Even Superman doesn't want a wall...
Even Superman doesn't want a wall
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That's because Superman is an illegal alien.
Lex Luthor did nothing wrong.
lex luther was based af
Superman is a nigger. Batman is the only true superhero and he supports walled border
and even then he still managed to renounce his us citizenship, he gets no say
Why is the wall in Brooklyn?
Why the fuck is there a wall in the ocean?
fuck your thread bitch and fuck jews
Superman is jew shit.
Superman also renounced his American citizenship, so he doesn't get a say in whether we defend our borders or not.
Lex is not a bad guy, he even have had helped Justice League on many occasions. His concerns about Superman are legit.
To keep the SJWs out.
>superman influencing politics
you have to go back
You know, you're an alright Indian Raj.
So Superman is against the ocean wall around New York keeping Aquaman out?
because fuck atlantis
>Muh Superman.
>Muh Superhero.
Should we really be fucking looking to bad fictional characters as our building blocks?
Think about it.
>Joker has killed 1000's of people.
>Batman's bright idea is to just keep locking him up.
>Whoops, killed another 30 escaping bats, and 20 innocent families, whoops im so silly hope I dont get locked up again.
Rinse and repeat.
>Superman lets a being live that killed dozens.
By this standard, murders have even more right to exist because a super hero will be there to welcome them to the club.
>Even Superman doesn't want a wall...
Superman is fiction
The photo gives me an idea
We should built replica statues of liberty on the American side to taunt 3rd world Mexicans.
It would prolly piss them off and fuck with their morale
>pop culture references
>Building a wall around new york harbour
To keep jews out
Came here to post this. illegal aliens not wanting a wall isn't much of a surprise
>new york
>breaking sea wall
Good to see superman wants to see yorkers drown
>tfw superman becomes the supreme border-control, stopping all spics in their tracks.
sweet normie post faggot
comics are jewish
In the Action Comics 1 Superman kills a Jew lobbyist who bribes a senator to get the US involved in Europe.
He's not from this planet he has to back
super man was literally made by jews
oh shit. welp. too bad our democracy is dictated by bad comic book art. sorry guys. no wall.
you go that right
What would a wall do when most illegals come from visas?
You can go "oh it worked in Slovakia" or which ever country, which may be true, but those immigrants were literally coming over the border by foot.
I can't see the wall as anything but an expensive symbol
This lol makes this shit even funnier
>superman fights evil by destroying taxpayer-funded infrastructure
The argument the left is supposed to make is that the upfront cost of constructing a wall outweighs the benefits of stopping people from crossing the border by foot. What is there to gain from demolishing it after the fact?
wtf i hate drumpf now!
fuck that fuccboi
Is young justice Sup Forums approved?
This is gold
I never knew that Trump will build a wall in front of the statue of liberty, that drawing is good, but it's pretty dumb to put it as if it's from of the statue.
Stop the press. The jewper man doesn't want the wall.
tell me why superman would be defending people jumping the border illegally
you dumb spic fuck
>Why is there a wall in New York
>Even Superman doesn't want a wall...
Let us know when you have an argument that doesn't revolve around Jewish-created fictional characters, okay?
liberals want Mexicans to flow into the US. Its fucking sad
Replace Superman with anyone and you can say the same thing. Your point is irrelevant.
superman should watch some cartel webms. or he should have saved those teenagers that MS-13 tortured and killed.
oh wait, he's a numale mouthpiece and doesnt exist
Superman is gay, Lois is a tranny who's birth name is Louis Lane
Everyone knows global warming causes the sea level to rise.
>character created by two jews doesn't want a wall
Her pedestal poem should say: Give me your best who have gone through the proper channels and immigrated legally.
This is the reason I hate superheroes. They're all fucking retarded.
Nah, we should build one for France when Le Pen wins.
Superman is an illegal alien.....fuck what he wants.
>Even Superman doesn't want a wall...
Superman is a Jewish shill.
the wall is for MEXICO not NEW YORK, supercuck
Bend over white boys
India superpower when?
there is no wall built over new york, how stupid are these kikes?
oh my, known propaganda tool is being used for propaganda, how shocking
>that pic
Oh give me a fucking break
Byrne redid it so that superman was put into an artificial womb so that he could be "born" on Earth.
He's an Earthling by name, even if his race is Kryptonian.
This is neither here nor there though, just some tumblr virtue signalling "art" piece.
His illegal ass needs to get deported. He has to go back.