'd "LIKE" this post if I could.
>At a meeting later the same day, two suspended students were injured by an angry protester, according to the suit. The four students seek unspecified damages and a court order removing the suspensions from their records.
Keep pushing.
Because "racism" is a perfectly valid worldview, far moreso than "anti-racism".
He isn't saying that it is or isn't racist, he is saying that no matter what, all speech is free speech.
Zero tolerance implies a hatred though. You don't have a zero tolerance on things you like or love. In fact you only go as far as to have zero tolerance on things that you do hate. So what they're saying is they hate certain people for hating certain people and are trying to take the moral high ground at the same time.
These people are legitimate retards. What next, 'Don't bull or else!' posters. Fucking cretins.
Daily reminder that 3G internet service and smart phones are what made everything too accessible.
Even before smart phones really took off people were on Myspace. That shit was like a warm-up for Tumblr, the cancer of all cancers.
There are probably some jobs that throw your resume out if you don't have social media.
also checked
>both sides
Oh hey I went there too
Did you know they've started hanging a BLM sign in front of the middle school?
Its called freedom.
Fuck yeah! HR has no idea how to react when you speak another language. And fuck white traitors!
I'd hire you user.
I dont have a facebook and I am already unaccepted for it
>get called into HR for being "racist"
>heh, I bet this'll leave them speechless, I'll get off in no time
>spend the entire conversation speaking loud angry german at attention
Guaranteed free pass.
You make them play by their own rules. Everything whites say is racist? Throw it back at them. Make them tiptoe over every word they say.
That's a a struggle session. That's what Mao's red guard did to people they deemed non-kosher.
All I really need to say is that 40% of the school is asian, 30% is white. There's an asian student union. There is not and never will be a white student union. The city of Albany is right next to Berkeley so it shares pretty much all of their leftist values. I feel like I can't say to much without giving up my user status as I think there are more people in the Berkeley area that browse Sup Forums than I will ever be aware of.
That being said, I can provide insight into this story. These kids fucked up hard. It's not just about them being anti-liberal, they were doing roman salutes in the hall and making memes of black kids at the school being lynched and whatnot. Now everyone on here will think that makes them /ourguys/, and to some extent that's true. The only way they fucked up is by showing their power level irl and using their real social media accounts to spread these memes. An important thing to realize is that is you are a minor in the CA school system YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS. The school can and will search your social media accounts and people have gotten suspended for "cyber bullying" and stuff like that. If these guys were smart they would have done what I did, wait until graduation and then just shitpost on an anonymous tibetan sheep-hearding forum.
If anything this solidifies my belief that this current generation of teens, specifically the white ones, will be more conservative than any generation since the 40's. I went to Albany public schools all my life and as you would suspect it is a lot of "fuck whitey". I'm not a fan of PJW but he's right when he says conservatism will be the new counter-culture, and probably already is.
So basically in the end I could see myself being stupid and getting caught up in this shit if I were a few years younger. I didn't really get the redpill until after graduation. But whatever this story develops into I think will send a message to white highschoolers nationwide, and it's interesting it happened in my town.
I can't imagine the hell white kids in the AUSD are going through now. It's probably going to get worse.
Except you can find examples of Trumplings saying shit like that everyday on this board.
You know you have lost when you have to censor peoples thoughts and charge them with thought crimes.
I went there too, back in the day. Was once one of the nicest, most old timey high schools in CA. No big problems, no violence, almost no nogs. Nobody ever brought a gun to school. Stoners hung out on the median strip in front, everyone had a group they fit in with. No real pressure, no worries, the usual assortment of teachers--the funny, nice hippie art teacher, the old army guy history teacher, the drunk cat lady who taught creative writing, the pervy Spanish teacher who loved hanging with teen girls, the cultured French teacher who sponsored trips to l'opera, the jock math teacher who threw erasers at problem students, etc etc. It was classic Americana. Now, I guess, it's a fucking nightmare like everyplace else these days. Pity.
actually I try to act like a mental machine gun when someone opposes my world view
making them feel inferior and weak is the only thing I care about
>tfw Californian student
Atleast I'm in the north where things aren't really crazy
>mfw it took me over a year instead of a few months to get TS/SCI because investigators couldn't find me on social media
Jesus fucking christ. You know, Albany is like SF demographically--almost all Chinese/Asian and white. I'd guess white kids and parents are the ones flipping their shit about muh raycism.
Interesting post. In my day we never had any racially determined student unions at AHS. I think you are right about people in the Bay Area who browse Sup Forums; whenever we have CA regional threads all these anons pop up from Berkeley, SF, San Jose etc. My niece in WA state is 16 and redpilled as fuck, and believe me I had nothing to do with it! In fact she kind of helped redpill me even more by telling me the shit that goes on in her school. Now I hear all these horrors about my once-cool and mellow high school and it's heartbreaking. The worst thing we had to deal with was a couple of pedo teachers and word got around fast so they had trouble nabbing anyone, we were all wise to their crap. Everything was so fucking easy then. I wish you could've gone there when I did, user, I'm so sorry.
Weren't the kids playing at KKK/Nazi and hassling people Asians themselves? I heard they were Chinese.
Quality post.
I'll never understand how retarded leftists are. Do they lack the awareness to understand the consequences of the shit they do? Why do otherwise intelligent people implicitly support this fucking cult? There truly has to be a Satanic underpinning to this shit. It defies all logic and nature itself. It's just wrong on a moral level.
Commit suicide.
>Do they lack the awareness to understand the consequences of the shit they do
Yes. They do.
To some extent this is true of everyone though. We are seeing this pendulum swing to the right all over the world directly because of the excesses of the left over the last 20-30 years, and intensely for the last 10. They pushed too hard. They slid straight into the brutal intolerance they claimed to hate and they didn't even see it.
As we ascend to greater heights of power ourselves, we must be careful not to do the same. If we can strike a balance, we can maintain essential control and guidance of society forever. If we push too hard, take too much revenge, eventually the pendulum will swing again and a leftist revolt will take shape and overcome us as we are overcoming the left right now.
Food for thought.
>school full of asians
>does a struggle session
jesus christ
Holy fuck this is my alma mater. Can confirm it is nothing but liberal cucks everywhere.
Of the 4, three are Chinese, only 1 white
>That feeling when actual lines of racial alliance are being drawn, and the Ancient might of China plus the samurais are on the side of the light, against the creeping, cloying darkness
It's a suburb of Berkeley, essentially, kek. So yes.
>Of the 4, three are Chinese, only 1 white
>>That feeling when actual lines of racial alliance are being drawn, and the Ancient might of China plus the samurais are on the side of the light, against the creeping, cloying darkness
This. So much this.
>No archive
Thanks OP you fucking kike cunt.
no clue about the race of the teenage nazi larpers, obviously I'd assume they're white though. There were still stories of pedo teachers in the AUSD when I was going there too, fucking bay area man. I don't want to raise my kids here, I don't think I can find my wife here. I'm in the bay until I get my Bachelor's then I'm outta this hellhole.
Marin reporting in
Why study and get a job when you can bait Universities to chastise you and be set for life?
>Parents flee China to escape communist tyranny
>Kids get humiliated in a struggle session
It's like poetry, it rhymes.
I could see Albany High being the perfect environment for getting asians and whites to ally against the spics and niggers. Most of /r9k/ teir autists were asian and I can't see them being happy around a lot of the wanna-be-thug shitskins that walk the halls. And the white students are probably tired of literally every class shoehorning some white privilege bullshit into it that I think they'll start to wake up
please kim jong un, nuke california first
I'm from berkeley
closet racist, except asians, they're cool
I like some middle-easterners too, yemenis specially. Hate turks tho.
trying to redpill my gf but it's hard.
Just take a LinkedIn account, it's entirely professional so it's not like it'll get you in trouble for liking the "wrong" thing
>im from berkeley
then you are already a cuck
>I like middle-easterns
fuck off derka derka mohammed