ITT you can only post if your country has had the same government for at least 100 years.
ITT you can only post if your country has had the same government for at least 100 years
I was looking into this one time. I'm pretty sure the USA is the 2nd oldest government in the world. I could only find 1 other that was older and I forget who it was.
Every other country has undergone at least one major upheaval (major reforming of government) since we were founded.
>100 years
Well I guess, when was the Federal Reserve established?
>implying the US govt wasn't changed beyond recognition by Wilson and then again by Truman
I believe that was 1913
Dammit, 1 more year
i looked it up, was it san marino?
>implying the roman republic wasn't changed beyond recognition by sulla and then again pompey
Does this mean we get a civil war soon?
We're already in one. Our guys are fighting our CIA guys in Syria.