Hey Sup Forums new around here and would really like an unironic description of how the site as a collective sees the world? There seems to be a common narrative and though I can pick through the layers of 'tism and irony I'd like to be "red pilled" and see a lot of different perspectives.
Hey Sup Forums new around here and would really like an unironic description of how the site as a collective sees the...
Other urls found in this thread:
1. fuck off newfag
2. lurk for years
3. study history
Sup Forums is a board of peace and tolerance, hence why we have flags so that we can associate with each other around the world to learn and appreciate other's cultures. Redditors raid us and false flag to make us look bad. If you want to true masters of the alt-right and the final boss of the internet go to r/the_donald
Been lurking for dayz thought I'd try to cheat
Reddit sucks
I like a lot of the points made in this group and it's great to see perspectives of others from other cultures I just also notice there a lot of "race baiting" and most seems really ironic but I also get tired of it and would rather discuss other issues or at least read other issues. Is that a diversion to ward off thin skinned sjws or just infiltration from altright people who guess anyone who doesn't like the limiting of free speech as one of their own or am I just over thinking it?
90% of Sup Forums believes in tribalism
not a collective in any sense. try lurking for 10 minutes.
There are racists and there are race realists here. I k now you said you don't want to talk about it but you brought it up so I am going to respond.
I was going to add that of course there is not a blatant unison but there is somewhat a common concensus.
OK yes this is true though I'd also go to say that it's more culture orientated than an actual racial thing. And it's not that it shouldn't be discussed it's just that it seems to be 75% of the topics here
>it's just that it seems to be 75% of the topics here
white people are disappearing
we'll be an endangered and persecuted minority by the end of the century
forgive us for talking about it so much though
learn to crop
>Sup Forums is one person
Fuck you
Sup Forums isn't a collective. We don't have a collective opinion.
This is also true. Now is it thought to be intentionally brought about to bring about a more compliant society by the "NWO"? If so who is the NWO? Is it just because whites tend to be more responsible and reproduce less and make sure that those we have are given what they actually need to have a decent human experience?
I understand that in most cases 2 people will never have the exact same views but there does seem to be a rather large blanket that would be a Sup Forums "ideology"
>getting tired of the ironic "race baiting" on Sup Forums
wew lad, maybe you should find another board, it's really shit here, you would not enjoy it or want to stay for long
One thing most people don't tell you about /pol is we're actually just a bunch of mormons pretending to be Nazi's. Did you ever wonder why there's only about 20-40 thousand actual active posters here? That's about how many mormon kids are on mission on any given year.
Skeptically and generally contrarian with a mind to find out the truth in any situation that is left unexplored by other communities.
If you believe that, then you haven't lurked enough.
just in case your actually being serious, you probably won't fit in here if you say stuff like "race baiting"
I could potentially get down with that. I think we subconsciously do this as a species already.
It's a combination of factors, including but not limited to:
>multicultural and anti-racist propaganda = increased miscegenation = disappearance of the white race (see brazilian pardos)
>feminization of the white male + radicalization of the feminist white female = deterioration of possible white couples
>advanced capitalist society + cultural degeneracy + personal responsibility = lower birth rates
>living in the western bubble = lack of knowledge about the rest of the world and their living conditions and birth rates
>liberal gullibility = no idea of how much other races hate us + no idea of how we'd be treated as a minority + no idea of how bad of an idea it is to hand out power to outsiders
>lack of history knowledge = believing history is somehow over and the world is done seeing entire people's being conquered / genocided / phased out of existence
Ehh more of trying to provoke responses to get opinions not layered with irony. I was fully aware this post would be shat on. But I also knew I'd get some decent responses mixed in. I can wade through the shit to recieve other people's opinions and laugh at the attempts to insult my noobish behavior
True I mean it's obvious that the Muslim refugee crisis is an invasion to trick white societies who try to play the hero to take them in and get turned into a new pile of shit for Muslims to occupy. It's also funny because are we not already a minority on a global scale? Yet how much of the modern world did we set up? Even contributions from non-whites are influenced by whites and generally live and follow a white culture.