I dont understand this place
why do you unironically and sincerely hate people you've never met based on their skin color?
Surely you can do better things with your time
I dont understand this place
why do you unironically and sincerely hate people you've never met based on their skin color?
Surely you can do better things with your time
Through the power of kek all things are possible..
You just gave me cancer, nice job...
Because I've met a bunch of them and absolutely all of them are the exact same so it's safe to generalize that the majority - if not absolutely all of them - are identical.
you are one stupid bastard.
Then leave also I have met niggers and Jews and i hated them before I came here
Lurk longer if you truly want an answer to that.
Kill all Shitposting. Anti supreme tumblewhales.. go back to tumblr for feel goods faggot
No, we cannot. Now go change that tampon, you're leaking, whore
What did they do to you to make you racist?
Did they mug you, or beat you up or something?
I cannot think of anything someone can do to make me hate their entire race and existence. That is such a waste of time, dont you think?
I don't hate other people I have never met based on their skin color
I hate people based on their actions, regardless of their skin color
I don't hate the individuals but I recognize that as a group they are net negatives
Race isn't skin color you fucking nigger
>pol is one person
I like and respect decent, hardworking people of all racial and cultural backgrounds.
They hate us.
I've never been with a girl, never had a job, no friends. I turn 40 next week. I have to hate people who are worse than me.
Fuck Drumf and fuck white people
Skin color is race though
I'm saying this as a practical layman normie
How's toilet training going?
>Met every race except Lithuanian and Mongolian.
>Been shot twice
>Once by a black while I was on duty
>Once by a Mexican while I was on duty
>Had to treat dozens of women raped by blacks
>Had to treat dozens of women raped by Mexicans
>Russian woman tried to Molotov my house (vodka bottle didn't break, just burned my lawn a bit)
>Shot and killed a Czech shooting at me (Justified, got a medal)
>A drunk Japanese businessman tried to lick me at an airport
Yeah... I don't know why I am leery of other races.
I don't hate them, I just think they're not as good as me and that bringing millions of them into our societies is a bad idea.
>why do you unironically and sincerely hate people you've never met based on their skin color?
because of the people i have met with the same skin color
Stay here for a week or catch the nigger/Jews hate threads to get redpilled, pic related, now go fuck yourself stupid cunt, scram.
>based on skin color
lurk moar or shill better.
I unironically and sincerely hate people I've never met based on their personal beliefs and actions.
Skin color correlates with race, it isn't race. Race is everything you inherit from your ancestors, skin color, personality, thought forms, height, all of it.
If you want feels good from Sup Forums you need to do a few things.
Step one OP. Put down oreos n pick up fat ass..
step two make fat way down to poor treadmill.
Step on the poor bastard and hear his screams as you beat and trample about on his back whaling about HWNDU and how many other genders there could exist.
Step 3 stop thinking of yourself as individual and give in to norms.
Step four keep gym and get hot. You aren't going to need a nice body when all those shit fem wears off.
Step whatever.. post nudes and talk about how you want kek in your keuket..
step 1776 be a badass
A supreme wizard, what a rare treat!
ill give you the truth, even though you clearly dont deserve it
>its all a big joke
>95% of the people here aren't serious (or, when they are, they exaggerate for effect)
I actually did get robbed and stabbed by a pack of niggers but I hated them before that my small city was nice and peaceful until about 10 years ago when niggers started moving up here en masse and started committing a bunch of crimes sold heroin and generally turned my town into a shitthole
Look, reality is reality. Sure there are some good minorities but for every LE BASED BLACKMAN there are 100 that are very not fucking based
"muh skin color"
I hate people of other races for things closely related to genetic factors; Crime rate, quality of life and other social standards. Not because "Jamal got him some DARKASS skin, hyuck."
Are you a cop ?
a pack of them stormed into my dad's restaurant and held him hostage which forced us to close down because they took all of our money and so I am now living in a shitty apartment so yes I fucken hate Niggers
Oh my sweet summer child
Leave. If you're coming here knowing Sup Forums and its reputation you shouldn't have to ask that.
So true. Not worth any of them.
hey im just being real
if shia labeoufs stupid idiot retard HWNDU proved anything, its that (1) pol is largely chinks & other various filth (2) the key difference between Sup Forums and its opposition is that Sup Forums has a sense of humour
we arent white supremacists. notice how whenever we get a smell of reporters, everyone gets their swastikas out. its all for show. because its hilarious
how are those wizard powers?
>why do you unironically and sincerely hate people you've never met based on their skin color?
Statistics, cultural study and personal experience you supersized faggot
damnit, sorry
Niggers are robotic
get the fuck out and leave your pepe with us, you don't deserve to wield such power
Or maybe if you get a cross section for a userbase that is near a population center full of non-whites you can quickly find non-whtie outliers
I was talking about (You)
Not hate. Distrust with a pinch of antipathy and dash of impatience
You should watch this movie called American History X . I think any smart person will see why racism is bad. I think we are all just trying to live good lives, and people are genuinely good if you open up to them. Life isn't a scary place where who aren't your same skin color are trying to kill you
Love for your own people ≠ hate for other races faggot
Fuck off, we're full
here's your (You)
epic thread by the way
I'm not racist I just come here because I'm a gigantic piece of shit and like the chaos.
Kek. Op's Pepe weilds very little power in comparison to the majority on my hard drive
A nigger kills this guy a second after he says this
Never relax around blax
Watch a kike movie about degenerate (((neo-nazis))) goy.
lol well youre a retard then if you think most people on pol are racist (in the manner that whiny liberal racist bitches use it)
I won't meet all of them so why judge individually? The stats for their collective baboon era is out there. They are also the supreme retards of this planet.
I also don't understand why racism is bad. Can you give a good reason why I should support an outgroup?
If you're trying to be funny I have to commend you but you are seriously lost and delusional if you think people on Sup Forums are not very sincerely racist, I'm starting to think that nu/pol/ kids don't realize how small (and new) of a userbase they are,
Dam hippies trying to lick the toad...
Why don't you be a good go- guy and just watch it user??
This, U can be happy if come out from the fear Sup Forums
Easy for you to say faggot you definitely live in an all white community where you're not forced to deal with these subhumans on a daily basis. Hatred isn't some abstract for me it's an ingrained survival mechanism at this point
>Directed by (((Tony Kaye))).
>Surely a jew wouldn't be biased when it comes to anything Nazi related.
Ye nah
>why do you unironically and sincerely hate people you've never met based on their skin color?
muuhh white priviledge
muuhh white male rape culture
got a mirror, newfag?
Stop replying to bait.
I don't hate an individual for how they are born and I'd never act disrespectful towards someone solely based on their heritage.
I judge them on how they act and they tend to act like idiots and scum. If we'd just kick criminal foreigners out without a pardon we wouldn't be in this mess.
Also I have watched and the ending does nothing to rebuke any point any of us have made
well it begs the question what "racist" even means. i believe in biological differences in intelligence and soforth, for example with the answer to the question "how come every place where mostly black people live sucks?". and im sure some whiny liberal cunts would label me racist for this, but nothing in my way of thinking about this makes me think "whites are good blacks are bad". and although maybe 95% is a bit high, i absolutely stand by my claim that the majority of Sup Forums-users arent racist in the stormfront-sense of the word
never when a Sup Forums-user reveals himself in real life is it an actual stormfront motherfucker. its usually some beta
>I think we are all just trying to live good lives,
Then why do rich black areas have much more crime than poor white areas?
Was. Second shooting "retired" me.
Seent. I hate Edward Norton.
>I think any smart person will see why racism is bad. I think we are all just trying to live good lives, and people are genuinely good if you open up to them.
I think any product of human creation is nothing but a means to hate, envy or destroy ourselves.
niggers will never stop nigging
I work customer service at a store in a rough neighborhood and every single person have been either a dick or super nice completely regardless on whether or not they are black or white.
OP hasn't met many niggers. I wasn't racist. They made me into a racist with their niggery niggerdom.
Call centre manager increase your overtime, Pajeet?
why do you unironically and sincerely like people you've never met based on their skin color?
It's the content of their character that makes us hate them.
Actually no, they were all fresh from the_donald. Look race is real, the election was evidence of that. The fact we are all cooperating to a degree is only true to the degree that society is able to remain decently stable. Say we have an economic crash tomorrow and millions of people lose their jobs? What happens when the social contract collapses and mutiple culture are struggling to survive? You have the LA riots where asians are protecting themselves from hoards of blacks you beat up passing white guys. You are way to naive and have been watching too many hollywood movies my friend.
Go to Somalia and tell me if you find any nice people you blue pilled fuck
>Was. Second shooting "retired" me
Ah sorry to hear thank you for your service
Threadly reminder that Sup Forums is 90% minorities, the very minorities they love to hate.
But hey, at least you're tangentially white, aren't ya pal? Fucking cucks lmao
I don't, Sup Forums is not 1 person.
Sure you do dipshit
>t. mexican intellectual
nothing i said disagrees with that, and nothing you just said suggests that anyone is racist
i mean 90% of all people (and 100% of all white people) are racist according to liberals, but im just being real. Sup Forums is a long way from stormfront, despite what you want to believe